It’s been a long time since I last mentioned the doujinshi I’ve purchased. Too long; it’s been three months since Comiket 79. I meant to show pictures of all the stuff I’ve gotten but looking through my collection, I was surprised to see how many Fate books I’ve got. Accordingly, this post will mainly be about her, and a little bit about her white devil magician girl compatriot.
Incidentally, a lot of the doujinshi I show here features stuff like monster rape, gang rape, and tentacle rape. If those sorts of things offend you or repel you, I strongly, strongly urge you to continue reading so that I might have a chance to change your mind. Tentacle rape is surely the most beautifullest thing in this world and I hope I can bring people to appreciate its elegance and delightfulness. All righty, with that out of the way, let’s proceed.
This book is by Blade, whose circle is called Galaxist. He may be known to the general hobby community through his art on the Cham Cham Queen’s Gate book, though that’s one of the more obscure books in the series. I think this book is titled “Ikazuchi Kago,” if the romaji translator is not deceiving me, and it very well might be. It’s pretty short but it’s a good book, with Fate being molested by some odd monsters that vaguely resemble an illithid from Dungeons & Dragons.
This book is by Studio PAL, whose work I admire. Their previous Nanoha titles have carried classy names like “Rape 2,” “Rape 3,” and “Rape Grade Up,” but this book is called Fate no Nyotaigokuhikunren, which an auto-translator suggests means something like “Fate’s Secret Woman’s Body Training.” It’s a pretty short book, being only 16 pages long, but it’s all in color and the artwork is very nice. Also looking very nice is their upcoming
Fate dakimakura cover.
This book is called NF-03 and is by
Yoru no Benkyoukai, the circle of artist Fumihiro. Presumably it’s a continuation of the story presented in their previous title, which was called NF-02. In both books, Nanoha tentacle-rapes Fate, ostensibly to power up her abilities.
This book is called NF-04 and as you might imagine, it’s about Nanoha tentacle-raping Fate.
This book is by the artist Akira Mikazuki of the circle
Tri-Moon. It’s an oversized book with a mix of stuff inside; there’s a short comic and then some artwork of several Nanoha characters. The comic is a bit peculiar in that it seems Nanoha turns into a boy. Genderswapping in anime seems to often go the other way but nonetheless, here we have Nanoha as a man. It doesn’t take Fate long at all to take advantage of this unexpected occurrence. Much of the artwork in the remaining pages is available at the artist’s website.
This book is by the artist Mio of the circle Fastest Lap and is titled something like “Ooki kunattemo feito ga suki desuka?” I think. The auto-translator suggests that this means something like, “Do you like Fate even if she is bigger?” Fate appears to get a considerable bust size upgrade in this book and then has some happy sex with some guy. I’m not sure who the guy is supposed to be.
From the same circle, this book is titled “Shitsuke,” which apparently means “Training.” This book seems to be less consensual though Fate looks like she’s still having a good time. That also looks like her mom that’s fingering her there. I guess that’d be incest? Incest is all the rage in anime these days so I suppose this is pretty much normal.
This book is titled 567 and comes from the circle
Cyclone. I’ve got a number of their books and I’ve also
reviewed their Nanoha dakimakura cover. This is an older title that I picked up a while back but it’s still among my favorite books. It’s an oversized book and it’s all in color. Basically Fate gets abused by some of the Numbers and then some faceless dudes. Who literally have no faces. The reverse side has some nice artwork of her in a Numbers suit. She looks really good in that suit, they should make a new series of her in that suit with Nanoha trying to redeem her. Kinda like Star Wars.
This is Cyclone’s F850-x2, a followup to their F850 book that I mentioned in my last doujinshi post. Nanoha gets boinked by some faceless dudes. They must have an army of faceless dudes somewhere, the way they keep showing up in these sorts of books.
This is Cyclone’s F850 X2.01, which was released at Comiket 79. It’s a short black-and-white book with simple staple binding, but it’s still fantastic. It’s about Fate getting raped by – you guessed it – some faceless guys. And then making this funny face at the end. Really great book. Really wish there was a color version of the cover available.
And this is Cyclone’s 767B, which also came out at C79. Unlike the other books, this one features Nanoha as she appeared in StrikerS, and it also includes Subaru and Teana – not as Nanoha’s comrades but as the people raping her. As you might imagine, it’s a great book. It does feature a lot of futanari action and personally, I’m not a big fan of that. However, I really like it here. Speaking of Cyclone, they are apparently not content just to do pillowcase illustrations, they are moving on to
underwear. No joke.
White Canvas has them up for sale if you want to gird your loins with Nanoha and Fate.
This book is titled “Kin’iro Shoujo,” which translates to something like “Golden Girl.” It’s by the circle Hanzai Tengoku and contains two stories, one with Fate and Nanoha and one with Seikon no Qwaser’s Katja and Hana. The Fate story is a straightforward story with the Nanoha girls having sex with some random guys and the Qwaser story has Hana growing a penis with which she services her mistress.
I’ve got a ton more books, including more Fate books, but that will do for now. I’ll show a couple more things here that I got a while back:
This is a promotional pamphlet for preordering the game
Zanjibaru. I didn’t get one since I bought my copy of the game a year after it was released, so I picked this one up off of Yahoo Japan Auctions. It’s got some nice concept art of the main characters.
I don’t think I ever showed off my 3D mousepad in a post here. This is Mikoto Shiratori from the h-game and ero anime Inyouchuu. Most 3D mousepads raise the busts of the depicted characters but this one takes a different approach, elevating Mikoto’s thighs to serve as a wrist rest. It’s pretty neat.
Dat mousepad.
We’re bros for life o/
Also related:
Do you actually use them, though? I never actually do because I was worried it’ll end up like this:
Haha, that is awesome. I really wanted the mousepad CranCrown Black did of the girl from Touka Chiru, but Amiami didn’t stock it and I didn’t want to go the proxy route for a mousepad. I don’t actually use mine, since it’d probably be hard to replace. Man, I wonder what that dude did to mess up his pad like that; I’ve been using the same foam mousepad for about 14 years now and it’s still in decent shape. I have no idea what I’m going to do with the Inyouchuu pad … I like Inyouchuu and I like tentacles so I had to buy it, but I don’t think I have any real use for it, besides collection purposes.
In case you didn’t know, amiami does let you order items from their Japanese site. Just place an order for it, then go to its english site and check out the items.
Well, I’ll be damned. I know I’ve tried that before, and it didn’t work. Just added a random eroge to my cart though, and it came through on the English site. Granted the item name was blank on the purchase page, but the price was there.
Ah, cool; I knew that you could order stuff on the Japanese site but I assumed that they’d block R-18 goods from overseas purchasers. I’ll give it a shot and see what happens, then. Thanks for the heads up.
Yea this exactly what happened to the Ero mousepad I had…Not as bad, but still…yea. Since my rooms dimly lit didn’t even notice it until it was pretty bad. Sad panda was I…Also the reason I stick only to figures anymore. >_>
Ouch >.< I'm always terrified about damaging my stuff. Or defiling it, in the case of my dakimakura covers, which I don't handle all that much. I'm gonna guess Mikoto wouldn't hold up to prolonged use, either.
Also, I have no idea how to contact you, so I’m going to ask it here:
Remember this?
I bought the Hotaru-chan (green variant) version of it some months back, and I noticed that it’s starting to have a weird lean towards the back after having it on display since the time I bought it. I’m now using the rod thingy to lean it back forwards. I saw that the problem stemmed from its right high heels not touching the base by a few millimeters. Something like what’s going on in this picture: (note the lower right corner of the picture)
So yeah, was wondering if the same thing had happened to yours.
Hmm, looking at Yuno, she’s leaning back a little bit but not a whole lot, and Kotone seems to be in okay shape. I remember the instruction sheet had a little illustration saying that if the figure leans backwards, you should prop the figure up on something to make it lean forward. I’ve got a different figure (GSC’s old dark elf figure) that has a significant leaning problem and I rolled up some black tape and jammed it under her feet to try to balance her out. It’s not a great solution but while I don’t think the figure is going to faceplant, I’d rather be safe than sorry.
Certainly a nice collection of doujinshi. I have to say that a large portion of the fun for me when it comes to doujinshi has to be the cover art; even if the insides are a disappointment, you still are left with a glorious cover if you’ve been shopping according to taste. I particularly like the Cappuccino, X2.01 and Shitsuke covers. Always nice to see some new doujinshi from other people; I should probably take some more pictures of my collection eventually.
Yeah, the cover is always a big factor when I buy stuff. I’ve even bought paperback novels solely because I liked the cover art. I’ve bought most of my artbooks based on cover art, and that sometimes winds up disappointing me since the inside often has tons of text that I cannot read.
LOL at the second paragraph. Oh Tier, never change <3
The first book looks like something right up my alley, as well as that cyclone futa book. The boy Nanoha in that Tri-Moon book is also making me more curious than I ought to be.
At one point in my life I must have thought breast mousepads were pretty crazy, but the passage of time has pulled me further into the depths of depravity. Breasts = old and busted — crotch mousepads are the future.
By the way, would you consider fully scanning some of the shorter books? I haven’t checked whether they’re already scanned or not, but I’m guessing most aren’t, which is a damn shame, if you ask me. I’ll look around for those tomorrow. Would you consider sharing some of your booty, though? The smaller books should be safe from damage during the scanning process, and besides, there are people to re-educate and minds to change =P
Yeah, I bet you’d love 767B. I can’t read it, obviously, but I can tell that Nanoha is having a rough go of it whereas Subaru and Teana are having the time of their lives. The art is exceptional, too. I need to collect the rest of Cyclone’s Nanoha stuff. Genderswap Nanoha and Fate is a cute story but it’s really short; it only goes on for like two or three pages after that.
I’m sure there was a time that I thought those mousepads were bizarre as well. I can’t quite remember what that was like. I’m sure if someone who didn’t follow this hobby looked at this website they’d be like “OMG.” Me, I just sorta shrug now. Personally, I’m kinda amazed that there’s a selection of this sort of stuff available; I couldn’t have imagined that this sort of stuff would get made back when I was a teenager and still relatively new to anime.
I could scan some of the ones that are no longer available but I don’t think I could do it without damaging the books. I did damage a few of them while scanning these pictures and I’ve pretty sure I’m gonna go with photographs instead of scans for interior shots the next time I do a doujinshi post. You can sorta tell which pages above are closer to the beginning or the end of the book because the scan quality is really bad. I love all of you guys but unfortunately, I do not love all of you nearly enough to sacrifice my precious, precious doujinshi collection.
Thanks a ton for the heads-up about the layout issue, by the way. I didn’t catch it at all since I didn’t load the post in Chrome to check it (I didn’t load it in IE either but I don’t care a ton about IE). I think I’m gonna go back to tables instead of divs for these doujinshi posts, I don’t care much to spend a ton of time debugging layout issues.
Oh shit, i didn’t know you damaged some of them in the process. Ouch, never mind, then! I was being too presumptuous anyways, as I didn’t know jack about scanning books — i just assumed that thinner staple-bound stuff would be spared from damage, but after reviewing my own 2 books, I realized that even the ~20 page stuff have a little spine to them. Don’t sweat it dude, there’s plenty of porn on the internet.
Yeah, I just creased the front covers on a few of them. I probably shouldn’t have dropped the scanner lid on them; I think I could’ve just used a flashgun or something to hold them down against the glass.
I loved Blades one as always, but as always it’s too damn short! Drives me nuts when you have a great artist, but the doujin itself is so small…Reminds me of Nise. It’s not like they put a lot of material out there either so I’m left wondering what the heck they do for a living…argh DRAW MORE!!! T_T
See all these terrible or generic Ero artists with regular series just makes it worse…
Yeah, I like his work a lot as well. I’ve got a number of his books that he’s done with Yoshikazu Miwa; it’s an odd pairing since their body styles are pretty much on the opposite ends of the bust size spectrum. I had hoped to show them in this post but I’ll get to it in the next doujinshi post, which might be the Synthetic Garden edition.
I used to have a massive collection of doujins. My biggest run was a fairly complete Saigado collection. A lot of it I had to purchase personally in Japan because there were limited online options 10-14 years ago. Started selling them off before the scanning became epidemic. Digital copies are ok, but there’s nothing like collecting actual doujins. Seeing these updates get me itching to order some again.
Yeah, I much prefer collecting physical stuff. I’m having to be dragged by my knucklebones into the digital download age because I still like buying books and CDs and boxed video games. I wish purchasing new doujinshi were easier; I go through a proxy to get most of the stuff I want from Comiket, and it’d be nice if overseas people could buy them directly from a retailer like White Canvas or Doujin Dou.
I’m with you too, my brother. Digital doujinshi certainly has its advantages, but overall I greatly prefer collecting. Get a giddy feeling every single time I take a look through my collection. I do wish it were easier to acquire newer stuff, though. Mandarake is an amazing store with an ample supply of doujinshi, but it’s always nice to have options.
I’m mostly the same with my video games and the like, Tier. I thoroughly enjoy flipping through a game manual and putting the box on my shelf. The timing of your comment couldn’t be better, though; as of last night I went on a bit of a buying spree with my PSP. Picked up Disgaea, the new Tactics Ogre, Lunar, and Harvest Moon. Between those, Agarest War, and some dabbling with the new Pokemon on an emulator (the damn game always was addicting and I figured it would be worth some nostalgia as I haven’t played them since the first generation of games) I spend half my available time just thinking about which game I want to play, instead of actually playing one of them. On the plus side, I have one or two more projects to do this weekend and my Spring Break is here. Will certainly spend the majority of it with one of the games, if not spread between them all, and also hope to take some shots of the last few dakimakura covers I haven’t shot yet.
I just picked up Agarest the other day from the US store which is having a Japan benefit sale.
If there was a cool digital store like iBooks where I could see all my doujins/manga on a virtual shelf/library, maybe that would make it feel cooler.
Good deal, it’s a decent game and it’s good of Aksys to do such a noble thing.
Yeah, that’d be pretty nice. Heck, I’d be happy with something just to keep track of the books I own; while I was going through my collection to put this post together, I found out I’ve got at least three duplicates of books I’d bought in the past, and I didn’t even know that I had them.
I was at Best Buy the other day and spent a few minutes playing some baseball game on a demo PSP. I was surprised by how big the screen is and how nice it looks. Admittedly, the last portable console I used is a GBA SP and I don’t have a smartphone or iPad or similar device. I’m thinking I might pick one up soon to get P3P and maybe Pangya Fantasy Golf.
Yeah, the screen is certainly sexy for a portable. I haven’t regretted my (second) purchase of a PSP, and you can certainly get one for fairly cheap. Atlus seems to run a digital sale fairly frequently, too – I know I’ve seen their games 50% off on the PSN store at least 2-3 times in the last year. Though I’m not sure when the next sale will be, and I know you prefer the physical copy of a game… but if you could get P3P for $20, why not?
I’ll probably be spending most of my time with Disgaea; I forgot how much I loved the game. Leveling and such does start off a bit slow, though. Only downside I’ve ran into so far was that they changed Etna’s voice, and it’s a terrible, terrible change. The problem was solved by switching to the Japanese voice track, though.
I’ll probably still get the physical copy even if it’s twice the price. I really don’t like digital downloads very much, particularly when buying physical media is an option.
I owned a launch psp, but eventually sold it. Pick up the psp-3000 last month because of the $129 price drop. The 3000 unit is so much lighter than the original. Really falling in love with the psp again. Definitely want p3p, but may also get 3rd birthday.
I have an iPad and it is awesome for digital manga. I’ve been trying to support the legit releases from places like the Viz app, but legal digital is so far behind.
Yeah, I picked up a PSP at launch too. Wipe Out, Metal Gear Acid, and the other launch titles were pretty fun… then there wasn’t a single release I was interested in for about two years. I eventually sold it to a friend for about $70, and then immediately afterward, the console got some decent RPG releases. I bought a 1000 unit for $100 a few months back and was happy I did; went with the 1000 versus a new mainly for the modding options, but I’ve since updated my firmware.
Yeah, it’s mainly the publishers as far as I can tell; not just in the US, but in Japan too from things I’ve read. I guess they’d end up getting a smaller cut, and you know, greed and all. Pretty much every industry is the same way: music and books are finally starting to embrace digital distribution, but look how long it took. I imagine niche interests like manga will take even longer to really pick up, unfortunately.
I kinda want an iPad and I don’t even know why; it just looks cool. I have this thing against Apple though, even though my first computer was an Apple II+ and I loved it (still love it, through emulators). I guess I ought to get a smartphone first though, just to understand what these sorts of devices can do. I’m still using a Samsung cell phone that dates back to around 2002.
I’m very much against Apple. For the most part, I think their products are over-hyped and over-priced pieces of shit. That applies to their iPods and computers, at the very least. I’ve owned an iPod or two, and thought iTunes was a fucking terrible program (and the first iPod I owned was before there were alternatives) and not being able to change the battery (which in my experience lasts a year or two) without paying $50 sucks ass. For computers, you can build a comparable machine for about half the price, and I’m not a fan of the Mac OS.
So, my hate of their MP3 players and computers has certainly left me skeptical at the very least of their other products. The iPhone does look pretty cool, though. I would have considered one if AT&T didn’t suck so much (and you apparently need a $100/month plan.) Now that they’re buying T-Mobile (my provider), I might consider dropping my contract and going with Boost or something… they have Blackberry.
Now the iPad I would consider if it were to come down in price (lolapple), but the fact that the iPad 2 is set to come out so soon turns me off.
Basically, fuck Apple.
>> Shashin
Haha, I guess I would phrase my position in slightly more polite terms but yeah, I’m not a big Apple fan. I’m sure their products are great and all but I dislike how cult-like their userbase is. I’m more interested in using technology to make life easier or more fun rather than to join a tribe. And I also don’t much like iTunes, which I installed once and after trying it out, couldn’t uninstall it fast enough, and OS X, which I occasionally have to use at work. I’m not much of a fan of Windows either, admittedly. Or Linux.
You could always jailbreak the iPad or iPod touch. I use the ipad all the time. Then again, if you don’t know what you’re missing it might be better to stay away and save money. I have the original iPad and won’t upgrade till next year at the earliest. Longer if I can help it. Maybe the android tablets will be more competitive by then.
Yeah, I have no clue what I’d do with an iPad. Or a smartphone, for that matter. Oddly, even though I studied electrical engineering and work as a programmer, I’m not really much of a gadget person, but I do get the sense that I’m missing out on something that could make life more convenient, and I’m always impressed whenever my friends and family show me what their telephones can do.
Heh, I guess I did go off a bit; I’m just really not a fan of Apple or their fans at all. I’ll give them credit that the iPhone looks great and is probably the best smartphone on the market, but I couldn’t justify paying $100 a month for service on top of the expensive phone price. With the exception of the iPad, I’d say the rest of their products are overpriced and there really isn’t any reason to purchase them other than brand. And I guess a Mac if you were planning on doing heavy graphic design, or something. Other than that I’d say you can easily get a superior product for less (be it a computer/mp3 player.) With my first iPod, you didn’t have a choice to use anything but iTunes. I dealt with it for about a year, and the day my iPod died I uninstalled it. Can’t tell you how many times it lagged the hell out of my old crappy computer, randomly decided to delete all the content off my iPod, or a whole bunch of other problems. The thing that pissed me off the most though was it complicated things by not supporting a drag and drop method of adding songs to your player.
I haven’t had much experience with Linux (my old cheap PC came with a Linux based OS, I believe) but I’ve used Windows all my life, and have had a decent amount of exposure to the Apple computers over the years. I’m not a die hard Windows fan, but I’d definitely take it over the other two based on my experience; the day something truly better than Windows comes out, I’ll gladly leave it behind… but I doubt it will come anytime soon.
I doubt I’d use the iPad enough to justify the price. It looks cool, but I have a feeling the novelty would run off sooner than later and I’d be out a couple hundred bucks.
Yeah, I’m in the same boat as far as operating systems go. I’d like something better than Windows but I’ve managed to get Windows 7 close to a comfortable working environment, which I suppose is good enough for me.
I really did like that old Apple II+, though. I never really learned how to program it but for video games and basic BASIC stuff, it was a lot of fun to use.
Hi Tier. I need some assistance. there’s this site which auctions a lot of modified figs. I want too make a bid but I need to register at yahoo auction. Trouble is, there are some entries in the registration which I can’t understand:
Date of Birth(AD/Heisei) ( ? )Year( )May( ? )Wednesday
The ? are What the? Could you please advise me?
Uhh, shoot, it’s been a long time since I’ve filled out a Yahoo Japan account registration. If I remember right, the “Heisei” field corresponds to which era you were born in, Heisei, Showa, Taisho, or Meiji … you can look up Wikipedia to find what years they correspond to but I think the Heisei era started in 1989. They’re listed in the drop-down box in that order so if you were born in the Showa era, you pick the second option. The text fields after that are for your birth month and day. Here’s a guide that may be helpful in getting your registration set up.
Thanks tier!
dude can u please share Cyclone’s 767B at e-hentai
i cant find it anywhere … >.<
Unfortunately, I don’t actually have scans of 767B, other than the few pages I scanned for this post. However, most of Cyclone’s stuff finds its way online so I think you’ll be able to find it at some point soon.
I’m in love with Yoru no Benkyoukai’s stuff (and Fate Testarossa). Any chance you would scan the NF-03 and NF-04 doujinshi someday? I’ve been looking for them for months and it seems they don’t exist on the internet at all.
I could do it if there were a reasonable way of doing it without damaging the books but I wound up messing up a lot of my books’ covers and spines to do this post. I’m also definitely not willing to take the books apart for scanning purposes. I’m sure they’ll turn up on the internet eventually though; I think NF-02 is even translated into English.
Okay, I didn’t share your optimism but I managed to fulfill my dream – I ordered them from Japan and scanned them myself
They should be on the Internet now.
I understand your reluctance, I actually de-bound the comics to be able to scan them. Just saying this in case you want a digital version. Also, because of your post I got to know the circle Fastest Lap, so thanks for that!
Ah, cool XD Yeah, I went looking for scanning tips and pretty much everyone recommends chopping off the binding to scan them. I’d be more comfortable with that if I had duplicates but the expense of importing doujinshi makes that difficult (though my own poor inventory management means that I’ve wound up with several duplicates anyway).
If you ever stumble upon a new-ish book by Fumihiro that has never been scanned (like ヴィータã®æœ¬5), tell me, I’ll be more than happy to cover the costs of a duplicate for scanning. Very few things in life make me happier than Fumihiro’s tentacle doujinshi
Will do. I had thought he might be doing a Sora no Otoshimono doujinshi since he’s done a lot of Nymph and Ikaros artwork on his Pixiv account. I haven’t seen any such book yet, though.