Aegis from Persona 3 (Art Works Version)

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

I was surprised when I learned that Alter was making another Aegis figure. They’d already done a figure of Aegis and their current catalog is mostly focused on popular, recent anime – Strike Witches, Bakemonogatari, K-On! and Railgun in their time, and so on. And though Persona 3 is a great game, it feels like it’s been overshadowed and overwhelmed by its sequel. While Persona 3 spawned a derivative and mostly-forgotten anime series, Persona 4 received a direct anime adaptation, on top of getting a fighting game developed by Arc System Works (to be fair, a few Persona 3 characters will be appearing in that game). And while several Persona 4 characters – such as Teddie, Nanako, and every female member of the player’s party – seem to be fan favorites, you don’t really hear anybody wax rhapsodically about Yukari or Ken. Me, personally, I like Persona 3 much more than Persona 4, so I’m glad that Alter chose Aegis once more.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

Unlike Alter’s earlier figure, this version of Aegis is made in 1/6 scale – a bit surprising since Alter doesn’t make many figures that large. However, this is not even the first time Alter’s followed up a 1/8 scale figure of a sexy female combat android RPG heroine with a 1/6 scale one; they did a couple of 1/8 scale versions of KOS-MOS before making a 1/6 scale figure of her, albeit in a bikini. At any rate, the big size of this figure is one thing I really like about it. Aegis is about 28 centimeters tall, giving her a very impressive shelf presence.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

One of the other things I really like about this figure is that minimal setup is necessary to get her ready for display. She comes with just two parts – the figure and the base. Snap the figure into the base and bam, you’re done. I suppose I wouldn’t have minded if she came with an optional arm accessory to replace her right arm with a rifle – I liked that look for her in the video game – but then again, it probably would look silly given her pose.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

As the figure’s title suggests, this figure is based off of an illustration by Shigenori Soejima, the character designer and art director for Persona 3 and 4. I’ve been a fan of his artwork for a while, ever since I saw his illustrations for a relatively obscure PlayStation 2 tactical RPG called Stella Deus. I loved the art style of that game, so much so that I intended to buy it solely on the attractiveness of its cover. However, I was apprehensive of the lack of Japanese voices, and I wrote a post on Atlus’s forum asking whether they’d consider including the original voice track and suggesting that my purchasing decision would be influenced by the voice acting. An Atlus forum rep wrote back and suggested I ought to find a new hobby if I actually cared about voices in video games. Upon its release, Stella Deus received mediocre reviews, with many critiques commenting on the poor voice acting. I didn’t pick it up then; faced with Atlus’s arrogance and indifference, I resolved to boycott their games. I later bought Stella Deus really cheaply out of the used game bin at a local Gamestop.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

My boycott lasted only a couple of years, when I picked up Persona 3. While Atlus didn’t include the Japanese voices – and to my knowledge, they generally don’t with any of their games – they did, to their credit, make a much stronger effort at giving the game a high-quality localization. I also picked up Persona 3 FES when it came out and loved it, so much so that it’d probably be fifth on my list of all-time favorite RPGs (right behind Phantasy Star II, Wasteland, Baldur’s Gate, and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic). I even bought a PSP mostly to play Persona 3 Portable. Conversely, I still haven’t beaten Persona 4 (though I’m pretty close to the end and I know who the boss bad guy is, because it was revealed in the artbook that Atlus included with preorders. Thanks, Atlus.) and I don’t like the characters quite as much; in particular, I dislike Nanako (because I don’t like little kids in my video games) and I really don’t like Teddie. I like the Persona 3 characters quite a bit more – or rather, I like the starting party members quite a bit more, since I never bothered using Ken or the dog. Admittedly, despite my affection for Mitsuru, I frequently rolled my eyes and stared at the ceiling whenever she busted out Marin Karin, which was often at the most inopportune times.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

Aegis was my favorite character in the game, though – I have a thing for quiet, emotionless female characters, and I also have a thing for sexy female cyborgs and androids. A lot of people must feel the same way as me because Aegis has gotten quite a few figures – two from Alter, a couple from Cospa – also based direclty off of Soejima’s artwork, a Kotobukiya one, (probably) an upcoming maid figure by REFLECT, and several action figures, including a couple of Figmas. Atlus has also recognized her popularity since she becomes the main character of Persona 3’s epilogue segment, and she was quickly announced as a playable character in Persona 4 Arena.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

The character designs for Persona 3 and 4 are heavily influenced by the conventions of anime – big eyes, big heads, relatively small torsos and slender limbs – but this figure of Aegis features much more realistic proportions than is the norm. Aegis’s head is about human-sized and while her legs are quite long, her body build looks much more like a grown adult rather than an adolescent, which is what she resembled in the game.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

This realism extends to her facial features as well. While her eyes are still big, she’s unusual in that she has a normally-sized nose rather than a small pointed stub like so many anime figures, and she’s particularly unusual in that her lips are a highlight of her design. Lips are seldom a focus point in anime character design, and they seem to show up most often on older characters. I have to admit, I was quite worried when I saw the painted prototype of this figure; I didn’t think her lips looked very attractive. In fact, I thought some of the promo photos made her look like the Joker from Batman; the red slash of her mouth and the flat look of her face didn’t seem very appealing.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

However, my initial impression was as completely wrong as it could possibly be. Aegis’s face is gorgeous and the promo photos weren’t too successful in conveying how beautiful her lips are. Their inclusion here goes a long way in making Aegis look older than she usually does, and though she has just a small smile on her face, her lips are sensuous and her expression is enigmatic. Alter has done a fantastic job with giving Aegis a very unique look.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

Another aspect of this figure that sets it apart is its complexity. The level of detail included in Aegis’s sculpt is absolutely astonishing. A cursory glance at pictures shows just how accurate this figure is to her design.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

I particularly like how the metallic golden paint contrasts with the matte white color of her body shell.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

I also really like how the white covering looks both rigid yet elastic. Wrinkles are visible at her joints, giving it the appearance of clothing, but the damage on her right thigh gives it the appearance of protective polymer.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

Even tiny, inconsequential details are not overlooked. This knob on her left forearm is maybe a few millimeters in diameter and one or two millimeters in height – and yet it features rows of knurls on its exterior surface. How many figure makers would go through the trouble of achieving this level of detail and realism? How many even have the capability to do so?

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

I suppose the one quibble I might have is that they used a faux-transparent material to craft Aegis’s hair. It doesn’t look bad at all in real life, but perhaps a more matte look might’ve been preferable. It calls to mind Alter’s original figure of KOS-MOS; I remember being disappointed that they used a transparent material for her hair rather than the solid powder blue color present in all her promo photos.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

I guess another quibble – an unfair one but one that should probably be mentioned – is that her character design doesn’t offer much to satisfy backside fans. Fans of feet aren’t going to be too pleased either, since her feet are more like hooves. I don’t know how many people are fans of feet but I know that there’s one coaching a professional football team in the United States, so perhaps it’s more common a fetish than I imagine.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

But in all seriousness, I don’t think there’s anything negative I can say about this figure. It’s amazing, one of the finest figures I’ve ever seen. That it’s of a character that I like is a great bonus, as is its size. I think Alter is the best figure maker out there but with Aegis, they’ve surpassed even their own august standards.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

When you’re packing firepower in the form of an M41A pulse rifle – ten millimeter with over-and-under thirty millimeter pump action grenade launcher – who needs Palladion?

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review

The sinuous, slithery, seductive tentacle stand loves all women, whether they be flesh and blood or stainless steel and circuit boards.

Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
Aegis from Persona 3 Figure Review
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48 Responses to Aegis from Persona 3 (Art Works Version)

  1. Asa says:

    Finally, we get to see some tentacle action! I tip my hat to you, good sir.

    In all seriousness though, she does look to be a gorgeous figure. Not entirely my kettle of fish (why does she have no weapons, pfft) plus the steampunk kind of joints are a little offputting to me, personally. I’m not a fan of joints, and these ones don’t even move (I assume) so they’re useless joints, at that!

    But I suppose it’s capturing the original character, so in that it is excellent. Not that I know the character because I’ve never even heard of her or the games, but I do approve of faithful adaptations. Not to mention Alter’s superb craftsmanship. They never cease to amaze me in their high standards.

    I don’t, however, see the gripe with the transparent hair. I have Alter’s 1/8 Kos-Mos, with the translucent blue hair and I think it looks fine. I also think the hair on this looks fine. Though since it ends up being glossy, it can be a pain to light for shooting. Glossy finishes are the devil’s panties.

    • Break says:

      if you kenw the character, she doe shave weapons– her fingers are guns. talk about practical xD the ammo is in ehr wrists, you can even see it here

      i can understand why alter gave KOS-MOS glossy hair since it looks glowing in the game itself, but i wodner why they did it with aigis. maybe to nderline that shes a robot?but her hair and face are supposed to be realistic enough to fool people into believing her to be human, so i dnt think tis really appropiate to do it like that.. but well, its okay i guess.

    • Tier says:

      The tentacle stand doesn’t get nearly enough use. Though it’d probably get a lot more use if it weren’t so greasy.

      I don’t mind joints, depending on what sort of joints they are. In this case, I think they look really cool, since Aegis is a robot. I’m okay with them if they’re on dolls (i.e., actual dolls). I’m less fond of them in most other cases (i.e., Busou Shinki artwork).

      My beef with KOS-MOS’s transparent hair stems from the fact that it was the first figure I ever preordered and the first Alter figure I ever bought, and I was very much looking forward to it, principally because the promo photos looked incredible. When I got the figure, I found out they had made her hair transparent and I had no idea why, since the solid-coiored hair in the promo photos looked fantastic. The transparent hair didn’t look bad, and that KOS-MOS figure is still one of my favorites, but I dislike it when I preorder a figure and the production figure is substantially changed from what was originally shown.

  2. Break says:

    great! i als ordered her, but with a shop that isnt stationed in japan so she coems in a few weeks/months later and i havent received a payment notice yet.. (getting impatient)…

    yes, but its nto as surprising a soyu may think; while many fans like p4, p3 is alos a fan favourite. and while the formula is generally P3= better story, P4=better gameplay, characters (though P3 has some gems in that regard), Aigis is an absolute Fan-favourite of Perosna-Fans, similar to how Alice (the persona/demon) is a fan-favourtie among Shin Megami tensei and Perosna Fans too. ah cant wait to get her!

    • Tier says:

      Me, I think my favorite Persona (by looks) is either Angel or Lilith. I have to admire a woman who wears nothing but a snake.

      • Break says:

        angel is nice, but honetsöy i really dislike lilith’s hairstyle. i really like alice, thanathos and Helel, though. oh an dMara. Mara is cult, cant go without Mara! you should really get aMara Figure to go with your Tentacle Stand XD or as Harem Master for your girls^^

        its sort of unsettling that Satan has 6 boobs in the shin megami tensei/Persona design, though.

  3. Aya says:

    I enjoy your pictures and this figure, there is only one little issue about it.I wish that she has long, flowing hair.Would make her even more great, than she is already.Thats the only reason why I preordered Racing Miku, because of her Hair 😀

    • Tier says:

      Racing Miku looks fantastic; I probably ought to preorder that figure already. Yeah, I remember when I started playing Persona 3 that I was a bit disappointed that most of the characters had short hair; I like anime girls with longer hair but Yukari, Fuuka, and Aegis (and Elizabeth) all had pretty short hair. I recall that the little artbook included with P3 FES had some design sketches and that I liked some of them better than the final designs for some of the characters.

  4. Ashlotte says:

    Atlus has a long standing and frankly baffling history of refusing to include original japanese voice tracks…I honestly don’t know why they do it. I know for a fact it cost them several sales of Catherine from people I know not wanting to get it for that reason alone where they basically said “Go fuck yourself import it if you really want the Japanese”…

    Anyway as for the figure I’m a huge robo girl fan but unlike yourself I never did like Aegis in personality and more importantly design. Something about her just didn’t appeal to me at all despite those great exposed metal bits…Maybe it was her face because I really am not a fan of the face on this figure. Same with her sister.

    On the flip-side though I really really like how Labrys looks in the upcoming fighting game and am praying that she gets a figure!

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I don’t really get it, either. It’s sort of a shame, since more forward-thinking companies like Aksys and NIS seem to have no problems including the Japanese voice tracks for their games. It sounds like they haven’t changed much in terms of customer interaction.

      Incidentally, this brings to mind that I wasn’t a huge fan of Metis, mainly because her voice reminded me of that one ganguro girl in the main storyline of Persona 3. And probably also because the FES epilogue wasn’t nearly as fun to play as the main game.

  5. Aka says:

    My first thought…

    Second thought, she’s huuuge! I forgot she was 1/6th when I ordered her and upon removing her from her AmiAmi shipping container prison I had this suddenly realization… I have no where to put her because she’s so large. Thus she’s stayed in her manufacturer provided transport pod, complete with moon roof.

    Fortunately or unfortunately I know next to nothing about Aegis and bought her entirely on the fact that she looked amazingly well done.

    More tentacles, always more. Can you find smaller tentacles? You should find smaller tentacles.

    • Tier says:

      That is pretty good advice; presumably Aegis’s outer shell can be peeled back but one wonders what manner of moving parts are hidden inside her casing.

      I think that’s a pretty good reason to buy a figure. Some people say that they never buy a figure of a character they aren’t familiar with, and some people go further and say they cannot understand it when other people buy figures of characters they are unfamiliar with. Me, I think that there are so many terrible characters in anime that if I knew all about them, I’d buy a lot fewer figures than I do. It’s a good thing that people are willing to buy figures they aren’t familiar with because otherwise, nobody would buy those Guilty Crown figures.

      I should find smaller tentacles. It’s sort of a shame nobody’s made a tentacle stand for 1/6 scale dolls. Maybe I should write a letter to Mattel asking them whether they’d consider producing a tentacle stand for their Barbie dolls; there’s an obvious niche there that nobody has yet filled.

      • Aka says:

        I wonder what Mattel would say to you if you did email them seriously. Would they just ignore you? I would think this the likely result, but it’d be interesting if they did respond. Even if it was to say no.

        What about asking the company you got your current stand from?

        I originally had those nonsense rules about figures, I’m glad I gave them up, I’d have a lot of crappy figures or been too late to pick up some great ones. Houmei remains one of my favorites and I know nothing of the series and couldn’t care less.

        • Tier says:

          I’m sure they would, or they’d send back a form response. I once wrote to Hasbro about a custom GI Joe figure I wanted them to make back when I was like six or seven, and they just sent me a little black-and-white catalog and a thank you note for my interest in their products.

          The odd thing about the people who made the tentacle stand is that they only make outfits and accessories sized for vmf50 and 50-centimeter Obitsu dolls; I think that’s a really niche market compared to the number of people who own Dollfie Dream dolls. They seem content to stay in that space, though.

          The one big rule I used to have was that I wouldn’t buy more than one figure of a character. That seems to be a pretty common rule amongst collectors, but I had to dump it pretty quickly. Otherwise, the only Saber I’d own is that really old 1/6 scale one by Clayz and the only Rei Ayanami figure I’d own would either be Alter’s very first figure or the little figure Kaiyodo did about eight years ago.

          • Aka says:

            It’s strange that I never considered that rule… always had more than one of a character, I started out with multiple Horos almost immediately. Perhaps that’s why I never thought of it.

            You seem to be a resourceful individual, perhaps you can produce your own tentacles?

          • Tier says:

            The rule made more sense for me when I had no money and when there were far fewer really good figures of characters, but nowadays I think it’d be really difficult to stick to it. If you were a Miku fan, it’d be nearly impossible to pick out the one to own. The same goes for Saber; I mean, if I kept this rule, I’d have to choose between Saber Lily and gangsta lean Saber, and who could possibly make that decision?

            I did actually try it once (way back for Shoujo S, I think), and it didn’t go all that well then. However, I did have a plan for possibly making my own tentacles using a different process that I had hoped to experiment with for some doll stuff. Unfortunately, doll stuff tends to be a low priority for me so I haven’t gotten started with this plan.

  6. Tian says:

    Best Aegis yet! Well second best, that Cospa one’s pretty amazing I think. Even the Aegis haters on Tomopop like this one. Alter did a great job picking the illustration and bringing it to life. I love the way the saturated colors in your photos really bring out that paint job. She’s mostly white but looks vibrant and interesting. The only downside I’d say is her base… really nothing exciting going on there.

    BTW I donated my Obama figure to the Obama campaign. They said it was a big hit lol

    • Tier says:

      Haha, are they hating on Aegis? That is too bad. I had thought of picking up the Cospa one but it was expensive as hell and I wasn’t too convinced by the promo photos, and I don’t think many people had done reviews of it by the time it got discounted. I’m not even sure if the one I wanted (the one without the armor) got discounted or not.

      I probably should’ve taken a picture of the base, it’s actually sort of neat; there’s this Shadow leaping out of the floor trying to grab her ankle. It sorta leads to all kinds of interesting scenarios in my mind.

      Ahahaha, that is awesome. I’m sure they’ll put it to great use. I’ve still got both of mine; all three, actually, since I’ve got two of the Hot Toys one (I busted the arm on my first one so I had to get a replacement).

      • Tian says:

        Oh that’s a shadow trying to grab her leg? Guess I need to play closer attention.

        I’m just wondering what happened to the days of Alter making awesome bases like with their Mercedes figure. I guess it’s harder for 1/6 scale but even their 1/8 stuff hasn’t been as eye-catching IMO.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, it’s a shadow, it looks sorta neat. I kinda like how the base’s checkered surface is warped, it gives it kind of a trippy look. I probably should’ve taken a shot of it but this whole shoot was a colossal pain in the ass to do so I forgot about it.

          Haha, you mean that big cinderblock-looking base they’re including with bikini Nanoha isn’t awesome? XD Hehe, yeah, they don’t seem to provide complex bases as much as they used to; it added a lot to the Odin Sphere characters and Momohime (whom I guess is also a Vanillaware character). Though on the other hand, it helps out a bit as far as taking pictures; I remember feeling a bit confounded by Rin Tohsaka when I saw that her base was a pile of dirt.

  7. Aaron says:

    This figure looks amazing, but I am not familiar with the character at all since I have never played any of the Persona games.

    I would have to agree about the hair choice. The translucent look just looks off-putting with the rest of the design. I also wish there would have been a little more detail on her posterior, but it isn’t that bad.

    It is just a great looking figure though especially all of the little details in all of the mechanical parts.

    • Tier says:

      They are great games, or at least 3 and 4 are, and I think Persona 2 is being re-made for the PSP (both games, actually). I was really down on JRPGs for a while, mostly due to Xenosaga, but Persona 3 restored my faith in the genre.

      I’m glad the figure turned out so nicely; I wasn’t really expecting much, to be honest, since the promo photos didn’t look that great to me. I think it looks quite a bit better in-person.

    • Steve Chen says:

      Aegis doesn’t have much of a “posterior” btw. As in all her figures, From the scaled figs, to the figma and her latest Chogokin version, beautiful design but no pinchelicious booty to smack at.

      • Tier says:

        This is true; I guess her bottom is probably made of servos and armor plating, anyway (not that this stopped KOS-MOS and T-elos from having very sexy bottoms).

  8. Nice pics, like the smoke effect in the first one. Aegis look great, but I ended up no getting her, even though she was 1/6 and made by Alter. I realized when I was trying to do the Cospa Aegis review, the character didn’t do much for me and I didn’t feel as excited as I thought I’d be. Dunno why but I don’t feel any regrets for not getting this figure, she’s beautifully done and all but something about it just doesn’t move me.

    I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t like the transparent hair deal on figures – it doesn’t really bother me though. Curious as to why you don’t like it (such as on KOS-MOS)?

    • Tier says:

      I was really hoping you’d review the Cospa one, since I had thought about buying it shortly after it got released XD I don’t regret not getting it much, though, since it wasn’t cheap in the least and it looked pretty big, and shelf space is very difficult to free up now.

      I related the story a bit further up but I didn’t like KOS-MOS’s hair because the promo photos showed her with solid hair, and I was expecting solid hair when I got the figure. She also had solid hair in Xenosaga – or at least, that’s how I remember it, though I didn’t put more than ten hours into the game and maybe her hair color changed towards the end or something – so the transparent hair looked strange to me.

      • Break says:

        well KOS-MOS Hair kinda glowed in the games, i guess they wnated to go for tht effect of makign the hair look unusual.

      • Well, I still have my Cospa Aegis photos and I tried going back to take a few more pics a couple of days ago. I stopped after trying a few shots. LOL She’s definitely huge and hard to take photos of, but I haven’t entirely given up on her yet, I’m just not as motivated right now with the baby and all, as well as all the other goodies being released recently. I have barely enough time as it is…

        Then again, maybe a little less gaming would help too. XD

        • Tier says:

          True indeed XD I need to stop playing, uhh, Robo Defense; I’ve been sorta slacking a bit recently. But first, just one more level.

  9. Mark says:

    Nice review. Personally, Aigis was easily my favourite character in Persona 3. I have an art book with a loy of Soejima’s drawings, including the one this figure was based off on the cover, and I loved it when I got it. I would have preferred if her hair was more matte than transparent, but other than that the figure seems great.

    • Tier says:

      I probably should get that book; I bought a Stella Deus book some years back hoping it would prominently feature his artwork but it was mostly just a game guide (in Japanese, too, so it wasn’t very useful to me). Aigis was my favorite character as well; I tossed out Junpei with the quickness to bring her onto my team after she joined up.

      • Break says:

        i had the artbook as data onc etoo; except for his persona art, it also has a part with his Stella Deus art, and some other game too if im nto mistaken. so yeah, if oyur searchign fo rthst… thereit is.

  10. wieselhead says:

    Like so many others I don’t know anything about her, I just know the illustration she’s based on. The design of her looks cool with the many brass colored robot parts and the mainly white body. 1/6 is a nice scale too show all of her details, she looks awesome.

    The face looks nice with her mouth like this I already liked her look in the promo shots, but here her skintone appears more soft. The subtle blush on her cheeks is nice and gives her a human touch.

    The only letdown is her wrinkly butt, which is just unappealing.
    A skintight fit would have been better in my opinion.

    Cool pictures again.

    • Tier says:

      Haha, yeah, it’d be nice if her white shell were a bit more form-fitting in the rear. Admittedly, this is the way she’s designed so the sculpt is quite accurate. Alter should do more 1/6 scale figures, and while I’m dreaming, they should also do an ero-figure line like Max Factory’s Native lineup. That would be absolutely amazing.

      • Break says:

        yep, it would be nice if alter did an ero-line. its not liek they woudlnt have any experience with nude figues; Alice (Queens Blade) was an Alpha x Omega (Alter x Megahouse) product for example… well, for now i guess theyre focusing on their new line of male figures “ALtair”. but who knows? maybe theyll get an ero-ine too sometime.

  11. Phil says:

    I still have to start Persona 3, I played 4 and absolutely loved it, I don’t know why I haven’t tried 3 yet…

    • Tier says:

      I like P3 better than P4, but to be honest, it’s hard to go back and play the earlier game since you can’t directly control your party members. It’s not a ton of fun when your party members do stupid things (Mitsuru is particularly prone to doing this) and it’s also not fun when the main character gets one-hit KO’d, since your buddies don’t shove you out of the way and take the shot as they do in P4. It’s still a great game with a great story and one of my favorite settings in any RPG, though.

  12. Steve Chen says:

    I have to agree. Aegis’ shots in various online stores look very awful (heck, comparing your shots with the ones in, she looks ugly). Far contrast from your beautiful takes……she’s gorgeous for a gynoid. Same thing iirc happened when the Alter Almecha of Kosmos came out, the pictures made her face look like a fat donut but the real figure proved otherwise (have you also ventured to the poseable bishoujo figure realm too?). Like people, maybe some figures don’t come out as photogenic as others?
    On a side note, I kind off passed over the Catherine figure by Maxfactory (same art style design though from a different sculptor) which I kind of regret for my MH EM QB:R Branwen. Have you per chance also purchased “Catherine”? If so, I look forward to another review from your oh so masterfully rendered lensmasterific efforts.

    • Tier says:

      I do have a few poseable figures – a few Figmas, a couple of actstas (I’m assuming GSC has put that product line to rest), and of course, my big-ass dolls. I haven’t done much with them, though, mostly because I’m not very good at photographing them and I really suck at posing them in interesting ways. I haven’t actually seen what Alter’s KOS-MOS action figure looks like, besides the promo pictures; I got the Figma version of her, which was a lot cheaper and went up for preorder at around the same time, if I remember right.

      Yeah, I’ve seen some figures where the promo photos didn’t get me excited but in person, they look fantastic. Yamato’s Kiriko Hattori is one example; I didn’t like her that much at first but I wound up getting her later, and now she’s one of my favorite figures in my collection. The big 1/4 scale swimsuit Tamaki is another one, though I guess I also skipped her because there were so many Tamakis coming out last year.

      I didn’t get that Catherine figure, though I do recall there’s a review up on Visual Fanfare. I haven’t played the game yet but I wasn’t enormously fond of her character design, so I didn’t buy the figure. I don’t really regret it too much though, since I’ve got a ton of figures that I need to review. Heck, some of them are coming up on their one-year anniversaries without ever being removed from their boxes. I probably ought to work on those.

  13. Steve Chen says:

    Ah, that Shunya Yamashita design ninja girl? Mighty sexy she be………..too much clothes on her imho …….lol.

  14. Adam says:

    I played P3 FES and enjoyed it a good bit before dropping it halfway through. Aegis was very much my favorite character design going in, but I was a bit disappointed by her personality in-game (or lack thereof). Admittedly, I quit around the point where she’d just been unlocked and didn’t fully pursue her relationship arc. P4 is still in the shrink wrap on my shelf along with a handful of other neglected console games.

    As for the figure, Alter definitely created an impressive specimen with Aegis. The level of detail is incredible and the rare large scale format only enhances the experience. That said, I was quite satisfied with her face and hair in the promo shots, so I was surprised and a bit dismayed by the way they changed those features for the final PVC. I don’t regret picking Aegis up, by any means, but she does fall a little short of perfect for me.

    • Tier says:

      I dropped Persona 3 about maybe a quarter of the way through, and didn’t give it another try until buying P3 FES. It’s sort of odd how some of my favorite games and books were ones that didn’t initially leave a strong impression on me; my two favorite books are Noble House and Neuromancer, and I first considered the former to be deadly dull and the latter to be indecipherably dense, but my opinion of both books improved hugely on my second attempt to get through them.

      It’s always a big disappointment when you’re satisfied with the way a figure looks and then when you get it, they change something small but crucial that has a negative impact on your impression of it. I remember when I got the famous and mysterious gangsta lean Saber, I was really disappointed to find that they stretched out her neck for no good reason; it makes her look very odd (well, more odd than she already looks). I was also very disappointed that she lacked an easy castoff option, though I was expecting that since no Fate/stay night figure offers such.

  15. That hair alone really makes me want this Aegis. Loving that semi-transparent material they used for it. The face is great. And all the little robot parts. In fact, everything about this figure is great.

    …well, except for maybe her booty. I know this is probably the minority opinion but I would’ve preferred her rump being smooth instead having that tiny asscrack there. I mean, c’mon, why would she need a crack? Not like she needs it for anything…right?

    • Tier says:

      I wouldn’t necessarily be opposed to that either; it looks a little strange how it looks like the white material is creased over her butt, as if it’s fabric. I’m assuming it’s not fabric, anyway, since she wears normal clothes whenever she needs to. Though I don’t think it looks bad, either; I’m a big fan of her design regardless of how her rear is shaped.

  16. Pingback: Review: 1/6 Aegis (ART WORKS ver.) | Hobby Hovel

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