Dakimakura Review – Sena Kashiwazaki from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (NSFW)

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review

Time for more pillowcase talk. This one features Sena Kashiwazaki, the rich, insecure, somewhat bisexual eroge enthusiast from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai. I like the manga and I’ve been a fan of Buriki’s art for a while – entirely because of this picture – and I was pleased that the anime adaptation was a lot of fun to watch. Despite not straying past the bounds of convention, the characters are likeably quirky, and it was refreshing to see a show with a male lead that wasn’t completely clueless, milquetoast, or pathetic. It’s one of the few harem-style shows where I didn’t dislike any of the characters, and I’m not sure which one is my favorite. I guess I’d call it a tie among Sena, Kobato, and Rika, but all the characters are cool. Grading strictly on appearance, I’d probably roll with Sena, though, which is why I have this dakimakura cover.

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review

This dakimakura cover is made by Dai Taiwan Teikoku, presumably a Chinese circle, and not the only Chinese group that makes pillowcases – the guy who runs Evening Call is from Shanghai, I think. Rather than distribute their products through consignment shops like Toranoana or White Canvas, they instead sell their doujin goods through BON Cool.

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review

I typically use these dakimakura cover reviews as filler posts for whenever I don’t feel like doing a figure review, but this one serves as a public announcement of sorts. It can be difficult for overseas collectors to purchase dakimakura covers; for a while, Mandarake was, as far as I know basically the sole option for buying doujin pillowcases directly. None of the big doujin stores ship internationally – well, White Canvas says they do, though when I e-mailed them a couple years ago they ignored me, but maybe they’ve changed their policies recently. I probably should ask them again. But anyway – the interesting thing about BON Cool is they are happy to sell to overseas customers, and they even have English and French versions of their website. They’ve opened up a second round of preorders for Sena as well as Yozora, with the order cutoff in a couple of weeks. So anybody who wants to buy a Sena or Yozora pillowcase without needing to go through a proxy can do so with a minimum of fuss.

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review

This pillowcase is, like many doujin dakimakura covers, 160 centimeters long and 50 centimeters wide and made of stretchy spandex fabric. It’s a bit thin – you can probably see some bleed-through of the reverse side in these photos – but feels smooth and sturdy.

There’s a ton of Sena dakimakura covers out there – maybe the most of any recent character – but I went with this one because the art style looks pretty close to the actual character designs. The front side shows Sena looking a bit shy while wearing her school uniform.

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review

The reverse side is the best side and shows her wearing a swimsuit. The art looks great; I really like the way her back is rendered. The ponytail held together with her butterfly clasp is also a very cute touch.

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review

It’s also nice how her fingers form indentations in her skin.

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review

I also like the way her feet are drawn; it’s uncommon to see feet rendered this well, particularly from an unusual viewing angle like this one.

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review

Her face is also very pretty. And relatively accurately; she’s got the characteristic lips and upturned nose from her anime design.

Anyway, of all the Sena pillowcases out there, this one is my favorite. If you’re looking around for a pillowcase of Meat, this one is pretty good, and you can order it yourself without needing a middleman. Heck, if they re-open orders for Kobato, I might order that one; I do own one Kobato pillowcase already, but I wouldn’t mind buying another.

Sena Kashiwazaki Dakimakura Review
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45 Responses to Dakimakura Review – Sena Kashiwazaki from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (NSFW)

  1. Asa says:

    Delicious. Sena was my favourite girl from last season’s anime, and this is a wonderful rendition of her. Despite the oversized breasts she’s a gorgeous girl and I liked her character very much. It was a fun series, but she was the best of all of the girls. <3

    • Tier says:

      More anime should be like Haganai. Heck, I might even get a figure of Kodaka if someone made one; one has to admire a man whose daily mission is to go out raping.

      • Asa says:

        I plan to get a Sena figure, if she turns out well; http://myfigurecollection.net/item/78631 GSC is usually fine, so there’s a very high chance I will get her, however the only male I will ever consider getting a figure of, is Fate/Zero’s Rider. Unfortunately in this particular case, male figures are rare. Not a concern at any other time.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, I’m sure it’s going to be great; I’m looking forward to that one and Yozora. Hopefully we’ll get to see both on the 12th.

          There aren’t too many male figures I’ve wanted; I thought about getting MegaHouse’s Himura Kenshin, since I liked the anime, and I would’ve gotten the Izanagi Persona figure (though that figure might not technically be male) if it were 1/6 scale, to go with Alter’s upcoming Aegis. They don’t come from the same game but I think they’d look cool together. Probably the closest I’ve come to buying a male figure was with Max Factory’s Bridget from some years back, and I mainly like his design because he looks like a girl. If he looked like a dude, I wouldn’t care.

          On a related note, if the folks at Volks decided to trip on acid and announced a Barack Obama Dollfie Dream, I’d totally buy it. I don’t care how expensive it would be, I’d buy it.

          • Asa says:

            Best. Use. Of. Tentacle. Stand. Ever.

            I’ve not looked in to dollfies much as it’s not ground I want to tread on with the costs involved, but do they even have male bodies? Do they have dark skinned ones? Maybe it’s possible to make a custom…

          • Tier says:

            Haha, the tentacles bring the love to everyone that fall into their clutches XD Though I think the president is pimp enough to get them to work for him.

            Nah, they don’t have any male DD bodies. As far as I know, anyway; I’m not expert in the Dollfie field. There are quite a few male bodies made by other manufacturers, which I guess mostly fall into the resin ball-jointed doll category, which I also know nothing about. I haven’t seen any dark-skinned ones, though, and certainly haven’t seen any heads approximating 50-year old African-American males. A shame, that, but at least I have not one, not two, but three 1/6 scale dolls of the president (admittedly, I bought the third one because I busted the second one’s arm).

  2. Shashin says:

    I’ve still yet to watch the series, but definitely will at some point. The glut of Sena and Kobato covers has been truly astonishing; the covers that come out do generally stay in tune with the season’s anime, with the occasional popular character making an appearance, but the amount of covers they’ve had between the two of them is getting ridiculous. I don’t know how many I have of them anymore, without putting a bit of thought into it, and I’m only likely to get more with Evening Call’s Kobato and if BonCool decides to open up a second reception for the Kobato they sold. I’m definitely happy I added this one to my collection, though.

    • Tier says:

      You should! It’s a great show, probably my favorite show of last season. Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere could’ve made it a contest if that show made any sense, though. I’m somewhat surprised there aren’t more Fate/zero pillowcases out there, since that seems to be the show everyone talked about. Every English speaker, anyway. Though then again, Fate/zero was very lacking in eye candy; not a bad thing for its presentation, given its tone, but definitely a bad thing for hobby goods collectors.

      I think I’m going to stick with this Sena but I’ve got a bunch of other pillowcases ordered. March should be a good month.

      • Shashin says:

        I don’t think I’ve watched any of last season’s offerings; I finally got around to watching Infinite Stratos, and just picked up Guilty Crown because I was looking for something to watch. I’m actually enjoying it quite a bit so far, even if I think the main character is a pussy and will end up pussing out even further at some point during the series (I’ve watched up to episode 5), but all the chicks are cute, at least. Believe I’ve heard you mention Shu’s mom(‘s ass) a few times, but I haven’t really had much exposure to her yet, so I’d say I’m probably split between Ayase and Tsugumi right now. I actually looked for dakimakura covers for the series (as I tend to do with just about everything I watch) and there are surprisingly few. The Evening Call Inori was probably the best bet, and I was waffling on it even before watching the series, but I really like the Tsugumi too; I think HOP did it.

        As for Fate/zero, I guess you’re right, though B&W Store did 2-3 themselves, so I suppose that’s something.

        I have a ton of stuff on preorder set to release this month, and there is quite a bit more I’d like to add. Evening Call and Kyounetsu have a few things I’d like to preorder (hope Evening Call officially supports PayPal soon), as well as a few other really tempting ones that have their preorders open through February.

        • Tier says:

          I think I’m up to Guilty Crown’s eighth episode or something; I’m planning on watching the rest of it sometime. Shu’s mom definitely has a nice ass, and somebody should make a dakimakura cover of her. I’d probably be most inclined to get an Inori dakimakura cover, I guess, though I’m still waiting for one that I really like. I like Evening Call’s one a lot but not quite enough to beat out all the other covers I’ve ordered in the last month.

  3. azn0will says:

    I so want one :3

    I give you a thumbs up on your goodies!

    • Tier says:

      You should get one! You can order one yourself. Don’t hold back!

      • azn0will says:

        Thanks for providing the links.

        I’m very tempted, but for Daki’s I actually use em. So if I were to get a Sena cover, I would also need to get a new inner-pillow body. For those I’m pretty picky too, they need to be stuffed to the MAX! xP
        There’s only certain pillow bodies that I’ll consider using, and they’re all freakin’ expensive. T_T

        So, all I can do is wait till I clear up some room for another daki. Hopefully in a couple of weeks/months the cover will still be available. O.o

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of people wondering where to get dakimakura bodies and I haven’t seen any completely satisfactory products yet. The Cospa one is only 150 cm long so there’d be a bit of slack in the end, the expensive one at Bed Bath & Beyond is only 152 cm long (and is listed at $80), and the Royal Pillow ones are also only 152 cm long.

          • Shashin says:

            You can call up Royal Pillow and request custom sizes; I know a few people who have done that and they’ve been happy with the results. Will only be a few bucks more, and it’s certainly a lot cheaper than any of the Japanese offerings.

          • Tier says:

            Ah, okay, that’s probably the best option for people in the US then; their prices look pretty reasonable, too, particularly compared to importing the Cospa dakimakura.

          • azn0will says:

            This is what I have now, and it’s amazing.
            However, it is expensive, but it’s thick, I mean really thick. This pillow boy is like a fusion of a Copsa pillow body and a tempurpedic.

            I’ve also tried the Royal Pillow website, and they’re alright. Like you said if you are skeptical of getting a quality pillow because of the price, your best bet is Royal Pillows.

          • azn0will says:

            My Pillow

            sorry I guess the HTML won’t accept imgs with hyperlinks. I provided the link above.

          • Tier says:

            That sounds very comfy. A high-quality pillowcase definitely deserves an equally high-quality pillow.

  4. Chag says:

    Oh wow, are those wet stains on the sheets? That’s exactly the thing I was talking about in that Charlotte post. What a divine sight. Sena is looking so soft and supple, just a a good slab of meat ought to, and I think the shading on her skin really does the trick. And that ass-grab — that works wonders too. Ugh, I can’t get over how perfect that swimsuit half is. Don’t get me wrong, the uniform half is great as well, but the swimsuit side has got to be the best pillow cover illustration I’ve ever seen. Wow, I can stare at it all day.

    • Shashin says:

      While I’d probably drop short of calling it the best myself, I’ll agree that the swimsuit side is absolutely fantastic. It just has so much going for it, and really makes the case. Despite owning several Sena covers, the character design doesn’t do too much for me; every cover I’ve ordered of her has been the result of the circle adding some amazing touches.

      The one I look forward to most is likely Evening Call’s take of her: http://www.eveningcall.net/InformationDetail.aspx?NewsId=132

      Overall, I think their cover will appeals to my interests more, but the ass grab on this cover is delicious.

    • Tier says:

      I saw the swimsuit side and that pretty much made my decision for me. If the Haganai characters starred in an ero anime, that’s exactly the way I’d imagine Sena would look.

      On a slightly related tangent, the second episodes of euphoria, Kiriya, and Kowaku no Toki are scheduled to drop at the end of March; I can’t wait.

      • Shashin says:

        Don’t know the other two series by name (I’m terrible with names), but I certainly look forward to a new episode of Euphoria. Was a mist pleasant surprise since I wasn’t sure what to expect, and I really look forward to the other chicks getting some air time; aesthetically, the two that got scenes were provably my least favorite of the living characters. Though the main chick of the episode certainly made up for it with her personality.

        • Shashin says:

          Okay, just got a batch of goodies from SMJ and I may very well have a new favorite cover. That Miku I mentioned a few weeks back turned out to be everything I expected it to be, and there’s delicious fluids everywhere (why I’m replying to this post, as it may be of interest to Chag.)


          Well worth the expensive price tag, I’d say. Though I really do hope Ankokoubou decides to sell it at a web reception at some point, because this is definitely one cover I’d like to have at least one spare of.

          • Tier says:

            Those look fantastic; I love the art style there, particularly the facial design, which is almost always the most important thing to me. I haven’t gotten any Anko Koubou cases yet, but I was looking around for a Fate Testarossa pillowcase and I noticed they made a bride version, which I assume is a counterpart to their Nanoha case. I couldn’t find any full-sized pictures of it, though; I think the main reason I haven’t gotten any of their dakimakura covers is because their website is nearly useless. I’m gonna have to keep looking around and see if I can find some shots of it.

          • Shashin says:

            I have one Fate case from them, but I don’t think it’s the bride version. I remember it being a bit of a disappointment, as I was just coming off some of their more explicit covers like their C.C Sakura and Fate 2P covers. But looking back, it probably wasn’t a bad cover; I’ll dig it out this weekend and take some pictures for you.

            The website definitely leaves a lot to be desired; most of the sample shots I’ve found for their covers have either come from the dakimakura blog, or Googling and drudging through tons of sites until I managed to find a sample image. Sometimes I’d get lucky and find full scale reviews other times it would just be an expanded packaging shot where I could see some of the chest area.

            I actually don’t remember what my first of their covers were, but I’m up to about 20 from them now, I think. They’re probably my favorite circle in terms or art style and consistency, but the website and a lot of event exclusives make it hard to get behind them as an overseas buyer.

            Their website only usually has a sample image for their most recent cover, and only if they plan on selling it at an event that’s close or opening a store order. I actually managed to get an order in with their last store order, and ordered two of their IS covers and one of their new Homura cover. The main problem is, like a few other circles, is that they tend to do 3 day weekend orders, so it can be really hit or miss if you’re using a proxy. If you’d like, I’ll let you know the next time I see them open up their store.

            As for the Miku cover, I actually think I like Miku more than I’m willing to admit. Seems as if I tend to buy most of her covers, and in this case, it was a really expensive one (though I bought it at least partially because it’s an AnkoKoubou cover.) In this particular case though, it has a whole lot going for it.

            The backside shot is my definite favorite side; everything from the expression on her face, the frilly dress, and soaked legs/panties just really add up to an amazing cover.

            On another note, I also received my C81 Tony cover today. Really is unfortunate that I couldn’t wait, as I could have almost gotten two 2WT versions for the price I paid for one Smooth Knit, but that’s how things work. I’d highly recommend it if you’re still considering it; the brunette chick has a very nice starfish.

          • Shashin says:

            As far as I can tell, the circle has done at least two Fate cases, with one having a different color scheme, making three.

            Here’s some shots of the one I own:

            I managed to dig up some sample shots of the other one, but there’s a YJA user bar covering the goods; still it should give you a general idea of what it looks like and if you’d want to pursue it.


          • Tier says:

            Ah, hmm, that’s definitely the pillowcase I was looking at. One of them; anyway; I’m not sure whether the reverse side has a white or blue outfit. It definitely looks pretty nice, but I suddenly remember that one odd guy who “married” a Fate Testarossa dakimakura, and now I’m kinda thinking maybe I shouldn’t get one with Fate in a wedding dress. Heh. I still gotta order the Tony C81 pillowcase, though; I guess I’ll put in an order right now.

          • Shashin says:

            Heh, good reason to avoid it, I suppose. Not sure where you were looking for it, but Mandarake has two of them in stock (not sure which colors), but judging by the product image provided, it looks like the material is Suede which I wouldn’t recommend. I could be wrong though, and if you could always ask them I guess… but I’d be specific in your phrasing. I once emailed them asking if they knew what type of material was used for a specific cover and they replied with “All covers generally use a polyester blend” versus the “2WT or SK” that I was looking for.

            I really do like the Tony case, but I can’t just stop beating myself over the head about not waiting. It has been a long time since I’ve purchased a Smooth Knit case and it’s much nice than SK, but it doesn’t even come close to 2WT; it’s fairly smooth if you rub in one direction but if you rub the other way it’s a bit prickly.

            On a general dakimakura note, I really wish more dakimakura covers had a bondage theme or included an anal plug; after viewing the few covers that do, I’ve decided it’s probably my favorite inclusion on a cover. I guess that’s why I generally don’t mind if they go with a catgirl theme. I’m really looking forward to this case.

  5. pokute says:

    Damn. I have never wanted a dakimakura so much.

  6. Wieselhead says:

    I like the look of Buriki’s characters a lot, well I just noticed his style in denpa onna to seishun otoko, but he draws the female characters in such a alluring and pretty way.

    Thats a beautiful ilustration they’ve made for this pillow cover, it is so detailed :).
    I especially like the sexy backside with the scapulas and all the other pretty details all over her body. The face is also cute and its good that it is so close to Sena’s official design.
    The front is not as nice as the back, its funny that you can see parts of her buttocks from this angle :p

    The slightly wet look should probably recreate the look of sweat or sunlotion on her body,
    anyway it makes here look even more sensuous, a really nice cover.

    • Tier says:

      I was happy when I heard that Denpa was getting an anime, since I assumed that meant Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai would probably get one, too. Hopefully we’ll see some more figures from the series next week.

      The wet look reminds me a lot of Yozora participating in the meat manufacturing process. It’s not too hard to imagine Yozora standing over Sena here with a bottle of slippery liquid in her hand.

  7. Wolfheinrich says:

    Oh that’s pretty damn nice Sena art right there, I have always been a meat eater and Sena is pretty. I should consider getting this. I started watching Tomodachi last season but got rather irritated on Yozora and never quite get back on the series after that.

    • Tier says:

      You should! And I felt the same way about Yozora and the series in general after watching the first episode. The second episode is really good, though, and aside from the occasional moments of drama (which are handled rather clumsily), the series is excellent from then on. The way Yozora and Sena bounce off each other is probably the best part of the show.

  8. Tier says:

    >> Shashin
    Ah, okay. I’ll probably keep looking then, though I’ve probably got enough pillowcases on order that I can hold off.

    Yeah, I would like more of a bondage theme on pillowcases as well, or at least a bit more spiciness. I’m really looking forward to the Tony pillowcase for that reason; it’s rare to see a pillowcase with those themes, and the fact that Tony did the art just makes it all the better.

  9. EchelonV says:

    I don’t know if this series is for me, but this girl and the art from it… I’m not complaining. Heh.

    • Tier says:

      It’s an enjoyable series – not entirely unique but very enjoyable in how irreverent the material is presented; Sena is an eroge enthusiast, the lead guy’s little sister has exhibitionist tendencies, and the scientist girl makes up porn scenarios from mecha manga. Plus, as you say, the artwork is very easy on the eyes.

  10. Aky says:

    Nice ~!! where to buy?

    • Shashin says:

      She is still in stock here:


      The site is willing to ship internationally and accepts Paypal, however, their site doesn’t offer any English functionality, so you’d have to sign up via the Japanese registration page.

    • Tier says:

      I’m not sure. It’s sold out at the store linked in the post so I presume Yahoo Japan Auctions would be the logical place to look.

      • Shashin says:

        Oh, wow. That’s what I get for clicking the sidebar comments without reading it entirely. >_> Definitely just assumed this was for Dizzy.

        I saw this cover posted on Mandarake a few days ago, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it sold out there. It’s also pretty rare on YJA, but that’s definitely the place to look, if anywhere.

  11. Shadrin says:

    Is there anywhere you can still get this cover? I’ve been looking around and I can’t seem to find it anywhere…

    • Tier says:

      I would really doubt it, though I would check Mandarake and Yahoo Japan Auctions if you’re interested. Usually these sorts of doujin items are hard to find after a number of years.

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