Like school swimwear, bunnysuits, and catgirls, nurses are a well-loved staple of anime art and anime character design. Not by me, though – school swimwear, bunnysuits, catgirls, and nurse uniforms don’t do a whole lot for me by themselves, not like, say, bodysuits or sportswear or revealing body armor. However, I ordered Miyuu less for her clothing and more for how she looks sans clothing. How does she look and how detailed is she?
Miyuu is manufactured by Kaitendoh, a company that debuted a few years ago with a figure of Tamaki Kousaka. It was an okay figure and as fully-castoffable figures were somewhat rare back then, I thought they were a company worth keeping an eye on. Then they made another Tamaki figure. And another, and then another, and then yet more, and I lost interest in their stuff. Many figure makers have produced mediocre figures of the fire-maned alpha female but Kaitendoh has perhaps been the worst offender of them all, and their limited variety, questionable quality, and relatively high prices have contributed to my indifference to their products.
A few months back, Akibahobby reviewed Kaitendoh’s Little Red Riding Hood figure, and I was compelled to reassess my opinion. She didn’t look too hot while clothed, but with her clothing removed, she looked great, particularly in her backside, and the severed wolf’s head in her handbasket was pretty cute, too. She was already sold out at most shops, but I decided to order Nurse Miyuu. I’m not sure if they’re from the same sculptor, as Kaitendoh’s website curiously omits the sculptor’s identity from the product profiles of both figures, but they look similar and Miyuu had the advantage of a much saucier pose.
Miyuu is sculpted in 1/6 scale and, like Amane Shiratori, comes with a selection of medical accessories. These include a hospital bed and pillow – but thankfully no bed pan, a couple of plastic bags of blood plasma and a stand, and a stethoscope. Some of the promo images show the IV fluid stand attached to the bed and painted blue, but the one that comes with the production figure can stand on its own and is painted in a more realistic chrome color. Also, the prototype figure seemed to have much darker hair; the production figure’s hair is painted a much lighter blue. Finally, her name is written “Miyuu” at most stores and that’s what I’m going with, but her box says “Miu” instead. However, the box also misspells her profession as “Nures” so I’m not considering it the authoritative source.
Though Miyuu is definitely a nurse, she’s seems to be dressed up for a completely different sort of job, as she’s wearing only her underwear with neither scrubs nor a nurse uniform anywhere to be found. Her lingerie is nicely detailed, and also like Amane Shiratori, her stockings are made of a very fine fabric fishnet material.
But let’s cut to the chase – you don’t buy a figure like this because of how good her clothes look, you buy it because of how good she looks without clothes. Both her bra and panties are removable; her head, left arm, and both legs are removable as well. In a very nice touch, her body parts attach with magnets, making it quite simple to separate her limbs to get her clothing on and off. It does mean that one should take some care while picking her up, though; the magnets are strong enough that you can pick her up by her arm or a leg, but it’s a bit of a risk to do so.
Stripped of her underwear, Miyuu’s body is fully detailed, and she looks pretty good.
Here is the shot everyone wants to see. Up close, one can see that her genitalia is quite detailed. Maybe too detailed – you don’t normally see this much detail in a figure vagina, and she’s got some really thick labia. Frankly, it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to think that it looks kinda like there’s some sort of parasite trying to get into her. Or out of her.
From a more typical viewing distance, though, her vagina looks fine, and so does the figure. Although her wanton pose and nude body are shamelessly erotic, her facial expression conveys a sense of serenity and of detachment. She’s not all that emotive but her evident tranquility provides an appealing and contrasting balance to her sexiness.
Miyuu has a very cute rump, with a couple of prominent Venus dimples visible on her lower back. And anyone who has read this site for a while will be happy to learn that she does have a somewhat realistically-sculpted anus. One quibble I have here is that her shoulderblades look a bit flat; a little more muscular detail below her shoulders would’ve been nice.
Removing her clothes leaves this prominent hole behind her right arm. Normally her bra hooks in there, assuring a good fit across her breasts, but with it removed, there doesn’t seem to be anything to fill in this hole. It doesn’t bother me a great deal since it’s not visible from typical viewing angles but personally, I wish that Kaitendoh had favored her castoff appearance instead; I would’ve preferred Miyuu to have a poorly-fitting bra than this gap.
Like many of Kaitendoh’s other figures, Miyuu is made of a material called candy resin; I’m not sure what that is but it looks pretty good, much better than it did on their first Tamaki Kousaka figure. I’m not sure if it’s as fragile as polystone is or whether it’s as tough as PVC; as a testament to the robustness of the latter, my Naoe figure recently took a one-meter fall to the ground and didn’t suffer any damage other than a bit of a paint scrape from her shoe across her base.
Other stuff she comes with includes the bed that she’s sitting on – it’s made of plastic and the mattress is made of a lightweight, spongy material, a bit like packing foam but sturdier. The bed is a bit too small to fit a male 1/6 scale doll but works well with Miyuu.
I was initially uncertain whether I wanted to buy this figure – she was expensive and Kaitendoh’s track record didn’t inspire much confidence. However, I think she looks great. She’s cute and sexy at the same time, she’s got a great rack, and Kaitendoh did not skimp in the least in providing full anatomical detail. She’s also big, and that counts for a lot in my esteem. Miyuu is a great figure and it’s very gratifying to see a maker that isn’t afraid of making explicit figures.
Speaking of whom, Kaitendoh has a couple of interesting figures in the pipeline – one is of Retia Adolf, the Nazi-inspired idol-führer of H-game Daiteikoku. It’s a fairly straightforward swimsuit figure – albeit one with an SS-style officer’s cap – but the interesting thing about it is that it’s sculpted by Ken Yokota, the guy who sculpted Good Smile Company’s Rin Tohsaka, considered by many to be the best figure released in 2011. The other figure is Alvis from Last Exile, which also looks pretty nice, but the interesting thing about it is that it’s sculpted by Noritaka Fukumoto, the guy who sculpted Alter’s Momohime, considered by many to be the best figure released in 2010. Curious.
Damn, definitely didn’t expect the detailed anatomy down there. It’s certainly promising for other figures that go the full cast off option, as my previous experience with nether regions has been fairly disappointing short of Native figures, my one Daiki Machine Gun Girl figure, and modified figures. I don’t have much experience with Kaitendoh myself, but I think my modified Katja is based off one of their figures; it’s definitely a little rough around the edges and only awesome because of the modifications but it isn’t an outright terrible figure.
I definitely plan on getting the Retia. She was one of the more useful generals in the game and definitely one of the cutest. The translation effort has made a good deal of progress; I’m pretty sure the last time I played was at 15% and it’s in the 35-40% range now. I’m thinking about checking it out again soon. Waiting for the full patch would be ideal, but that’s easily a year or two out should everything continue smoothly.
And I apologize for the link spam, but this is definitely easier than using Twitter to post links. I believe you once said you’re always appreciative of porn, and figured you wouldn’t mind seeing shots of my Homura and Azusa cases:
I’d forgotten about the Daiteikoku translation effort until recently; I ought to give it a look, I heard that the interface was translated and that’s probably enough to get started. I mainly just want to get the Gamerican generals, anyway; despite not being born in the US I always seem to gravitate to American characters.
I definitely do appreciate the pictures, those look great. More porn is always good.
When I played through, I didn’t run into an untranslated scene (except some H-scenes, since the translator focused on story events) until I had a foothold in Hawaii. Then the translation started to give out and by the time I conquered America, it was untranslated. You should be fine now, though. Depending on the route you take, America is probably designed to be the first major stop after the introductory conquering.
The game is really good, though. I still can’t decide which of the three I like most (Sengoku, Big Bang Age, or what I’ve played of Daiteikoku), but it’s definitely a great game. I ended up finishing my first run through, wading through the Japanese text, and then went and played the “all you can rape” extra route; I’m pretty sure I spoke a bit about that and what a nice change of pace it was.
Carol was one of my favorite characters, along with Retia, which is strange considering I don’t normally care for blondes but they’re both really cute. Off the top of my head, the only other female American general that I liked was Hannah, but only because she was smoking hot.
Ah, good to hear. I won’t feel bad about randomly linking more in the future. It always seems a bit out of place and I hate to take away from your figure reviews, but trying to have a conversation on Twitter is a tremendous pain in the ass.
The only downside about the Homura cover was that Ankokoubou tried a new roica material and it has a really bad wrinkle problem. It can be pretty easily seen in those shots, especially with the vertical line going down the center. Apparently it comes out just fine if you iron it, but it’s a real shame. The material is otherwise really nice.
I purchased two of their IS covers when I did the order, one in roica and tricot because I wanted to do a direct comparison between the two. Other than the wrinkling, I’d say the roika is the better material. P80 (responsible for Ankokoubou, Marks, Noreal, IG, and probably a few other circles material) has pretty shitty 2WT in comparison to other companies, I’d say. It feels fine, but it has kind of a grainy look and texture to it; you can probably see it in the Azusa cover up above. The other major difference was the color of the covers; the roika was a lot richer while the tricot looked kinda faded (looks fine by itself, but holding it right next to the roika is a huge difference.) I plan on taking some shots later so I’ll post them here.
IS comparison shots. The 2WT is on the left and the 2WR is on the right:
That sounds good; I figure I can muddle through the untranslated story parts if the game works with AGTH or ITH. Besides Carol, the other character I was interested in was the Japanese-faction girl who looks a helluva lot like Subaru from Beat Blades Haruka; I think she’s the Japanese army minister or something. It looked like her CG sequences were pretty good.
I’ve been thinking of firing up Sengoku Rance again, since I haven’t played it in a while, still haven’t taken out the damn Orochi in any of my playthroughs, and I’ve got a half dozen Sengoku Rance figures in the review queue so I ought to re-familiarize with the character routes.
I’m usually fine with going off-topic in the comments, I figure that people often talk about photography here and I’m also comfortable with talking about football or basketball or whatever. Yeah, Twitter really sucks if you’re trying to do something more than just posting a quick link or talking about how bad Guilty Crown is.
Yeah, I see what you mean about the roica material versus tricot; it looks much better and much smoother. That IS pillowcase is awesome; besides the obviously appealing aspects, I really like the way the artist draws the faces. Erio is really cute, too.
Yeah, she’s the Army Minister. Never got any of her CG in the one playthrough I did. Or maybe I got a couple, but I don’t think I spent much time with her. It’s a really good game, though. I don’t know if you ever got around to playing Big Bang Age, but it’s similar to that. Between the three games, I can’t decide which I like the most; they all have their strong points. Daiteikoku was a lot of fun to play though, and I kept going strong well after the translation ended.
I’ve been thinking about booting up Sengoku again myself. I’ve played through all the routes, and did it in a style where I did the first play through on the true route, and then bumped up the difficulty one star each time, finishing up with a 5 star play through on the free route, I think. I don’t remember which my favorite route was, but of the main heroines I really liked Ran a lot. I did eventually beat Orochi, but I’m pretty sure I completed just about every other dungeon in the game for the levels (and did it later when I had a fuller roster, so that the level gains were maximized.)
While on the subject of eroge, I’d highly recommend Kamidori Alchemy Meister. It has a Fire Emblem style of gameplay, cute girls, and some pretty cool mechanics. Not a whole lot of fetish material, unfortunately. But the gameplay holds up and it has porn!
Half a dozen figures, though? That sounds like a lot. I only have my (still busted) E2046 Kenshin and the Griffon (I think) Kenshin that comes with a second body instead of opting for cheap cast off clothes. I think I’ve mentioned that before, and it was definitely a cool way to do cast off.
Oh Guilty Crown… I really enjoyed the first couple of episodes and then it just kept tumbling down and down. Though it was nothing but fan service, I really did enjoy High School DxD from this season. And I watched Horizon in one sitting a week or two ago.
They tricot doesn’t feel too rough, but it definitely has a different feel to it. The main thing is the image quality, I’d say; the roika’s colors look darker to me, and the individual, er, pixels (I guess?) on the tricot are quite noticeable.
I wish Laura was featured more on the cover, but it’s definitely a great one. I was just taking some detail shots to compare the materials but I’ll take some shots of the whole thing later if you’d like. I would have said Ankokoubou is my favorite circle at one point; not sure now, but they’re still really high up there. Other than the explicitness they gravitate towards, their face work is probably one of my favorite things they do. I think it’s the reason I love that Miku cover I posted a few weeks back so much.
The Erio was a really pleasant surprise. Marks has never really disappointed me with what they put out, and looking it now, I actually own quite a few of their covers. But I still wasn’t expecting to like the Erio cover as much as I did.
Shashin, where did you get anko koubou daki from? Everytime I hear news about a new one, I go to his site and can’t seem to find an order link.
They do mostly event sales, but very infrequently they’ll do a web reception. I’ve only seen two myself in the last year or so. The other downside is that they’re weekend only events; they start Friday and go through Saturday, so juggling a proxy can be really tough.
You pretty much just have to keep up on sources of news; I check their site a few times a day, follow him and ramiastar on Twitter, and check the dakimakura blog a lot.
Hey Tier, would you mind giving me a bit of advice? I’m thinking of getting some sort of individual glass boxes/containers to put my figures inside just for displaying, any word of wisdom? : o
Thanks a lot
Yeah, sure, I saw your earlier post and meant to respond earlier, but laziness and Robo Defense got in the way. I do not have any experience with individual cases for figures; I do have a Detolf display case, which is a very popular display container among figure collectors. It’s rather large, heavy, and like a lot of Ikea stuff, not particularly well-built. If you’re looking for something smaller, I bet there are quite a few makers who make glass and transparent acrylic containers; I know they are particularly popular among people who collect sports memorabilia (footballs, helmets, etc.); maybe something like that might be suitable.
Ah just what I’ve been looking for, thanks Tier!
Guess I’ll still need a bigger one for Dizzy though XD
Hi gang,
I was in LA last week and while in little tokyo and k-town I noticed that a lot of the smaller nic nac shops sold wood and glass display cases which would be perfect in size for storing a single figure and in some cases perhaps two or three depending on the scale. It was more than a little disappointing to not end up purchasing any for fear of breaking them while traveling back to Boston.
Ah I see, thanks
That sounds pretty good; I’d imagine some of the glass or acrylic display cases that a lot of shops use to show off their goods would also give more viewing angles versus a shelf or a cabinet pushed up against a wall.
Damn shame about the under detailed back as sexy back is one of my favorite things in the world…Still for a figure maker that I generally consider shit she came out looking pretty good!
She did! Surprisingly good, even. We’ll see how Retia and Alvis come out, though.
Much better than my expectation, your shots were even prettier than the official photos ^_^
Personally I really want the hat to be removable, but it’ already the few items that showing she is a nurse right lol.
Epic review as usual and we all thank President Obama~
Thanks XD Yeah, a removable hat would’ve been nice, like Amane Shiratori had. It looks a little bit out of place with the rest of her clothes but as you say, you’d never know who she is without it.
Lol Obama gets all the ladies :p
He’s a player, no doubt XD I wonder how well he can snuggle up to Aegis, she’s 1/6 scale, too.
Interesting. I can’t think of another figure that has had quite that detailed a vagina. I don’t have any ero figures, the only one I have without clothes (tastefully nude, not ero; CM’s Horo) just has the smooth Barbie crotch. I have to say, I admire the detail and effort they put in to this, though it’s disappointing they took shortcuts such as that hole for her bra.
Large scale figures do seem to be sculpted better, or perhaps just certain ones you have; my two largest are only 1/6, but mostly clothed, so appreciating some of the detail your larger scale figures have shown isn’t quite as easy. I feel compelled to pick up a 1/4. Though I haven’t seen any that particularly take my fancy (ie weapons or kemonomimi). Though I did spot FREEing is doing 1/4 Sora no Otoshimono girls, unfortunately Nymph is the best looking and she’s already one of my 1/6s.
My most recent acquisition is Alter’s 1/8 Kos-Mos (v4, with the awesome triple minigun) and it is a glorious figure, even though it’s dated now. I’d like some larger figures of her calibre. Well, Alter in general is highly regarded. If Kaitendoh are using their sculptors, perhaps I should keep an eye on them…
I haven’t seen a figure quite this detailed either, except some model kits and some of the specifically-modified figures you see around the web. Yeah, I wish the hole weren’t there, either; on the plus side, it does make sure her bra fits snugly so that it doesn’t look as conspicuous as on something like Alphamax’s Yui Takamura.
It may just be some of the figures that I have; one would think that a larger figure would make it easier to sculpt more minute details, but I have a few larger figures (like Plum’s Nymph and FREEing’s Senhime) which aren’t all that well-made, and I’m not sure how certain larger figures like FREEing’s 1/4 Haruhi bunnygirls and Lucky Star figures turned out. That said, I almost always prefer big figures; I’m a big fan of size. I’ve got a few more 1/4 scale figures in the review queue; I’m going to have to figure out a way to fit Satellizer on my desk.
Ah, that is a very nice acquisition indeed. One of Alter’s best, I have heard, though I don’t own the figure myself. I didn’t care a lot for Xenosaga but KOS-MOS has one of my favorite character designs, so much so that I bought Soul Calibur III mostly to unlock her character creation parts.
Hehe, I’ve never played any of the games, and wasn’t impressed with the anime (highly mediocre) but she’s a nice character, and the figure is gorgeous; I do recommend you to try to source her if you can. Mine was “only” 13000y, which is brilliant; I’ve been hunting her for over a year, and she’s always been 16000+ without being in good condition, or missing box etc. So I was very happy to find a mint one so cheap.
Yeah, obviously you need to go on a case by case basis, but I should investigate 1/4s some. Or since you seem to pay some wider attention to upcoming figures, where I get my news of new ones from AmiAmi’s newest listings, let me know if you find a nice girl with a weapon, or a kemonomim (wings/horns count too).
The first game was so bad that it put me off of Japanese RPGs for a couple of years, at least until Persona 3 came out. I see her every now and then on Mandarake, albeit usually in poor condition and listed at an exorbitant price. I remember when I could’ve gotten her off NCSX for $75.
As far as 1/4 scale figures go, my favorite one is Kenshin. She’s not widely available, though. Sideshow Toys makes a number of 1/4 scale figures, though they are an American maker that focuses mostly on comic book and sci-fi characters. I’ve got one of their figures in the review queue; I’m hoping to get to that one in about a week. She does have a sword, at least.
Yeah, I grabbed mine from Manda, when shopping second hand you want to get it from a source that is reliably not bootlegged. As I said, I’ve been checking it regularly for a year, and this is the first time I’ve seen a mint one under 20k, so I grabbed it.
Hm, she doesn’t really look like my kettle of fish, though I suppose it’s hard to avoid huge breasts when looking at larger scales, since that’s a primary reason they make larger scales; bigger boobs. I’m not keen on big tits, and in fact, Kos-Mos is the most well endowed figure in my collection (Rivaled by StrikerS Vivio, ironically for a girl that is usually pettan).
It’s why much research and investigation is required; finding figures that pass my filters can be difficult (though not difficult enough for me to avoid spending thousands of dollars a year on them). Woe unto me and my bank account. Also, not really interested in American scifi and certainly not comics, though there was a figure from… Mass Effect? I think announced recently, a blue girl with a gun, that tempted me. But I was able to resist the random impulse purchase. ^^
That would be …. Liara or something like that, I think. I should probably know but it’s been a few years since I last played a Mass Effect game; I got so annoyed by driving the Jeep that I stopped playing it before beating the game.
I luv it when you do reviews of pretty but rather unpopular figures like this, that said, I noticed her before as she was announced and found her quite a bit appealing. Since my impression of Kaitendoh was not that good, I haven’t followed her nor did further investigation. Now it’s nice to see her like this.
Daydream Collection is the right term for a nurse like that, real nurses are mainly chubby and sometimes even have a little beard XD *Uaahhh* lets forget about that, Miyuu looks just enchanting with her face and the alluring pose, I didn’t expect her to be that pretty at all.
I really hope this was more than a one hit wonder from Kaitendoh.
I like her with the clothes as well, but when casted off she looks even better, such nice sculpting *drool* Oh yeah and these magnetic limbs are cool idea. Thats the best nurse figure ever or I should put it differently she’s the most appealing nurse figure for me.
The bed base looks really cool and fitting. Would also be a funny item for the Soniko Nurse.
Does her skintexture really look that great or did the flash polish the look a bit?
and what lenses do you use for photographing such 1/6 figures in general ?
haha I always say that, it might already annoy you, but your pictures are great again, I love your composition of light and shadows, they make Miyuu so damn appealing.
Obama needs sexual healing *lol*
Haha, yeah, Miyuu is surely more attractive than most nurses are XD I was quite surprised at how nice she is; their old Tamaki figure doesn’t have the most attractive skin tone – in fact, she looks like she has jaundice, but Miyuu’s skin tone is very nice. The texture does look like that in the photos; I didn’t smooth it out in Photoshop. Her skin texture reminds me quite a bit of Volks’s Sengoku Rance figures, which are very nice looking (and not at all like a lot of their other pre-painted X-brand figures).
I use 35mm and 100mm lenses most of the time; very rarely I will use a 15-85mm zoom lens but I can’t remember the last time I used it to photograph a figure (it might’ve been when I photographed Sigui). I want to get some extension tubes and a 60mm macro lens to fill in that big gap in focal lengths; there have been a lot of times where my 35mm lens gave too wide a perspective and the 100mm lens didn’t get enough of the background in the shot, so I’m hoping a 60mm lens would provide a good solution to that problem.
This was a fun shoot to do, particularly since it was a lot simpler than what I sometimes go with. Just two lights, for the most part:
Good to see Barrack back again!
I love his compassionate expression on the preview image. He’s a true lover!
I must confess, I’m having my difficulties in seeing the parasite you mentioned… maybe must watch more tentacle porn that features maggots xD
Is it just me or do the concave parts of the back (spine and those venus dimples) don’t look as if they’re molded but roughly carved into the back?
Anyways great review as always. Is it coincidence that NSFW tend to come more often lately?
He is! I have to find the rest of his hands, though; I probably should swap his gun-grip left hand for a different one.
Perhaps! XD It’s probably just my imagination, but it looked a bit like the dorsal view of some kind of tadpole or some other creature. But I definitely recommend watching that sort of thing. Well, maybe not for the maggots, since there aren’t many that offer that, but Mahou Shoujo Erena vol. 2 comes out in a few weeks and that should be pretty good.
Yeah, that’s kinda what I was thinking, too; her shoulders look a bit slab-sided, and so does the middle part of her back. That might be a consequence of the resin material they used, but I would’ve liked to have seen more detail there. They left that hole behind her arm, though, so I guess the back view wasn’t a big priority.
I was looking at the list of recent reviews and I was like, “Man, I’m doing a lot of NSFW reviews recently” XD It’s surely no coincidence, though, as many of my recent reviews come from the review queue rather than being newly-released figures, and many of the figures I need to get to are of the saucy variety. I still need to take Satellizer, Tsuneko, babydoll Sonico, and that one chained-up catgirl out of their boxes.
So… was Red Riding Hood similarly detailed?
I generally see Kaitendoh and then just scroll to the next page – I’ve had a couple of disappointments from them
I do not think she was; Akibahobby censors the genitals but the product page for Riding Hood says “R15” while Miyuu says “R18.” I also noticed that Miyuu disappeared for a while from Amiami’s website back when I was looking at buying her, though maybe that was just a weird glitch or something. Sort of annoying how sometimes one store will offer a figure the other will not; Hobby Search isn’t selling Daiki’s Imari to overseas buyers while Amiami will.
I think she has a different work profile. The anatomy is ridiculously detailed sans the connection holes for her clothes (as if she has a lot to wear to begin with). And yes obama gets all the ladies from lolis to adults.
Perhaps she is a different sort of health worker. I was surprised that Kaitendoh would make a figure this detailed; even Native usually doesn’t go this far, though Chie is close.
That bed is an awesome prop although I suppose it takes up a crapload of precious display room. Good to see Kaitendoh is upping their game though. Miyuu looks nice and the little things like the magnets, fishnet stockings (real fishnet?), detailed lower parts, etc are pleasant surprises.
Yeah, I put it back in the box; I just don’t have the shelf space to display it. I’ll probably take it out if I need a quick prop for a bedroom scene, though, particularly for one that doesn’t look too fancy. I’ve got this thing for decaying, dilapidated sets and this bed fits in pretty well.
Kaitendoh’s upcoming figures are pretty tame but I’m hoping they’ll continue to do erotic stuff; it’d be great if there were more options other than Native (and occasionally Daiki Kougyou and Yamato) for good-quality H-figures.
Wow she looks quite nice @_@! was undecided before on her but your photos definitely make me wanna get one of my own
It’s a really nice figure. I wish you great luck if you do look around for one; this figure seemed to sell out quickly. I wound up ordering it from Play-Asia (thanks to a tip on the figure page on Tsuki-board).
Obama’s having an affair, just like Clinton! Rofl!
She does look really nice. Her eyes are amazing! And I like how her bra is transparent
She has a lot of nice touches that I wasn’t expecting. I’m normally not a huge fan of visible buttcrack (it kinda reminds me of the stereotypical plumber’s crack) but Miyuu’s rear looks really cute even with her underwear on. And as you say, she has really enchanting eyes; I was kinda worried that her expression didn’t seem to work too well for an ero-figure, but it actually looks very nice.
This is so unfair! Namely I do own two other Kaitendo figures at the same price range (Ymir special “Goldilocks” edition” and Nana El), both at the same price range and “candy resin” material, but none of the detailed pudenda you have o so cruely high lighted. Why Kaitendo? Why? lol! Good catch Tier………….lucky Mr. President hehehe
On the plus side, at least you didn’t get their Balalaika figure or that one figure of the Hellsing girl XD
Awesome figure review and pictures as always. This is obviously a pretty popular figure review judging by the number or posts about it.
I for one am glad to see yet another figure that is fully correct. I also like that somebody decided to make the labia visible rather than the normal hidden labia. I am wondering if they are a different color though. In many pictures they look like they may be slightly pink, but in the close-up they appear to be skin tone.
I also like the painting on her nipples. So many nipples seem to have a funny paintjob but these look really good in pictures. The only thing that bothers me has been posted before…her venus dimples look cut out rather than molded. It just looks funny to me, but since her back isn’t meant to be displayed, it isn’t really a problem.
Great to see Obama enjoying a lady again. I was kind of hoping for a picture with his hand exploring her correctness, but he probably wants to keep that kind of stuff in the bedroom. The picture of Obama with the pieces of Miyuu really creeps me out. I’m not into amputee porn but maybe the prez is.
Surprisingly popular, even; I guess not many people expected Kaitendoh to come through with this one. I know I didn’t, but it is good to be wrong.
Yeah, I have the sense that they really wanted to emphasize those dimples and went a bit far on making them conspicuous. They do look pretty good from a typical viewing distance, though, when it’s not as easy to imagine that they were gouged out of her back. I also agree about the paintwork on her nipples; I have a few polystone figures that feature nudity and often the paint on the nipples is either too subdued or gets some wildly outlandish color, like hot pink. Looking back at my review, their old Tamaki figure was pretty terrible in that respect.
Haha, yeah, I should’ve gone for such a shot; I was being fairly delicate, though, since I didn’t want to inadvertently damage Miyuu through my own clumsiness. I’m pretty glad that Miyuu seems fairly robust for a resin figure, though; I’ve got a lot of resin and polystone figures that feel very brittle compared to PVC figures.
For the parts picture, I had planned on having the president studying a knife with Miyuu’s head at his feet but I couldn’t find any of my doll-sized knives. I think it’s better that I didn’t, though, since they make a cuter couple without having a serial killer photo preceding those pictures. I liked the one where Miyuu is holding his tie up; I was laughing when I took that picture.
>> Shashin
Ah, okay. Yeah, I never got around to playing Big Bang Age; it’s on the list, though. It’s been a while since I played a good H-game; I recently tried playing Love, Election & Chocolate and while it’s pretty cute, man it goes slow, even for a visual novel.
Yeah, half a dozen figures. I’ve been planning on shooting them for a while (over a year now) but I haven’t gotten around to building the backgrounds. Man am I lazy.
Haha, Guilty Crown … so bad that it literally nearly killed my computer (I’m still backing up all my data as I write this). I’m thinking of writing a review about it; I seldom talk much about anime on this site but I figure one anime post a season ain’t gonna kill anyone. I’ll say one thing in its favor, it really made an impression on me, unlike Symphogear or Lagrange, both of which I’m sure to forget everything about within a couple of months.
Excellent review and pics! The bottom area makes me blush!
Thanks! She’s definitely a lot more detailed there than I thought she would be.
This is quite a figure, do love the very inviting pose! Good to see Mr. President back in action again~ Superb work as always
Thanks! More figures should have poses like this one – like the upcoming Imari figure. Man that one is going to be awesome.
Heh, the only nurse-y thing about Nurse Miyuu is her hat & stethoscope.
I like how she’s totally unfazed by here lack of clothing. Her body sculpt looks dead sexy, I especially like her back – minus the dimples. Their prominence makes them look more like a manufacturing defect or some sort of insert for something – in my opinion anyway. Her detailing is quite bold even by cast-off figure standards. It’s not often you see such a well defined lower region.
It’s a shame both ‘clothed’ and cast-off have had to compromise. Clothed – her pants look quite bulky, as does her bra but it’s not as bad. Then cast-off you’ve got grooves under her arms. Although the cool part is she’s assembled by magnets which I imagine makes disassembling her dead easy. Can you remove the stockings?
Speaking of other figures by Kaitendoh I’m on the fence about picking up their Retia Adolf. I really like the character design of Retia and her bikini is quite interesting. Although saying that I’d love to see a figure of Retia in her full uniform – maybe a bit of unbuttoned shirt action going on. It’s more the Kaitendoh side of things that makes me hesitate. I’ve thought about picking up their Queen’s Blade figures a few times in the past – but every time I manage to convince myself not to. I’ll probably stay on the fence until I see a decent review of her before making my decision.
Nah, the stockings are fixed. Or at least, I didn’t try very hard to pull them off. I’m kinda glad they’re set in place since Shiratori Amane’s stockings keep falling down, which is both annoying and unsightly.
I wasn’t interested at all in the Fuhrer when she came up for preorder, mostly because I didn’t think Kaitendoh was going to do a very good job of it. I ordered Miyuu partially to see whether they’ve gotten better since the last time I bought one of their figures, and I’m satisfied enough that I changed my mind about Adolf. I’m really looking forward to her now; her pose looks fantastic and I love how she appears to be barking orders while clad in beachwear. Though I’d agree that a figure of her in her uniform would be pretty cool (although I wonder if some people might be offended by the implications of her appearance). Unbuttoned would be great, though I think my favorite aspect of her uniform are her sexy and kinky hooker boots. I never thought jackboots could be made to look attractive, but there we go.
Hello again Tier. She’s getting another re-issue pressing but this time being manufactured by “Lechery”. Is that outfit another sub group of Kaitendoh? Quite tempting premise that I just might get one thanks to your review………ETA January 2013.
It would seem so; the websites for Kaitendoh and Lechery list the same corporate president and the same telephone numbers, so it looks like Lechery is just a spinoff. It looks like that might be where they’re putting all their candy resin figures, and maybe their 18+ figures, too; Kaitendoh’s stuff looks like it’s mostly PVC stuff, so maybe they’re doing it like Alphamax and trying to enter the mainstream market.
Diversifying the category huh? Hopefully after getting Daiki’s Bound Beauty this Christmas, she’ll still be available (and my wallet survives the gang raep lol!) and I might take a stab at her.
Yeah, or trying to grab a bigger share of the market. Alphamax seems to have had good success with the strategy, seeing as how they used to make really expensive polystone statues that it seemed like nobody bought. Maybe Kaitendoh’s thinking they want a little of that sugar. Seeing as how figure makers seem to be making the same figures (I saw Alter’s Nadeko Sengoku figure and I was like, “Wait, weren’t they already making one?” before noticing that the other one up for order is by Kotobukiya.)
Near the top of your post, you mention Little Red Riding Hood and that she was sold out when you got interested in her. She’s getting a re-release in early 2013, just to let you know
I got her second-hand the other day, and while the pose is perhaps a bit awkward, the sculpt is brilliant.
Yeah, I might take a look at her again; I also kinda like the flight attendant figures they just put up for preorder, especially the one with the black hair and red eyes (that’s a combo I really like). The blonde hitchhiker girl is pretty cute, too, but really expensive; she didn’t seem that impressive in the preorder photos but I saw a sample review of her either on Akibahobby or Moeyo and she didn’t look bad at all to me.
Tier, not sure if you will read this, can you list any other figure manufacturer that at least try to put some detail on the nether regions?
I have bad experience in regard to some figure i bought, one is Leviathan figure from Amakuni and the other is Tamaki Kousaka Anicosplay by Orca Toys…its so hard to tell due to censor bar by amiami, hobbylink and other sites…and since i always play safe by preorder first, i tend to not know anything about the figure detail in advance…
it kinda like false advertisement, and by the time the figure arrived, i’m in shock to discover the nether regions is blank like barbie doll…(the Leviathan was ok, at least they use band-aid as gimmick which make it cute… On the other hand, the Tamaki black cat, i feel like being conned)
I would rather have the figure maker show the extend of the cast-off and being faithful toward what they willing to deliver…than blatantly show you that you can remove the panty, but put no effort on enhancing the detail
Sorry for being a such a long post…hopefully you can put a suggestion, which manufacturer i should go for, and which one i should avoid at all cost
Thank you
Yeah, some companies shy away from fully explicit anatomy. The ones you can generally count on include Native (I generally think they make the best ero figures), Okayama Figure Engineering, and Giga Pulse (their figures are generally pretty poor). I think you can probably include Dragon Toy in that list as well, although they haven’t been in business for very long and do not have a lengthy track record. You might also be able to put Alphamax in that list as well. Figure makers that sometimes include full explicitness are Daiki Kougyou (they generally make a lot of explicit figures, but their products often come from a huge variety of sculptors so some figures will be more detailed than others) and Orchid Seed. I know MegaHouse did at least one figure that was fully nude (Izulha) and had at least a hint of genitalia, but that was many years ago and I don’t recall if they’ve done any since. The plus side is that figures are way, way more risque now than they were back when I first started collecting; back then, I never thought that these sorts of figures were even possible, but now there are quite a few to choose from.
You can try and check out often. They generally have access to figure prototypes and provide plenty of pictures. Nipples and crotches are pixelled, but these pics give you a rough idea what to expect. In some cases, they use “pasties” instead of pixelling though, and that’s suspicious in itself. I don’t claim this to be without fail though, it might be possible that Moeyo use their pasties even if there IS something to be seen.
Their pics of Orchid Seed’s Leaf Bikini Alleyne (Scheduled for January) have pasties on her crotch, while the nipples are pixelled. However, the figure is based on a garage kit which, while not overly explicit, does have at least some detail. And Orchid Seed is not notorious for barbie crotches, so why would they shy away from an anatomically correct sculpt? One might argue what “anatomically correct” would mean for an elf though
Yeah, that’s a good recommendation; they generally censor fairly minimally, so you can usually get an idea of whether that area is detailed or not. They also often mention it in the text, which Google Translate usually does a decent job of interpreting.
I guess one reason why Alleyne might be censored (I have no idea if the Orchid Seed figure will be or not) is if the licensor is uncomfortable with full nudity. That would seem a little weird for a franchise like Queen’s Blade but I don’t think Hobby Japan has ever included or allowed full nudity in their properties. I kinda have the feeling that this was also why gangsta lean Saber had her clothes glued on in Daiki Kougyou’s PVC version of her; I don’t think there’s ever been a Fate/stay night figure with a castoff feature, which is odd considering that those characters come from a porno game.
Thx a lot for the reply guys, especially on the manufacturer list and the site (which happened to have preview of the next figure i wanna buy)
With all this new information on hand… i guess i can now safely preorder “ILIAS -Kyouen no Utage- Sumire Fiard Koushaku 1/5” made by Daiki Kougyou.
This figure is too much for me to pass it away. But I was skeptical by the censor bar on amiami and other preorder site…. luckily i manage to find this place that review ero figure without mosaic…and get swift reply from you guys…
again, thanks a lot
Ah, yes, that one; yeah, I’d expect her to have explicit detail. Daiki’s generally decent about that, with only a few exceptions that I can think of (such as diskvision’s Eve). I wouldn’t worry too much that that figure will be PG-13.