Having owned this figure for some months now, I ponder whether I want to take pictures of it and write a post about it. I don’t think it’s a good idea, because it is not a very good figure and comes from subject material of very questionable taste. However, nobody has ever charged me or this website with possessing good taste, and there is a notable dearth of discussion regarding Giga Pulse figures on the web. As I make my decision, I hear a voice in my head …
ME: Oh hell no, not you again. Every time, every damn time you show up you try to talk me out of buying a figure. Well, it’s too late, I already bought it so you can go … wait, you’re not my Common Sense. Who the hell are you?
VOICE: Relax, I’m not here to talk you out of shit. Call me your Uncommon Sense.
ME: Alright, alright. What do you want?
UNCOMMON SENSE: Just checking out the figure you got. Uhh, holy shit dude, what’s up with this figure?
ME: What? It’s Yukino Hongou. She’s from this game called Kowaku no Toki.
US: No, no, you know what the fuck I mean, this one’s all naked and shit. Holy fuck dude.
ME: Well, yeah, I mean, she’s from a porn game and this is from Giga Pulse. You know the sort of stuff they do.
US: Dude, that figure’s crazy man. I can’t believe you can buy shit like that.
ME: Yeah, I know. Man, I don’t even know how comfortable I feel putting this stuff online, it’s like I’m making some kind of porno or something.
US: Dude, it ain’t no big deal, people see this sort of shit all the time.
ME: Well, I mean, yeah, but still …
US: Fucking kids these days, they grow up on this shit. You think they’re growing up alright and then they’re watching 2 Girls 1 Cup before you fucking know it. This shit ain’t no big deal.
ME: Okay, okay, I see your point. But still man, I dunno, this site’s getting sorta popular, I don’t really wanna scare people off or anything. I don’t really know if I want to do this.
US: Look man, this is fucking anime, right? Every fucking anime you watch there’s gonna be naked girls. Every damn one.
ME: Okay, well …
US: Like that Tomodachi show you were watching. Funny-ass show, liked that part where the two girls kept PKing each other, and then bam, this butt-ass naked girl comes running right out of the fucking shower.
ME: Yeah, but …
US: But it’s like, you expected that, right? Cuz it’s anime. You watch anime, you’re gonna see naked girls. So all these dudes looking at your site, they’re used to this shit, okay? They’ve seen animated tits and ass a billion fucking times already. They’re used to it. You can’t freak them out.
ME: Alright, alright, I get you. I’ll review this figure then.
US: Review?
ME: I mean, you know, talk about the paint quality, maybe mention if there’s visible seam lines and mold marks and stuff …
US: Dude, dude, look, dude, listen to me … nobody reading this gives a fuck about any of that shit, okay? Nobody gives a fuck. You don’t buy a fucking Giga Pulse figure cuz it’s sculpted like a Greek goddess, you buy it cuz she’s got a fucking broomstick shoved up her ass, alright?
ME: Okay, okay, you’re probably right.
US: And what’s with all this blurry shit? Dude, people wanna see the fucking figure, they don’t wanna see your fucking low-f-stop camera-wanking.
ME: Okay, there, are you happy?
US: See, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Damn, they gave her some detail.
ME: It’s probably the only good part of the figure. The figure ain’t all that. Man, it’s pretty bad, actually. Hard as hell to put together, too, since she’s got so many parts.
US: But you only got this figure for like one reason, right?
ME: Pretty much. Oh, and Kowaku no Toki looked pretty cool too.
US: So is that one of those porny cartoon games?
ME: Yeah, pretty much.
US: What’s it about?
ME: Well, it’s about the Hongou family who lives in this strange mansion, and I think there’s this detective guy named Kyosuke who has these weird visions about … ahh fuck it, it’s pretty much about these girls who get raped a bunch. That’s pretty much all it’s about.
US: Sounds fucked up, man.
ME: Yeah, it pretty much is.
US: But like, that shit ain’t no big deal, is it? Fuck man, you were watching that Yosuga no Sora shit and they show incest right there on fucking television. It’s like, you gotta be a fucking pervert if you’re gonna be an anime fan.
ME: Yeah, seems like it.
US: Why don’t you show some pictures from the game?
ME: Dude … I dunno man, it’s pretty nasty stuff.
US: It can’t be that bad.
ME: Man, I don’t think they really wanna see this …
US: Dude, stop being a fucking pussy, the whole reason you started this site was to show people shit like this. You gotta remember your roots, man. Are you gonna fucking puss out now?
ME: No …
US: Then show the fucking pictures.
ME: Okay, okay … let’s start with a gentle one. How about this one?
US: She looks pretty happy there. I thought you said this shit was fucked up.
ME: It is. Let’s see, then there’s this one …
US: Dude, that could’ve come right out of a TV anime.
ME: Okay, okay, how about this one?
US: … Holy shit, she got fucked up.
ME: Yeah, I know. She gets pissed on in the picture right after that one. Hmm, here’s a cool one.
US: What the fuck are they doing to her?
ME: I think they’re filling her up with Whoppers. Wait, this one’s pretty neat.
US: Uhh …
ME: Yeah, that one’s neat. Especially where that thing goes next. Good times right there. Oh hey, here’s another fun one!
US: … Dude, are those fucking eels?
ME: How the fuck should I know, do I look like a biology major? Let’s see … ah, here we go, this one’s the best picture of them all!
US: …. Dude, what the fuck is that?!
ME: I think it’s a bull. Or maybe it could be a horse? I’m pretty sure it’s a bull though. Isn’t that awesome?
US: …
ME: And they even kept that scene in the anime! Damn, I’m glad they did. You know, I was really worried when PoRo announced they were gonna be making the anime cuz their stuff is kinda on the softcore side and I wasn’t sure how it was gonna turn out.
US: …
ME: And all their characters have that PoRo face, you know? I mean, it’s not a bad face or anything, but it’s like man, it all looks the same in every anime they make.
US: …

Dat PoRo face.
ME: But then I saw the anime and I was like, holy shit man, they kept the fucking bull scene. And they even put the stun baton in her, too. You know, I kinda think PoRo is behind Suzuki Mirano and Ordin Soft and Pixy, of course, but they got some good shit out. I even liked that one show with that one girl who looks kinda like that girl from that one magical girl show. But Kowaku no Toki, man, that was awesome. It’s a much better show than, like, Guilty Crown or some shit.
US: …
ME: Man, Guilty Crown, you talk about a show that’s trying too hard. It’s like, you think if you put together The Matrix and Final Fantasy VIII, you’d get a better show than that. I dunno how they fucked it up. I mean, the dude even looks like Squall’s scrub-ass little brother. At least the girl’s cute and gots some fine tits, and –
US: Dude, that’s fucking disgusting!
ME: Well, I dunno about that, I mean, yeah, I can understand if you don’t like seeing that pink-haired girl get beat up and thrown off a bridge and … wait, what?
US: Those fucking pictures, man! What the fuck?! What the fuck is wrong with you??
ME: What, the Kowaku no Toki ones? What’s wrong with them? Wait, here’s another one.
ME: Dude, calm the fuck down, you said it was no big deal right? What’s your problem? It’s just a fucking bull coming out of a girl. Look, here’s a picture of the bull-rape scene from the anime.

US: Get the fuck away from me!
ME: Dude, what’s your deal? This shit isn’t that bad.
US: You are such a fucking pervert! Stay the fuck away from me! Ahhhh!
ME: Jesus, calm the fuck down. Look, here, here’s another cap from the anime, it’s hard to tell what’s going on, right?

US: Jesus fuck man, stop showing this shit!
ME: Alright, alright, just fucking calm down. Take a deep breath or something. Damn, dude.
US: Fuck you, man! You’re fucking diseased! Stay the fuck away from me! I don’t want your fucking AIDS!
ME: What the fuck are you talking about?
US: You fucking heard me, get the fuck away from me! You’re a fucking pervert! I can’t believe you’re fucking posting this shit! You’re gonna get fucked by the FBI!
ME: Dude, calm down, they got bigger fish to fry than some guy who watches cartoons. What’s your problem? It’s just anime.
US: I’m never fucking coming to your site again! Dude, you are fucked up!
ME: Come on man, don’t do that. Here, let me show you another picture …
US: Fuck no, man! I’m out of here!
ME: … Damn, dude. It ain’t that bad, is it?
Terrible figure, but what an awesome post. Was laughing super hard. Great way to start the weekend!
Thanks! I got a kick out of writing it. Probably the best way to present this sort of figure.
u should use it for a college level essay…pretty sure it’s gonna get a A+.
About halfway through the dialogue…Is it really dialogue with a voice in your head, or would it still be monologue? Never mind. Where was I? Oh yeah, I just started cracking up because it sounds like a conversion I’d have with myself. I probably have at some point.
I think it is mostly dialogue, I tend to think of this voice as a separate person, or consciousness, anyway. Certainly it doesn’t share any of my values other than my usage of profanity, which is a lot more common in real life than on this website.
I Lol’d so hard. But it’s true, you have to be a pervert to be able to stomach some animes…well mainly hentai. 😛
Indeed! I’ve seen some shows which are rather sick. Though to be honest, the most repulsive show I have seen in recent times is C3 Cube x Cursed x Curious. God what an awful show that is. I was thinking of writing a post about Guilty Crown and C3 but man, I dunno if I want to now … I’ve got a few things to say about Guilty Crown but I hated the first episode of C3 so much that I don’t even want to talk about it.
hm well guilty crown is certainly beeing.. it made people expect so much out of it that they are inevitably disgusted with how it didnt becoe the best show ever.. but C3 is actually gettign pretty good, dotn you think? i love how they basically troleld me into thinkign it would be soem happy g lucky show with episode one and the opening, and then it turns like THAT starting from the second half of episde two, man, they got stuff that almost no anime has: death and amputaton that is permanent, and doenst get helaed or revived conveniently in the next five minutes. good stuff, though i really liked amanda and kinda sad she died so fast. id hope fro them to make a figure of her, though for someone who is that niche (i mena she is almost naked and has burn scars) and died in the third episod ealready, its kidn aunlikely to get a figure. (oka ymami tomoe also died in the third episode, but she has big hookers so she got a bunch of figures..) as for oyu rpost, its totally awesome how your more perverted than your uncommon sense man^^
I’m reserving further judgment on Guilty Crown, since I only saw the first episode and I plan on watching at least up to episode 3. The first episode was a lot of really slick production and impressive graphics married with a mostly unlikeable main character and a number of eye-rolling plot contrivances, but maybe it’ll get better. At least the pink-haired girl has a nice rack and a cute outfit.
C3, though … I don’t think I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt. I watched the first twenty minutes, hated it, and I don’t think I’m gonna bother with it. I’m not in the target audience anyway, since I detest the tsundere personality type. I’m sure people who dig that sort of thing are liking this show, but it’s not my bag.
I don’t think anybody wants to hear what I think about Fate/zero.
well, i agree with guilty crown (though i saw the first two eps already), but i tell you, you cna absoultely not watch C3 on the first episode. its basically a troll-episode, like madoka magica’s first episode was- it creates a totally wrong image of the series. (on a sid e note, i wouldnt classify fear as a tsundere, shes more like a slightly schizophrenic kind of yandere… though she seems liek a tsundere in the first episode. like i said, its basically trolling the audience to make the direction the rest of the series is taking a bigger surprise.)
I’ll take your word for it. I might revisit it down the line but right now, I’ve got more than enough stuff to watch.
well i suppose the author originally tried to make her a shana-copy but then changed his opinion halfway, therefore the rice-cracker and “ill curse you!” thigns taht only get carried out half-heartedly, you know? tahst the impression i got.
I think I can see that, and I say “I think” since I only saw one episode of Shana (the very first one) and I’m not really too familiar with the character, other than that she seems to tell people to shut up a lot. Actually, I’m probably more familiar with characters based off of her; there’s this redheaded character in this VN called Walpurgis that sorta reminded me of her (or rather, what I imagine she’s like). I kept trying to get her tentacle-raped, but the game moved so slowly that I never got to that point.
ah, okay.. well, the anime makes her a lot mroe tsun than she is int eh original, that shana. well, ocne youve gotten used to all the technical terms the story throws at you right from the beginning, shalkugan no shan ais actually pretty good, especially the way how everythign up to season 3 was, lookign back at it now, basically only buildng up the protagonist from a kidn of weak whimp to the awesome villain-hero which he is now. though the aniem staff totally messed uo the beginning, i guess you can just skip the first few episodes of the original nime and watch the movie instead, its basically the same bt its beeing more faithful to the original which is of course better. i dont even get why they made those changes in the first place really.. im normally not especially into tsunderes but im quite a fan of the shakugan no shana franchise, but maybe its a matter of taste too..
If I watch it I might do something like that. I detest the tsundere archetype in most cases, so I’m not too inclined to watch the series, but if I can skip a season or two by watching a movie, that makes it a bit more appealing to me. I did that with Nanoha; I didn’t feel like watching the first season so I watched the movie instead.
sorry, the movie only covers the friagne arc, nto the entire first season^^ like, i think about the first 6 or so episodes.
well, you say that “archetype” but maybe the fact that shana is pretty much one of the first of that archetype, so at least shes not a copy or designed after an archetype, might help you getting over it? luckily, in that series the story is mroe important than her tsunning around anyways…. so yeah, it may get hard on you sometimes, but i think its pretty much worth it, though its kdn of ashame the woman from shakugan no shana i prefer greatly over shana, hecate, ddoesnt exactly have the moost important role.. not an unimportant one, but still she doesnt get to talk often…
Dang, so much for that plan.
Nah, it’s mainly that I don’t like the personality type rather than the prevalence of it. Okay, yeah, I don’t like the prevalence, either. There are a few characters I like that have that personality type but most of the time, it’s something I greatly dislike.
well, maybe youll like it more when you just read the novel instead (well thouhg i think noboy translated the first novels yet), given how the anime made her a lot more tsun than she actually is.. well, try it out if you feel like it i guess, cant hurt after all^^
LOL, that’s priceless. The other day, I had a similar discussion going on with my own US. And now I’ve also got a Giga Pulse figure on its way. On first glance, one of the tamer ones, if I say so myself. On second glance, there’s no broom involved, but a samurai sword. Erm…?!?
And I’m also interested in seeing the quality of my figure. Yours doesn’t even seem too bad. Her nipples seem to be nice, even nicely painted, her buttocks are nice, and her face looks reasonably pretty. Well, I think I’m a hopeless romantic.
What’s that saying? “Nobody is useless. They can still serve as a bad example”
Congrats on your new purchase! I gotta admit, some of the Himekishi Janne figures were tempting (not the futa ones, though). I don’t think I’m gonna get them, though. Giga Pulse figures are interesting to own but I kinda find that their stuff is best admired in other people’s collections.
I got several NSFW figures in the queue that I need to get to taking pictures of. None of them are nearly as raunchy as this one, but I want to take Tsuneko and Satellizer out of their boxes already.
Ok, I had my share of laughs for today…:D
Thanks, glad you thought it was funny XD
A very creative approach on this figure. I just laughed my butt while reading, but looking at those pics, they looked like being violated….hard. Since I used to softcore stuff, looking at these pics realized me that tentacle rape is nothing on this one, even shooting divine buster on the insides, hehe
Indeed! Uhh, I even left out some of the more hardcore pictures in the set … the ones that I had deleted and forgotten that I had done so. Let’s just say that even that bull-birthing picture isn’t close to the most nauseating picture in the game.
Your uncommon sense is a funny dude, great idea.
the game pics were actually more disturbing than the figure itself.
What has been seen can’t be unseen TT
Haha at least she looked happy again in the last picture XD
I visited the site of Gigapulse several times and thought are there people who actully buy this extreme stuff ^o^ ? Well, I bought two figures from them in the past XD but only two tamer ones of Endoh Ifrina. This figure here has a good face, but the rest of her is just too extreme, coming with a broom, Gigapulse is a funny company.
This figure has optional panties, are there more optional parts included in the box ?
She does! Presumably the last picture is a happy ending. I think. I like to think that there’s a happy ending in the game, anyway.
Yeah, there are a ton of parts. Too many parts. I guess Giga Pulse just uses the same body parts for multiple figures and provides different clothing sets and accessories for different characters or poses. I think the only part I didn’t show in the picture was her skirt, and I wasn’t going to try to put that on her. Just getting her stockings in place was a colossal pain in the ass.
You should watch the anime! You would enjoy it. Look, how you can resist Yukino when she looks at you this way?
WHOA! This was Super-NSFW! the game seems very err… A horse coming out of from her.. IIIEEEH!? Sick!!
Wait… Am I starting to sound like Tier’s “Uncommon Sense”?
…Maybe I am…?
Funny post though Tier xD
Was reading this post as quickly as possible before my gf/blogpartner could see what I was looking at… and gotdamn!! scrolled quick as hell at those last pictures, as I heard her coming out from the bathroom! Haha! Close call!
It could be! You know, when I started this site, I planned on showing a lot more hentai stuff, and then it sort of became more of a photography site over time. I kinda wonder if I can find a good balance there that won’t scare people off.
Haha, I imagine you’d have some explaining to do if she saw some of those CGs up on the screen XD
I think you have quite a good balance =) What I also like about Tentacle Armada is that there’s frequently new posts. A quite active blog of yours =)
I guess you got a lot of figures to review! ^^
I try to keep a somewhat consistent posting schedule, though it’s pretty tough to try to get a review out every week. I’ve got a ton of stuff to review though, so I’m hoping to get some of the backlog cleared out by the end of the year.
Holy shit lol. I laughed so hard… I’ve always stayed away from NTR and tentacles for my games.
But… I loved Yosuga no Sora. It was beautiful.
Yick… Bull penis. Defiling pretty girls. =[
I’m not a big huge NTR fan but it doesn’t always bother me. Sometimes it does. But from what I’ve seen online, there are a lot of people who really hate NTR, which I guess is the reaction those eroge/anime makers are trying to get.
Tentacles though, man I love tentacles. Which comes as no surprise, I guess. I’m very much looking forward to episode 3 of Princess Knight Catue. I wish someone would adapt Zanjibaru as an anime but it appears Amolphas is no more.
Don’t you ever feel like (for tentacle genre) the girl is being defiled?
My reasoning is that such a beautiful girl should not be touched by anything other than me (protagonist). I don’t know… I get jealous.
Same idea with NTR.
in “tentacle and witches”, the protagonis is, or rtaher transforms into, the tentacle monster himself, so i gess that would solve your problem?
You bet! That is very much my thing, and I admit this with no shame. I think it might bother me a bit more if I played a lot of eroge that were told from a first-person perspective, but most of the games I’ve played and enjoyed (like Zanjibaru, Sengoku Rance, and the Raidy games) were told in third-person. I bought Guilty: The Sin and that game is narrated in first-person and that did actually make me feel weird. Particularly when the first sex scene came up.
I love it when it’s in first person, lol. But most of my games are in 3rd…
I wish they made it first person with the scenes allowing you to control what you can do to the girl. So like, School Mate 2 but only during event scenes.
I still don’t like the tentacles. Meh. It’s just I want it to be me and her. I don’t want to be a tentacle monster.
Damn I haven’t laughed so hard in a while
Thanks 😉
Thanks, glad you liked this writeup XD These sorts of “reviews” are a lot of fun to do from time to time.
Give me a moment to find my bearings.
I, unfortunately, watched the Kowaku no Toki anime. This month was pretty crap for h-anime so I thought I’d at least try something new. Urgh, wrong choice. November and December should be good though. I’m hoping Euphoria will be tame but I doubt that very very much :(.
Anyway, back to Kowaku no Toki. I had no idea what was going and I’m not rewatching it subbed to find out. And man the game is way more graphic than the anime, too graphic. I prefer PoRO when they’re being ‘nice’ – Wizard Girl Ambitious or Floating Material, that kind of weak ass stuff.
Giga Pulse sure are weird. They release lots of different variants of the same figure. This one is type B? I’ve thought about buying GigaPulse Kanu in the past but really she’s not that good compared to other versions.
I guess that’s your Uncommon Sense left you for good now? xD
Right choice! Perhaps this is one of those shows that needs a second watching to fully appreciate. I initially gave up on my two favorite books (Neuromancer and Noble House) and didn’t actually appreciate them until I tried reading them a second time. Maybe Kowaku no Toki is the same way. For me, it is definitely the best anime of this year.
Then again, my other favorite hentai shows from this year include Shoujo Senki Brain Jacker, Wa Wana, and Tentacle & Witches (the second episode needed more tentacles, though) so perhaps my opinion is skewed.
I think this one was Version 1, Type A. If I remember right, Type B was a pregnant variant. My fondness for maggot birthing hentai aside, I don’t really have a thing for pregnancy in H art. Actually, it’s probably one of the things I dislike the most, along with guro, scat, and futanari themes.
It’ll be back, it always comes back. I’ll have to wait for the right figure to have another conversation with him, since it makes for a nice change from the standard intro/character-background/paint-quality-discussion figure review I usually do.
While I have zero interest in figures of this nature, the writeup is hilarious and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The game also looks… interesting. However just having finished Otomimi Infinity, and dabbling with Princess X, I think I’m over my eroge quota for a year or two.
Also BokuTomo is a great show; the naked loli was unexpected, but you’re right. It’s anime, who cares. We see it all the time anyway.
Yeah, I think that is my favorite anime this season. I like the manga a lot and it’s great to see how well the characters translate to anime. it’s fantastic seeing how well Sena and Yozora bounce off each other. Though I’ve heard that Sena is comparable to Kirino in that Oreimo show and that sort of disturbs me.
I agree that bokutomo is a nice anime, but I really can’t take them seriously when they have that kind of face to be honest. I could barely recognize Kodaka when I saw him.
They all just look so… short?
Could be, though I think they look okay. That might be because I’m a stereotypical Asian midget in real life so short characters don’t look too out of place to me.
Me: Ahhh, first things first… time to start my work week with my news feeds… Awesome, a new NSFW figure review!
Work ethic me: Dude, you should finish that quote you started on Friday.
Me: Fuck that, you know how great these reviews are.
Work ethic me: Yeah, but you waste enough time on these figures, job is more important.
Me: Job is fine, we need to… wtf, broomstick?
Work ethic me: uhhhgg… keep reading!
Thanks for the high quality reviews! I just started reading your site recently and I’m hooked! I think more figures should be… interactive like this one, hahaha (perv).
Happy Halloween!
Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for the kind words. I definitely want to distinguish this site from most figure review sites, and if that means posting pictures of bull love, I’ve got no problem with that.
Ahh, interactivity … that reminds me, I need to plan out the Machine of Joy so that it’s ready for Miku’s arrival next year.
I knew you can do this, I had faith in you! Yukino is definitely quite the babe, since I am already quite fond of the Poro faces, yeah I am one of those dudes that has the hot for them generic Poro faces, I think they are HOT!
Man this giga pulse figure is really something, I didn’t expect it to be like that but damn it’s really right up there in terms of being one of the most naughty figures I have seen this year…. a fucking broom? Holy shit! Now I have to find some time to play this game, cause I know the story must have been chopped up and make little next to no sense just like Kara no Shoujo. When I played the game, the story actually make sense. BTW, I have fulfilled my end of the bargain and review Kara no Shoujo!
I can’t show as many x-rated stuff cause you know, I got BAD people going to my site too; but Kara no Shoujo has some of the better drawn uncensored scene I have ever seen, so it’s worth checking out for sure.
I tried to play the game, though I think you have to set the region to Japan and I didn’t feel like rebooting my computer at the time. I probably ought to install virtualization software for games like that. I was sort of surprised that Kyosuke’s sexy assistant didn’t show up, nor Yukino’s sister, though I’m glad they kept the focus on Yukino; there have been a few H shows where they spread the focus around too much (like Wa Wana and Yume Kui … think both of those are Suzuki Mirano titles).
OMG hiding the hentai 🙁 That is too bad. You should just show it off. Too many people out there say they are perverts or whatever and then run away screaming when they see some cartoon tit.
What Wolf said. At this point I think I’m just going to buy whatever game or anime he suggests. Kara No Shoujo was nice with only one real beef dealing with Yukari. I’d love to give Kowaku no Toki a go, but after a couple full blown reformats I’m just not set up to translate a VN on the go like I did for Fate/Hollow unfortunately. And no time to rewrite those macros.
As for virtualization, I just kick the OS into Japanese when I first install it and leave it there. So much simpler. Most installs seem to default to English anyways, and the ones that don’t I can read the buttons at least.
I had Windows set to Japanese for a while. The main thing that bugged me is sometimes text would be displayed in an odd font, which was a bit annoying.
Dang, Suck My Dick or Die! is back to full price. Oh well.
Haha wow dude, you sound like me if I had tons of money for this stuff or something. I worship Aojiru’s Tinkerbell stuff to the bone, the new upcoming game Kuraibito(?) for January this year looks fantastic.
Kowaku was off the hook, best h-anime of 2011 for me easily.
Where do you track down some rarities anyways? I’d love to somehow own everything Inyouchuu someday, best series for sure. I know there’s some really rare stuff from that series, whether it be phone cards that haven’t been scanned, or dakimaru’s that only have like one tiny picture on the net, damn. I WANT EVERYTHING FROM INYOUCHUU!!!!!!
Yeah, I love Aojiru’s artwork as well, and I’d agree Kowaku no Toki was my favorite h-anime last year too. Though Swing Out Sister was pretty good, albeit much more tame. Inyouchuu Etsu was … well, not nearly as good as it could’ve been. I really liked Shoujo Senki Brain Jacker too, mainly because Rin is really cute and Pegasus is pimp as hell.
I usually see stuff on goods-related websites like Moeyo and Akibablog or I’ll just run across them on retailer websites. I’ll also keep track of goods companies that license stuff from companies whose characters I like, such as CrancrownBlack. They did the Mikoto Shiratori mousepad and looking at their website, they’re also offering one of Chihiro from Mouryou no Nie. It looks pretty cool, and so does the one of Tsugumi from Renai Saimin. Speaking of Mouryou no Nie, some company did a couple of dakimakura covers of Chihiro and one of the other characters, but neither was all that detailed, anatomically-wise, which is a really strange design decision given the sort of content that that game includes.
I guess I’ll keep the random Aojiru talk here, but dude you get around to Kurabito yet? Holy hell… OMG, lol. Homerun for sure, I think it’s the best thing Aojiru’s done probably since the Shoku / H2 / Kowaku era (in my opinion). But now I think the resolution is up to 1280×800 here, finally Tinkerbell. So that’s fucking amazing. I only know the basics of basics, but the story kind of seems like Kowaku Light (along with the content). Very extreme, as always with most of Aojiru’s stuff, but nothing quite at the level of Kowaku still with the guro and torture.
Mindblowing stuff, here I thought he slipped up a little with Mouyrou (I dunno, I can’t fault him for anything but it was a weird one that didn’t stand out a lot to me), and that weird mother/daughter incest game he did last year was too tame for him… but this! Another reminder why he’s my favorite hentai artist. His art is evolving in weird but subtle ways. Something about the coloring or the tits now, they just jump right out. It’s cheesy, but I’d say this is beautiful stuff, haha. Kotone … *drools*
Still waiting for a CG rip myself, and maybe a separate OST rip… but I’ve about unlocked most of the CG already, haven’t done this since the first Inyouchuu lol. Forgot how fun it is to unlock this stuff even when I have no idea what the hell is being said.
You should review it since maybe you’d be able to give an explanation on the story/characters! =P … haha.
Ah, cool, I haven’t seen the CGs yet – I actually hadn’t looked at the Getchu page until recently and it looks awesome. I really like the way his style has progressed since the first Inyouchuu game. I could’ve done without the scat picture, I guess, but then again, after having gone through the CGs for euphoria and a few Black Package Try games, the scat doesn’t freak me out quite as much as it used to, I guess. I really hope the second episode of euphoria doesn’t have the girls squirting out poop all over the place, though.
I tried installing Kowaku no Toki but I don’t think I got the language settings right, I might give it another go with Kuraibito. Hopefully AGTH works okay with it; I couldn’t get it working with Majutai 2, which was really disappointing.
Sadly I hear the game has a weird issue with the text (happened to me too), so I don’t know if AGTH works well with it. I hear it doesn’t work too well with a lot of Tinkerbell’s newer games… who knows.
And damn, the new BMP set floating around is also incomplete. Missing about half of Yuuri’s awesome scenes. 🙁
Aww, that’s a shame. I haven’t play a good H-game in a while and I’ve been wanting to start one up (I was sorta thinking of picking up MangaGamer’s “Suck My Dick or Die!” during their sale a couple months ago but forgot about it). Really wish I could get Majutai 2 working.
Hmm, that’s unfortunate; I found a CG pack that was in JPEG format and contained 849 images; I’m not sure if it is complete or not since it starts at image 535, and that image appears to be in the middle part of a scene.
Whuts the anime nameeeeee
Kowaku no Toki.
I think that there are more disturbing CG in the game then the Bull stuff
especially the busty girl with the strange braided hair
she didn’t even have one single sex scene with a human
and the thing that disturbed me more that amputated sex is the eye socket CG … *shiver*
Yeah, you’re right, I’d forgotten about them when I wrote this post because I deleted those pictures from the CG set a long time ago. A couple weeks back I heard that the second episode of Kowaku no Toki was announced and that it would feature Yukino’s little sister instead of Momoko and I was glad, because that meant we wouldn’t see any amputations. And then I was like, “Aww man, I shoulda stuck one of those amputee pictures in this post.” XD
Amputated sex ? No not that …
she was gouged man … she was gouged and with a **** nonetheless
what would you call this new stuff an eye-job??? *nightmare-fuel*
Yeah, but I also remember there were amputations, too. And some other stuff. I’m glad that they didn’t put that stuff into the anime since as much as I liked the bull parts, I don’t think I could have handled amputations or eyeball-humping.
At the very least she has a realistically sculpted anus… That’s something going for this figure right?
Indeed it is! Admittedly, it’s harder now to justify buying Giga Pulse’s figures with Alphamax and Dragon Toy making explicit figures and with Native now shipping internationally. One knock against this figure that I didn’t expect is that I’m not sure I like where Yukino’s character is going in the Kowaku no Toki anime; it kinda seems like they’re setting her up to be a villain or something, which is a really strange turn of events.
old but best review … right … voice in me head ?? :v
i just had the same feeling when i get the first lewd figure … worst i own some OFE figs … surely they have different vibe compare to native and skytube, though both of them now making some lewd figure nearly the same like OFE but more anime vibe than realistic one.
I never did buy any Okayama Figure Engineering figures. The funny thing is that I think Orca Toys is a spinoff of OFE and they make some pretty good figures.
well yes they are. (http://www.imagebam.com/image/affab2935069214)
orcatoys and OFE.
Daiki and Dragon toys. (i think i saw someone posting about this somewhere)
alphamax and skytube.
each of them maybe one companies with different division (SFW and NSFW product)