Amane Shiratori from Anata no Shiranai Kangofu (NSFW)

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Anybody who’s read this site for a while knows that I like ero figures. And anybody who’s read this site for a while knows that I like big figures. Unfortunately, few figure manufacturers have made big ero figures – at least until recently. However, FREEing has stepped up to the plate to fill this niche, which is quite gratifying, particularly when the figure is as nice as Amane is.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Amane Shiratori is the lead girl from the h-game Anata no Shiranai Kangofu, or The Nurse You Don’t Know. Featuring artwork by Toshihide Sano, Good Smile Company’s product page describes her as the “heroine” but from what I can tell, she appears to be more rapebait than a heroine. The game received an anime adaptation courtesy of Milky Animation, and she’s now gotten a couple of figures – this one, a recolored version of this figure with a pink dress, and the older figure sculpted by Vispo. Warning: that link leads to some terrible pictures.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

This figure is manufactured by FREEing, one of the companies under Good Smile Company’s aegis. Sculpted in a mighty 1/4 scale – God’s scale – she stands an impressive 35 centimeters tall, including her nurse cap. She comes with a bevy of accessories, including a telescoping hospital stand, a couple of plastic fluid packs, and surgical tubing.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Any discussion about this figure ought to begin with its size. Not many companies make 1/4 scale figures with any regularity, and even fewer make ero figures in that size, but happily, FREEing is filling that void with this figure and a couple of 1/4 scale figures of the Freezing girls. Amane is a huge figure with considerable shelf presence, particularly given her quality. Her size is also a drawback, however; she is, unsurprisingly, quite a heavy figure and because she attaches to her base by only one foot, her weight is leaning her towards her right side. I noticed the sole of her sandal has partially detached and since that foot is bearing all her weight, I’m going to have to repair that before it becomes a big problem.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

FREEing has done an excellent job giving her a very sexy body sculpt. She’s full-figured with an adult body build rather than the teenaged – or primary school – look so common in anime. She looks like an attractive young woman, which is something I appreciate since even I sometimes feel really weird ogling anime girls that are ostensibly half my age.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Even though she, well, looks really slutty, with her tits and ass hanging right out for everyone to gawk at, the demure and friendly look on her face diverts attention from her lewd parts. But once your gaze moves part her tranquil look, it’s hard not to notice her tits and ass. Her breasts are large and the band-aids covering them up are removable. Her nipples don’t stand out much, though, thanks to a rather reserved point job. Her ass, however, is sublime. Manufacturers often give short shrift to the backsides of their girly figures but FREEing has done a commendable job with Amane’s rear. She’s got some odd-colored panties, though; they’re not quite white and not quite purple.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Her paint quality is less impressive, unfortunately. Her skin tone is quite flat, the same problem that seems to afflict Satellizer – though I wouldn’t know for sure since I haven’t taken her out of her box yet. It’s particularly noticeable on her face because the prototype figure had an attractive blush that the production figure lacks. I was quite disappointed by its disappearance at first but now, I guess it doesn’t bother me as much – her face takes on a different feel, with her apparent shyness replaced by serenity, which isn’t a bad change, per se.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

One of the trademark aspect of Sano’s style is the inclusion of lips, which is rare to see in anime-style artwork and so makes his work easily recognizable. Amane’s lips are slightly parted, as if expressing surprise or starting to say something. It adds a bit to her personality, although I’m not exactly sure what.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Amane comes with a few display options. Her nurse cap is attached via a magnet in her head and is thus easily removable.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

She also comes with glasses, as she also appears in some of the game graphics.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Many figures with glasses have empty frames, but in a very nice touch, Amane’s have plastic lenses.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

The hospital stand telescopes to its full height. I didn’t take any pictures of the fluid packs but if you really want to see them, you can look at the official photo. A couple of lengths of surgical tubing extend out from them and dangle on the floor.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

And of course, her dress is removable. Her castoff system isn’t too complicated, being that she’s not wearing a lot to start with, but it still took quite a bit of effort to get her dress over the stump of her right shoulder.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Many figures with castoff options have a peculiarly emaciated look when stripped of their clothes, and Amane isn’t an exception. Her waist is very pinched and her neck is conspicuously elongated. It’s clear that FREEing prioritized making her look good while clothed so while I like the idea of Amane clad only in her panties, I’m going to keep her dresesd. It’s not like her dress covers a whole lot, anyway.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

For those collectors who wish to display her without clothes, FREEing thoughtfully includes a couple of lacy bands to cover up the detachment points of her upper arms. Speaking of lacy stuff, her stockings are made of lacy fishnet fabric material, which looks quite nice. Like real stockings, they tend to slip down her legs, though.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

FREEing’s Amane Shiratori was a figure I was looking forward to ever since she debuted at Wonder Festival and I’m very pleased with how she turned out. A bit more body and facial blushing would have been welcome but even without, her massive size elevates her from a fine figure to a spectacular one. She manages to look respectable and affable even while being essentially half-nude, and her sexiness complements rather than overwhelms her agreeable expression. It’s still early in the year but I think Amane is already a solid candidate to end up in my five favorite figures list in December.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Here’s FREEing’s Amane with the Vispo-sculpted figure by Questioners. The older figure was one of my favorites but I don’t think it’s held up all that well with all the high-quality figures coming out these days.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

Here’s how Amane looks in the game. The game has lots of good stuff, like bondage rape, gang rape, electrical rape, rape with toys …

And rape with medical devices, as this screencap from the anime shows. What’s up with Amane’s feet, though?

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review

However, the series lacks the best kind of rape, which of course is tentacle rape. That’s a bit of a shame since tentacle rape improves any anime.

FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
FREEing Amane Shiratori Figure Review
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24 Responses to Amane Shiratori from Anata no Shiranai Kangofu (NSFW)

  1. Asa says:

    Not my kettle of fish, as per my usual disclaimer with ero figures, but I can appreciate her sculpt all the same. She does look quite splendid for what she is… I just don’t care for nurses, or figures of this slutty nature. Call me a prude, if you wish.

    As per usual, I’m more interested in the photographic side. It is a fairly nice shoot, specifically why you opted for the backdrop you did, looks more like a junky old warehouse or something than a clinical hospital setting she should probably be in.

    I also notice quite a lot of shadowing that usually isn’t present in your pictures; is that intentional to fit the mood/set, or what’s the deal with it? Like you’ve explicitly not used enough fill light or something, lighting her more from specific angles. Not to say it’s bad at all, it certainly has its appeal, I’m just wondering if it was a concious decision for a specific kind of light.

    Also, the IV tubing is really, really thick for the scale. Otherwise it looks quite good, but I’m surprised they opted for such a large prop with the glaringly obvious scale discrepancy. Weird.

    • Tier says:

      You are a prude! XD I picked this backdrop for a few reasons. The most significant one is that towards the end of the anime, the hospital is in a state of disrepair, and I felt that made for a more compelling visual. I’d much rather make an interesting picture than an accurate one; I’m not too concerned with making the background match the figure solely for the sake of congruency. I suspect that’s a big reason why you see so many swimsuit models get their pictures taken in the desert or on an iceberg or something rather than a swimming pool. Another reason is very straightforward; I haven’t been to a hospital in over a decade and have no idea what they look like inside. The third reason is I wanted something re-usable; I can re-use or re-dress this background very easily.

      The shadows are intentional, and they’re the product of both what I was trying to achieve and technical issues. I almost always like using heavy shadows; I don’t think the amount of fill light is an issue because I almost never use a fill light. Besides the one Miku Append photo – and the fill light there was unintentional – I can’t remember the last time I used a fill light or bounce card on a review (it might’ve been Triela). Most of my pictures actually only have one light lighting up the main features of a figure; I do use rim lights very often, and they’re easily noticeable here, but I’m a big fan of one light sidelighting a figure and much less of a fan of the conventional three-point lighting style.

      Maybe the tubing is meant to be inserted into existing cavities rather than veins :O One of the packs looks like it’s supposed to be blood plasma but it’s got a yellow color, and I’ve seen some doujinshi where … well, never mind. You can guess where that is going XD

  2. Wieselhead says:

    The pictures of the other Amane aren’t bad, no need to insult them ^^

    A old geezer fantasy nurse ^o^, it seems like this old fetish keeps being popular.
    She’s a big nurse for sure, I lately began to appreciate 1/6 scaled figures, but I guess 1/4 is not my scale, because I doubt that there would be enough space for more of them anyway.
    Maybe I would buy an appealing 1/4 Soniko.

    The face looks good. but somehow slightly rosy cheeks would have given her a more lively looking face. The lips are actually a good detail that lets her face appear lively, but without some rosy cheeks the face is a little bit plain I have to say.

    She looks better with clothes, it’s probably better to keep the nurse fetish style XD
    The white dress also accentuates her butt, which is quite nice, in a very good way.
    Oh there are glasses included, that is really nice, for people like me who like them.

    the medical stand looks great, are the wheels moveable?
    Lol I don’t want to have a closer look at her origin at all, the poor nurse XD

    • Tier says:

      Man those pictures are bad. Though it’s pretty funny to go through my old stuff and go like, “Gee, what was I thinking here?”

      1/4 scale Sonico would be pretty hot. Especially if it looks as good as Gift’s Sonico is looking XD

      Yeah, she looks great while clothed. I guess I have another nurse figure on order for this month – Kaitendoh’s one – and that one seems to look better naked, but Amane will keep her nurse uniform.

      Nah, the wheels can’t move. The stand is made entirely of plastic, though they did a great job making it look like metal.

      You should watch the anime XD It is rare that a two-volume show has four girls and manages to get in enough time for all of them XD

  3. TomTheCat says:

    You’re right about the flat skin tone. I have FREEing’s Satellizer and although I really like her very much, the flat paint job is one of the four issues I have with her. I can’t wait until you review her and see what you have to say about her.

    This Amane is a very nice figure indeed with very nice curves everywhere. What I’m missing are some photos of her belly while you had her undressed.

    • Tier says:

      I’m going to have to think about how I can photograph that figure; she’s way too big to fit in my normal shooting space. I probably should just shoot her on black, that’d be the most straightforward way to do it.

      I haven’t looked at her stomach but I’d guess it’s not that pretty a sight, since her waist is so narrow. FREEing’s Senhime had the same issue; fortunately, Satellizer seems to not have this problem.

  4. Interesting to hear that the paintjob wasn’t too hot on this version. The first one by Questioners also had pretty bad colours but at least this newer one doesn’t look quite as cheap as the earlier model. The Questioners one still trumps it in the ero and sexy department though IMO.

    It’s also quite funny to see just how far away both designs are from the original artwork in terms of the face. Vispo, I can understand since it’s his style, but what’s the excuse from FREEing?

    • Tier says:

      The bondage harness on the Questioners one is still too awesome. It would’ve been really cool if 1/4 scale Amane were wearing one. I wish there were more figures of anime girls in bondage harnesses.

  5. Chag says:

    Fact: the quality of the review is exponentially proportional to the number of times “rape” is mentioned. Rape is the hot sauce of figure reviews — it makes everything better!

    It’s good to see FREEing return to what they did best: fishnet stockings. The fishnet on those Haruhi bunnies were divine, and it’s a shame that they had to waste so much time on those gym uniform lucky star girls. I tend to expect more detail out of a 1/4 scale figure, but as long as FREEing delivers on the stockings, I’m all for it.

    • Tier says:

      Indeed! I should write a post ranking the best forms of rape in anime. I could see that being sort of an unclassy thing, though. Not that I run this site by consensus but I try to project an image of sensitivity to people’s sensibilities.

      It’ll be interesting to see if Rana and Ganessa have fishnets; their illustrations seem to show their socks as being opaque but hopefully, they’ll get their fishnets.

  6. Nightmare says:

    A fine specimen. Amane looks as good as Satellizer and Ingrid, if not better. I’d agree that she makes her best appearance while fully clothed, especially considering that her more delicate parts are out and about anyway. Not really surprised about the skin tone, she also shares another minor flaw with her fellow Freezing scales in color scratches on her rear. They’re visible in shots #23 and #25 and as I’m sure you noticed during shooting, only visible in specific angles. A minor thing FREEing could’ve handled better as well.

    I dig the scene per usual; especially the hard, subtle light caressing her backside. The abandoned warehouse look sure does look good with many figures, not exclusive to a lady in medical distress.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I saw those scratches on her rear, and I’ve seen them on a number of my other figures, too. They always show up on the buttocks and I’m not sure what causes them, or if they’re actually scratches and not just residue from the packaging. I probably ought to wipe off my figures before taking pictures of them.

      I do have this thing for battered-looking environments. It doesn’t work for everything but I do like the contrast it presents between a pretty anime girl and a shabby background. I’ll probably recycle this backdrop really soon for a Tamaki figure I want to shoot.

  7. Break says:

    hmm i dint pay any attentiont o this character at all, because i really have little to no interest in the “nymphonaic middle-aged nurse” stereotype, simply because the trope ha sbeen doen to death… unless oyu really have a fetish for it, you just grow tired of it beeign everywhere i guess, at leats thats what happened for me. i still enjoy the “loli or yandere cosplays as th “nymphomanic nurse”-stereotype”-type, which is kind of an odd case, btu other than that, its kidna meh for me. but seems like enough people still enjoy it^^ (well i have afaible for loli’s in adult-liek positions anyways; i like the bindage loli or the seductive loli, or the “mistress” loli, roles that are normally filled out by the more adult women. i guess its the uncannyness abotu taht which i like, the contrast between the adult role and the petite girl. hel, i could write an essay about that XDD and probably leanr a lto abotu me while doing so…)

    oh and your right, tentacle rape improves any anime! you know, i was abig ffan of digimon as achild, and soem time a go, irewatched it, and only then ai realized that digimon is FULL of cthulhu-references and, yes, tentacle-action. sure, no actual tentacle rape, but as close to it as oyu can get in a children’s anime, especially the third season… noticed anythign liek that in your aniem you liked a s a child too?

    • Tier says:

      I can’t remember seeing much tentacle stuff in the anime I watched while younger, but I do remember that one of the first instances of tentacles I saw came in comics. There’s this one issue of Uncanny X-Men during the X-Cutioner’s Song storyline where Jean Grey gets captured by Stryfe and gets prodded and tied up by a bunch of mechanical tentacles. I thought that was really hot, even though I didn’t know anything about tentacle hentai at the time.

      • Break says:

        haha lol i guess so
        well, most mahou shouo anime, both the oens for adults and the oens for children, usually have tentacles (i guess thats why there are so absurdly many mahou shoujo//tentacle-rape-hentai’s) so…

  8. nagisa says:

    I guessI am more focused on the pics than words but anyways, another great review to spice up this year. That outfit sure is very hot isn’t. I guess you cannot resist if she perfomed extractions, I mean blood extractions. Feb is coming near, and wonderfest is on the way, again to tease and tempt our wallets.

    • Tier says:

      I’d almost forgotten that Wonder Festival is soon. GSC’s blog had a notice that they had set up their website for their Wonderful Hobby Life For You! show, which is held right around the same time as Wonder Festival, and I was confused for a moment because I thought both shows were still months off. I hope there are a bunch of Horizon on the Middle of Nowhere figures, and I wonder if Grands will finally show off the Nymph figure that’s been in limbo for the last year or so.

  9. Luth says:

    Man, those fishnet stockings look hot. I wish they added cloth parts to pvc figures more often. It looks like it’s the next big thing in figma and hopefully the trend continues from there.

    I kind of see a lot of the 1/4 scale figures as a missed opportunity. There’s room for so much more detail and craftsmanship in a figure of that scale but somehow it seems most of them don’t come close to even 1/8 figures in that regard. I suppose a decently detailed 1/4 figure would cost a fortune but damn, it’d be awesome

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, that always seems like a strange thing. Even a lot of 1/6 scale figures lack the sort of detailing that a number of smaller figures get. Volks’s polystone versions of their 1/4 scale model kits seems to be the most notable exception – as they should be, for the prices they go for.

  10. EchelonV says:

    The last few pics are too good, those legs… *drools*, love the third one down without the nurse top on too, gotta love sideboob. And the glasses! Awesome stuff.

    “However, the series lacks the best kind of rape, which of course is tentacle rape. That’s a bit of a shame since tentacle rape improves any anime.”

    The TRUTH!

    • Tier says:

      There isn’t nearly enough tentacle rape material out there, though it’s heartening to see it kinda appear in Dororon Enma-kun. I wish it’d be more prevalent in H-anime, though; for something that is so often used to stereotype anime in general, it seems to not be nearly as common versus something like, say, NTR, which seems to get at least one new show every month.

      • EchelonV says:

        More words of truth, heh. NTR seems to be the normal vanilla thesedays, and just… meh to that. It definitely is funny how people latch on with the tentacle jokes, when, if you’re a fan like us you see the reality of it all, and we’re stuck with maybe ~5 h-anime tentacle releases a YEAR, and 5 is even a stretch off and on sometimes. Pixy gets stale too, but at least Valkyria is coming out strong with their shows (can’t wait for more Erena). But yeah… um, what else is there to talk about than a whopping two companies? Other than them, it’s usually just random hits from the other studios maybe once a year at the most. Inyouchuu, Asagi, Lilia, Sexy Magical Girl Ai, it’s kind of sad when you have to keep bringing these shows up in discussions then realize how old they already are and nothing has really taken their place… lol.

        Le sigh, the life of a tentacle fanatic. hah.

  11. Wolfheinrich says:

    Been so busy with the room renovation and hardly had time to stop by, but my god this is one hot juicy figure! Freeing is also one of my preferred figure manufacturers, like you I am also a fan of large scale figure, 1/4 is indeed a great scale! Then of course, so as my 1/3 Dollfie Dream! Anyway, seeing your review also helped me reignited some passion for scaled figure since I had recently had a big sale and got rid of a lot of figures that never quite made the passing grade in my book. Have been in the market for some good quality figures for some time now.

    • Tier says:

      Bigger is better in my book. You could take a look at some of Native’s recent stuff, Hotori Yoshii looks fantastic. Some people don’t like her face much – she’s kinda got this “Please go slowly” look – but I think she’s going to be amazing.

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