Chie from the Art of Ishikei (NSFW)

Chie figure by Native

Dizzy? Great figure. Junko? Great figure. Saber Alter? Great figure. But as great as those figures are, sometimes a person wants something different. Sometimes a person wants something really special. Sometimes a person wants a porno figure. Okay, Erina was pretty nice but she’s more on the softcore side of things, as far as figures go. Fortunately, Native is always willing to oblige the more explicit side of the hobby. Except for this figure, anyway. And this one. Oh, and this one. Okay, maybe they’re going soft on us, and that’s a bit disappointing coming from a company whose motto is “Naked & Creative,” but beggars can’t be choosers. And fortunately, Ishikei’s Chie is such a nice figure that she more than makes up for any concessions those upcoming figures make.

Chie figure

Native takes inspiration from artwork provided by several well-known artists, particularly Tony Taka. This is their first figure based on the artwork of Ishikei, an artist of exceptional talent. I’ve admired his artwork for a while, as have many people, and I was very happy to see Native adapt one of his works into figure form.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

Unlike Native’s earlier figures Shoujo S and Shoujo M, Chie is sculpted in 1/6 scale. She measures about 20 centimeters in length and approximately 12 centimeters in height.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

Native produced two versions of Chie; one with just the figure and a more expensive edition that also included a bathtub. I went with the cheaper version; I don’t really have space to display a figure-sized bathtub and I’m not sure what I’d do with it even if I did. I don’t think I’d want to keep it filled with water and a figure lying in an empty tub looks a bit odd. The tub also blocks viewing angles, so I don’t miss it.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

Chie comes with a couple pairs of removable panties, which I didn’t bother with. Nobody buys a figure like this to keep panties on it; that’d be like ordering a hot dog and fries at Galatoire’s. She also has a small plastic base and a soft cushion, which she needs for display, since her hair hangs lower than her torso – a nice change from Collet, whose hair was flattened as if it were laying on the ground, except it didn’t actually lay on the ground.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

There is no point remarking on Chie’s clothes since aside from the removable panties, she has none. The center of attention is Chie’s body, and justly so since her sculpt is superb. Unlike the prototypical waif-like anime girl, Chie is thick, with meaty thighs, prominent hips, and a humongous ass. It’s an amazing sculpt, one that does the original artwork proud.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

Chie also has enormous breasts, and I didn’t actually expect that at all, since Ishikei is very good at drawing smaller busts. I think they eclipse Tamaki’s in proportion and while I thought Tamaki’s breasts were too large, I don’t mind them as much on Chie as they aren’t quite as noticeable. Curiously, her nipples have only faint paintwork. I’m not sure why that is. Anatomical nitpickers might also mention that her breasts ought to be piled on the ground in a big saggy heap. I’m not among them, though; I think they look better this way.

Close up of Chie's anus and genitals

While her nipples may lack detail, one cannot level that accusation at the rest of her body. Chie evinces a finely-sculpted anus and while her finger hides her genitalia, her labia are clearly visible. And glistening. Very nice. The ero elements of this figure are undoubtedly of the highest caliber.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

And while the salacious bits are the ones that stand out the most, the rest of her body also shows careful detail. Her hair is finely sculpted; there is no helmet hair here, her tresses writhe beyond her shoulders with intricate craftsmanship. Her hands and feet are also outstanding; it’s very rare to see the bottom of the feet on an anime figure but Chie’s are very convincingly shaped.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

Chie’s expression is very attractive, showing a bit of anxiety and perhaps a bit of fear. It provides counterpoint to her fingers, as the way she is spreading herself is anything but apprehensive. This figure is absolutely wanton and yet, her small frown and her curled toes add a hint of innocence to her look.

The president cuddling with Chie

Obviously, I like this figure a great deal. In fact, she’s my favorite figure from Native thus far. It’s regrettable that few companies do full-blown ero figures; Giga Pulse’s quality is rather poor, Okayama Figure Engineering doesn’t look great, and Orchid Seed is more on the softcore side. And while Native also seems to be drifting towards the softcore side with their upcoming releases, at least this figure makes no concessions at all to the constraints of convention. It is a fantastic example of a top-flight manufacturer taking inspiration from an excellent artist and making it into an outstanding figure. Chie is truly one of my favorite figures in my collection.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review
Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

Okay, so while I was very happy to get Chie, I didn’t even bother taking her base or her underwear out of her box. If you’re curious as to what they look like, you can check out this Japanese-language review, which has more pictures of Chie, of her panties, and also of the box, which is hilariously printed like a box of tissues. And this review shows what the bathtub accessory looks like.

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review

You might be wondering, how does the president take pictures when he is well within the minimum focusing distance of the lens he is using? The better question is, why would anyone think that the mundane laws of physics would apply to the president?

Native Chie from Ishikei Figure Review
Chie wrapped up by tentacles

It has been brought to my attention that I didn’t include any pictures of Chie wrapped up in the tentacle stand. I’m not sure how I committed that oversight but I have rectified it here. Never say that I don’t come through.

Chie and multiple tentacles
Side view of Chie and tentacles
Chie by Native
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51 Responses to Chie from the Art of Ishikei (NSFW)

  1. Fabienne says:

    Oh cool she’s the right figure for you I guess ^o^ and very pretty on top of that.
    I was interested in Chie, but unfortunately I can’t display such a figure in my room as things are now, may I ask about the reaction of your friends, I guess they liked her a lot ;D.
    I like her big size of around 20×12 cm, as I saw pictures of the final figure at the link you’ve posted, I was impressed by the level of detail at her private parts, nicely painted *cough*.
    But what I like the most is her beautiful face with the nice blue eyes and the detailed looking hair. Also her huge boobs are nice, in general I prefer smaller sizes, but in the pose Chie has her boobs look awesome.

    the Canon camera scale model is a very cool item, was it pricey?
    As always there are very nice pictures in your review, my favs are chie-05 and chie-15.

    • Tier says:

      That is most unfortunate; maybe Sonico will be a good gateway figure. Maybe she’ll get the people in your home used to raunchy figures so that you can pick up Native’s stuff. My friends think my figures are hilarious, I think … I usually consult them on purchasing decisions and they seem enthusiastic, although I think maybe they just like the idea of me spending too much money.

      Yeah, I like her eyes a lot as well; they are big and round and very expressive. The Canon camera was about $30 off eBay, I think; a little expensive but I think it was worth it. It came with some other stuff that wasn’t shown (a couple other lenses and lens hoods; I was very surprised to see that such a small doll accessory has detachable lenses).

  2. Shashin says:

    Man, I have absolutely no idea why I skipped out on this figure. Certainly not my favorite Ishikei piece and I wasn’t sure what to think of her face originally… but it’s Native and Ishikei; one of the best figure producers (and easily the most erotic) coupled with my favorite artist. I’m beating myself over the head right now.

    Her sculpt and features are certainly impressive. I don’t mind her breasts, though I would have certainly preferred a smaller bust size. And I’m sure you’re absolutely ecstatic about the sculpted anus. The facial expression certainly differs from the source work a decent amount, but I think it looks great on the figure, and I imagine it might have been a bit tough to stay closer to the original.

    Though their current line up is a bit weak, I hope we see more figures like this from Native… and I’d absolutely love to see another figure taken from Ishikei’s work.

    • Tier says:

      Realistically-sculpted anus is a mark of high quality for sure. Looking at the source art – the figure comes with a card with it printed in uncensored form – Chie’s face is kinda blank, but the figure seems to be much more expressive. I’m not sure if it’s just because she’s 3D and you can observe her from different angles.

      They showed off some nice stuff at Wonder Festival – uhh, some girl on all fours with a little crown and Trunk Girl. Trunk Girl’s not the piece I’d choose if I could pick which of Nishieda’s art would be adapted, but she still looks pretty nice. I think they’re also doing a Sonico figure; she’s definitely staking a claim as an It-Girl of this year.

  3. Drydan says:

    nice figure, nice shots! – cant wait till i get mine~

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! Hope you get yours soon, she’s a fantastic figure.

      • Drydan says:

        got the package today, opened it and inside was…. only the bathtub…. damn! well they already apologized and send the figure too, but still, 2-3 days of delay xD

        • Tier says:

          ! Man, that sucks. I was kinda surprised that the bathtub came in a separate box, but I guess that it makes sense for Native to do it that way. That’s also kinda distressing your buying service screwed up like that.

  4. Luth says:

    Damn, a full blown porno figure that is made by a top-tier company and looks really nice! I don’t even think I could get a figure like that though through customs in my country of residence. The pillow is a nice touch, I wish more figures came with bases like that. Those pics with the president are so awesome, I’m almost afraid Secret Service will be knocking on your door. But I was disappointed to see a lack of tentacles!

    • Tier says:

      I remember hearing that certain violent games weren’t allowed to be sold within Australian stores or something and being kinda surprised by that. I guess one nice thing about the US is that as uptight as people here are regarding nudity, skin and violence in media aren’t as actively policed as they are in many other nations.

      Ahh, you know what, I didn’t even think to use the tentacle stand for this figure. I think I was fixated on using Obama and enthralled by the peculiar reception GSC’s Rin Tohsaka figure is getting elsewhere, and so I completely overlooked the possibilities. I have fixed this omission and because I want to be sure everyone sees these pictures, I will inline them here:

  5. here-and-faraway says:

    After seeing so many figures with exposed breasts, but covered “naughty bits” I wondered if it was illegal to make figures that depict a girl’s private parts in Japan. I guess not. As always, great photography and writing. Those Obama photos! Brilliant! Thanks for posting!

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! Yeah, it is not illegal, or even entirely uncommon; there are quite a few fan-made model kits that feature explicit nudity. I guess it’s not as problematic if there’s some plausibly artistic justification, though that’s entirely conjecture on my part.

  6. Cantan says:

    Cute… but I’ll pass – too graphic for me.

    How does she really compare? I’ve always been tempted by Collet, but haven’t found one I’m prepared to fork out for. If Tokyo Hunter had her back in stock – which he might have if I’d been a day or to earlier, I probably would have… but not this month. This month is no figure month and I’m going strong after… 7 days.

    *Shudder* Think I’m having withdrawal symptoms… must stop checking here and Amiami so much.

    • Tier says:

      I like Collet a lot – I like Tony’s art a lot when he’s doing H stuff – but I like Chie a bit more. I think Collet only has a few good viewing angles due to the position of her head but Chie looks pretty good from both the front and the side. Collet’s neck also bothers me a bit, though maybe that’s because I didn’t get her head pushed in all the way. I should probably check on that.

      No figure month :O The human capacity for self-inflicted suffering never ceases to amaze me. Particularly since this looks like a pretty good figure month. Hopefully Rin’ll be here soon.

  7. Tian says:

    Hah, I did have that thought about the camera being too close. You just can’t do that with a telephoto lens!

    I kind of want Chie, but I didn’t know she was out. Now it looks like I’ve missed my window of opportunity…

    As for ero figures, I’ve been looking for them. It looks like Native really is the only company that will do the more explicit stuff (while still being high quality). Megahouse’s Queen’s Blade stuff is on the ecchi side, but much less explicit. Guess I’ll just have to be on the lookout for more Native releases in the future.

    • Tier says:

      A normal man cannot, but the president is no normal man. He knows how to make the camera work for him.

      Yeah, there are depressingly few high-quality ero figures out there. I’ve really been hoping that Alter would get into it themselves, since they’re doing dude figures and robots and action figures. Doing more explicit stuff wouldn’t be a huge stretch, but I’m not holding my breath. Orchid Seed is the next best manufacturer of more explicit figures I guess, and Yamato looks like they’re doing more risque stuff as well, but neither of them goes as far as Native does.

  8. Chag says:

    Remember those strange people you mentioned who write in the comments about how they’d like to have sex with your figure? Well, that’s me this time! The paint and the sculpt really come together to give Chie an uncanny soft appearance. I’d sink my penis into her soft pink flesh, if you know what I mean! I’m sure to president wouldn’t mind. With all these accusations of him being a socialist flying around, I’m sure the president wouldn’t mind putting Chie’s fine ass in the public domain!

    I’ve really lost count how many times I’ve scrolled up and down the page. Thanks for that!

    • Tier says:

      The president is a magnanimous man and he knows how to spread the love around. Especially with the election coming up; he knows what needs to be done to get out the vote. Wait a minute, you’re not even American! Sorry, there is nothing here for you.

      You should scroll back up again to witness the new pictures. I’m gonna have to write a shot list every time I shoot a figure, and “tentacle stand” is always gonna be the first item.

  9. drakanity says:

    That’s a pretty nice figure. Your Obama poses and tentacle angles never cease to amaze me. You’re making it look like they were part of the figure. Great job. Where are those tentacles from anyways?

    • Tier says:

      They are from the tentacle stand! I have written a whole post about it that explains everything. Truly one of the great achievements of humanity it is.

      • drakanity says:

        Lol, I probably skipped that post because I thought it was dollfie review where you just added the tentacles like a lot of your other props. I’m not into the dollfies unfortunately…yet. Although I said the same for figures then dakimakuras >.>

        • Tier says:

          WTF Dollfie. My dolls aren’t Dollfies. I have no Dollfies.

          Yeah, that’s kinda how it goes … I remember I told myself I was only going to buy one figure per character. Then I made an exception for exceptional figures. Then I was like “Ahh, screw it” and just bought whatever I wanted.

  10. desudesu says:

    >He didn’t buy the bathtub version.
    Son, I am disappoint.
    On the bright side, you get to save loads on shipping (they charged me 6k yen for EMS shipping for this ಠ_ಠ

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, no bathtub for me, I’m a cheapskate. Tub looks pretty cool, though. I wish I’d picked up some Daiki Gel when I could have, this seems to be the sort of situation it was made for.

      Ouch; I got billed the standard 3,200 yen. That was kinda like when I ordered Cospa’s Fate Testarossa figure; Amiami had it for about half off so I ordered it, thinking it was a reasonable purchase at 5,700 yen … and then the shipping bill came in at 6,200 yen. I was pretty amazed by that.

  11. Wolfheinrich says:

    I was wondering when the president would make his appearance again and the timing cannot be any better. It takes a man like the president to subdue/chain/bind an erotic figure such as Chie. It is indeed disappointing to see that Native is dangerously drifting away to the softcore business, what reason do I have to look at their figure lineup again if they are going to be a me-too Alter?

    • Tier says:

      It does! The president is a busy man but he knows how to take advantage of the perks of office. As do, uhh, some other politicians in Congress, it seems. Yeah, some of the figures they are making are kinda disappointing, though I’ve ordered Nana just because I like her bondage gear. They’ve also showed some stuff at Wonder Festival that looks promising, and hopefully we’ll get to see more of that next month.

  12. azn0will says:

    Hey Tier,
    I’m new to your blog, and I was wondering how much do those figurines cost, and if they are $100+ are they really worth every dollar?
    I mean I was thinking about getting one, and when I saw the price tag for the one I wanted I kinda got skeptical. Could you give me some input for a newb?

    • Tier says:

      The cost varies quite a bit; I tend to order all my stuff from Japanese retailers which drives up the cost a bit since the USD/yen exchange rate really blows and international express shipping is expensive. Generally you’re looking at somewhere between 6,000 to 10,000 yen for a figure. There are a number of US or European retailers that also sell figures, but the exchange rate and international shipping markups usual factor into their prices.

      Honestly, I’d say no, they aren’t worth it, since they are inanimate objects that you just put on a shelf. That said, I’ve gotten a lot more enjoyment over the last couple of years from my figure collection than from my Xbox, since figure collecting goes well with running a website and with photography. If you have some discretionary money and like to collect things, though, they’re definitely a lot of fun to collect.

      • azn0will says:

        I see. Thanks for the insight. By the way, roughly how much was this one, with the shipping and everything?

        I’ll definitely be getting one. I was just curious on if the visual enjoyment they provide is worth it to most people. ^_^

        • Tier says:

          This figure was 15,100 yen including shipping, which is about $185 (USD). The price is relatively high because I bought it through a proxy buyer in Japan; the figure was initially only sold through Native’s website and was available only to Japanese buyers. However, a number of overseas retailers get Native figures in stock, but I didn’t want to take the risk of possibly not getting this one.

          Ah, okay, yeah, on that basis, I think it’s worth the money, at least to me. I mean, I figure people pay thousands of dollars to have a nicer-looking kitchen or garden, paying a hundred bucks for an anime figure isn’t so much of a stretch.

  13. BioToxic says:

    Well, Chie is certainly something. O.O

    Her hair is nicely done. It has that damp unbrushed look about it – either from sweat or the bath. And her face is rather cute looking. Sadly though the rest is not my cup of tea. Too curvy for my liking and her pose is way too explicit for me.

    I went to go try find more of Natives figures at the popular online figure stores and couldn’t find any. I guess their ero line-up has caused their figures to be blocked or hidden from international customers – or maybe their exclusive to their site only. Which is a shame because the Mikage Hazuki figure you linked is something I’d like to get. It also impacts on their ability to advertise since I didn’t even know the existence some of their non-ero figures. Looks like it’s proxy service time.

    • Tier says:

      I believe they are exclusive to Native’s website only, though curiously, a bunch of US online retailers get them, including ones you wouldn’t think would get them, like Entertainment Earth. I’m not certain if any European stores get them, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. I almost always go with proxy services for figures like this but from what I’ve seen, people don’t seem to have much trouble getting them through other stores.

  14. Marco says:

    Sorry to ask like this but I don’t know where else to ask

    The thing is I just got my own Chie, but I think it’s a fake! I didn’t notice at first but the box witch i belive should be blue is red/pink. The second thing is her nether regions and finger witch doesn’t look right (see pictures for details). Not sure about this at all, but i want to be sure it isn’t a fake.

    Would appreciate your opinions about this since I'm not sure.

  15. motaku96 says:

    Lol, Obama. Love the detail. :3

  16. fireizumi says:

    well, i really surprised when reading this post. But i want Chie figure with her brother (in cow girl pos).

  17. Mithril says:

    This figure is amazing.Great review! You really know how to sell a figure. I just went an bought one off amazon. It was from AAAAnime which kind of sucks because they put their giant ass sticker on the bottom of the box. Removing it will mess up the box. T-T

    Does anyone know how to put on the second pair of underwear?

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! Uhh, gee, I didn’t even notice that she came with underpants, so I can’t say that I do. If she’s anything like Native’s Kotone Ousaka, though, I imagine it’s a real pain to get on.

  18. Aky says:

    I also have this figure, The photo you took are FUuuaaaa….Nice~ Excellent work~

    What Camera you using?

  19. kentol says:

    why put obama in these nude figure reviews? how about somebody thay makes the pictures even sexier and not ugly like another hot anime guy? it works, trust me.

    • Tier says:

      Because the president is the sexiest man on the planet. I do not know who you might be suggesting, though your other comment made mention of some guy from Naruto or something, but the manliness of the president can hardly be compared to some effete wanker like that. The president would crush him on a basketball court, he would crush him in a debate, he would crush him in a swimsuit competition. It would hardly be a contest. If and when they make an anime of the president’s life, Norio Wakamoto will be his voice actor.

  20. James says:

    Where can I buy this figure?

    • Tier says:

      There are several up on Mandarake (“Chie” is 智恵). That would probably be your best bet, although other secondary market sources like Yahoo Japan Auctions and Rakuten could also be possibilities.

  21. Pingback: Kawai Rie Sexy Anime figure | AnimeJackpot Shop News

  22. Pingback: Chie – Insei Iroiro – Rocket Boy – Wieselhead

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