vmf50 Tentacle Stand (NSFW)

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

I have a moderately large collection of figures and anime-related merchandise, with much of it comprising characters I am not well acquainted with. I buy a lot of stuff, and often I buy stuff just because I think it looks good. However, more precious to me are the products featuring characters that I love or themes that I enjoy. Sometimes I see a figure and think that it was designed exactly the way I wanted it to be, and naturally, those figures excite me much more than the other ones.

This particular product here isn’t a figure; it’s a doll stand, of all things. But when I saw it, I knew I had to have it. There wasn’t any question about not acquiring it – it was so perfect that I would have moved heaven and earth to own it. Thankfully, getting it didn’t take more effort than ringing up a proxy service. But what exactly is this thing?

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

Back in October of last year, Yamato held an event called Doll*Holic Vol. 3. Being an enthusiastic collector of vmf50 dolls, I checked a few Japanese doll sites with vmf50 coverage to see if any of the exhibitions showed off anything cool. While running the FetishRoom Blog through Google Translate, I saw the phrase 触手スタンド, which the auto-translator rendered as “tentacle stand.” That immediately piqued my interest and I wondered what that could be referencing. A few days later, this post showed off a normal plastic doll stand that had some articulated supports, which looked practical and useful but wasn’t anything that excited me.


A couple of days later, I checked the Real Art Project’s site. They’re best known in the general figure collecting world for their Android Zero figure which, to be charitable, leaves something to be desired as far as overall attractiveness goes. However, I’m more interested in their vmf50 products, which range from some cute and revealing bodywear to the bondage shackles and leash that I’ve decked my first vmf50 doll out in. Their website also leaves something to be desired with respect to ease of navigation but I checked out their blog and to my utter amazement, they had pictures of this tentacle stand. I had to stop and stare for a moment because I could scarcely believe what I was seeing. I had to marvel at this confluence of fate; who else but the Japanese could have made something so wonderful? How fortunate was it that this product was designed with the vmf50 body in mind – that rather obscure, oddball doll series that I am so fond of? And how fantastic was it that this product was actually going to be sold, and I had the means by which to acquire it?

vmf50 Risa with Tentacle Stand

I put in my order with Yokatta with the quickness. I had to think for a moment what being a Japanese proxy buyer must be like. On the surface, it seems like a very impersonal system of exchange, as proxy buyers never actually meet their customers or even speak with them. And yet, I would guess that it is far more intimate than many client-service relationships; I imagine people buy some very strange products through proxies and those buyers must be able to infer many things about their customers, things that they probably wouldn’t even share with their family. I wonder where the tentacle stand ranks in their scale of weird purchase requests.

I waited with great anticipation and excitement and I finally received it earlier this month. I grabbed Simone (née Risa) so that she and the tentacles could do this and that in front of the camera.

As mentioned, the tentacle stand is designed by the Real Art Project, who billed it as the “super ero ero stand.” The stand came with three tentacles with additional tentacles sold separately. There wasn’t much question that I was going to fill this thing to the maximum; when it comes to something like this, you ought to either go big or go home. In all, there’s space for up to six tentacles. Each tentacle is made of soft, springy silicone and features an aluminum tube at one end which inserts into the white plastic cylinder, with a pair of screws holding each in place. The white plastic cylinder screws into a flat rectangular base made of transparent acrylic. The whole setup is quite sturdy, unless all the tentacles are bent in the same direction.

And the tentacles can easily bend in the same direction; indeed they can bend almost any way you want them to. I was quite surprised at how flexible they are. Not only are they very flexible, they are very long, with each tentacle featuring about 22 inches of useful length.

Here is a picture of the stand next to a twelve-inch ruler and a common 1/8 scale figure:

Momohime and the tentacle stand

I’m thinking I should incorporate this stand in my regular figure photographs.

They hold their shape reasonably well; here’s a tentacle shaped like a corkscrew.

And here’s a tentacle in a staircase shape. One problem is that while they aren’t heavy, they are heavy enough that they can sag a bit, which can be problematic if you’re trying to precisely position a tentacle at a particular orifice.

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

You can do it with a bit of effort and imagination, though.

Here is the stand next to Miu, showing how large it is relative to a 50-centimeter tall doll while not actively engaged with it.

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

And back to playing with the stand. All of the promotional images of the tentacle stand included vmf50 Risa, but there’s certainly nothing that prevents the usage of these tentacles with larger or smaller dolls.

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

I could swear I read somewhere that this product was a collaboration with Tokyo Doll, the company that makes seamless dolls with no visible balljoints. They feature similar construction: they both comprise an outer silicone layer surrounding a core of aluminum wire. They also share prominent seams running down their lengths. I spent some time googling both English and Japanese phrases and couldn’t find any confirmation that Tokyo Doll and the Real Art Project worked together on this, so perhaps I’m just imagining things.

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

There is one peculiarity regarding the tentacles that makes them somewhat difficult to use in practice: they have an oily surface that transfers to everything that they touch. It’s not too big a deal for me since Simone doesn’t wear a lot of clothes and I can just wipe her off but I think things would be more problematic if the victim were wearing more clothing.

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

To remedy this problem, I took the tentacles to the sink to wash them off with some dishwashing detergent. However, that didn’t do very much. I got some Formula 409 spray cleaner and sprayed them off, and that also failed. Washing and rinsing didn’t change matters; they felt maybe a little bit less greasy but they are still quite oily. That did complicate the task of taking pictures a great deal since I didn’t want to cover my camera in silicone grease.

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

Speaking of taking pictures, I gotta admit that I felt just a bit like a pornographer here. And it does feel sorta weird seeing as how Simone features so prominently in Google Images searches. I dress her in kind of a revealing manner but it wasn’t my intention to turn her into an international porn star when I acquired her.

vmf50 Tentacle Stand

During the course of human history, certain events can spark a spontaneous surge of nationalistic pride. Victory in warfare, a great achievement like Sputnik or Apollo, a populistic revolution, or triumph in international sport – these things can burst forth blazing patriotism. So too does this tentacle stand – can anyone deny that it is a great achievement, on par with those other things? And of the hundreds of cultures extant on this planet, who but the Japanese could have made such a thing? I do not have a great connection to my Japanese ancestry – I don’t speak or read the language and, unlike many other figure reviewers, have no burning desire to visit the country – but today, I feel great pride in my ethnic heritage. The tentacle stand is a national symbol that encapsulates all the industriousness, perversity, and utter insanity evident in Japanese culture. To top it off, it was designed for the vmf50 doll, making it utterly perfect. It’s as if it were designed entirely to my wishes. Of all the things I have ever bought, this has to rank as among the coolest.

vmf50 Tentacle Stand
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46 Responses to vmf50 Tentacle Stand (NSFW)

  1. Shashin says:

    Wow, I don’t even know what to say to this. That’s incredibly cool, and it suits you perfectly. Of course only the Japanese could dream up such a thing, but even so, I’m still stunned that it actually exists. Great set of erotic pictures you have there, but I don’t know what else to say as far as the actual stand goes… just wow.

    I will say that I know exactly how you feel when it comes to the proxy/buyer relationship. All contact I’ve had with SMJ through email has been with 1-2 people, so I imagine it’s a fairly small operation at least in the US, also considering that all packages have a name on them and not just a company. So while I really don’t know how big they are, and I’ll likely never meet any of their people in person, it’s still a bit strange with my buying all this erotic dakimakura covers and thinking they all go through one or two guys. I wonder what they think when they see some of the stuff they get in, as they package just about everything except for the stuff that’s shipping from Japan.

    • Tier says:

      I remember when the tentacle stand was announced on the RAP’s blog, I showed a link to a friend and he was like, “That thing was made just for you.” The RAP is doing another doll stand, a straightforward bondage crucifix. It looks nice but doll bondage isn’t new; I take a lot of inspiration from a website run by a Japanese guy named Gamisan that I first saw about six or seven years ago. It takes a special amount of effort to make a tentacle stand though. I don’t even know where I’m going to keep this thing.

      I have the feeling a lot of the business that proxy buyers get is innocuous, like electronics or mecha toys or ordinary doll stuff, but I am sure they have a lot of repeat customers like you and me who mostly buy explicit stuff. I have to agree that it does feel pretty weird though at this stage in my collecting hobby, I’ve mostly come to terms with it and I would guess that, being in Japan, they’ve probably seen some really bizarre stuff just by virtue of being in Japan.

      On a slightly related note, I kinda admire Peter Payne. I get J-List’s e-mail newsletter and he always starts them with a nice story about his family or what’s happening in his life or some thoughtful insights about Japanese society, and then further down there’s a bunch of listings for porn and vibrators and wanking aids and all sorts of stuff. I figure that if you do this sort of thing long enough, you just take it in stride.

  2. I’m trying to force a “shocked” face while typing this but I can’t do it. my grin from just knowing that this stand is very much “you” makes me look more like the Joker than a random disgusted reader!!

    Proxies vary from service to service. Japan to door is completely faceless and rather annoying to work with while I have built a somewhat personal rapport with Joseph over at Tokyo Hunter. I’ve dealt with Yokatta a couple of times and I guess they’re somewhere in between. Assuming they can get the stuff I’m looking for.

    • Tier says:

      Haha, I am sure my smile was similar when I first saw this thing as well XD It is truly amazing. Stunning, even. You look at it and don’t even know where to begin.

      I’ve never asked Tokyo Hunter to actually hunt in Tokyo for anything for me. I wonder if he might be able to find Yamato’s vmf50 dai sodo … I swear that thing has disappeared from stores across the entire planet. SMJ is pretty faceless to me since their system is designed to be that way. The doujinshi buying service I use (Ash’s doujin service) is interesting because he bought a couple hundred dollars of doujinshi for me without requiring me to pay up front … now that’s trust.

      • You could certainly try. I’m sure he will give it a good shot. And I hear you with your doujin service. I have a similar setup with TH and garage kits. Since lots of sellers don’t give out pricing details before events, (and prob cos I’ve bought lots from him before), he’s OK with buying the kit and then giving me the cost afterwards and I’m OK with the prices so it’s an amicable agreement.

        I need to know that the kit will be available at least beforehand tho…

        • Tier says:

          That’s a pretty cool arrangement, especially since it doesn’t seem like there’s an easy way for overseas people to get garage kits, besides YJA and sometimes Mandarake. That’s kinda the story with my doll stuff, too.

  3. “Never once did I imagine that I’d one day be sitting in the shower giving a handjob to a two-foot long tentacle.” – This is one line I would never hear if I never got into anime…. I am so glad I grew up with anime ^^

    For some reason I got really interested in the story of how you acquired this and I’m trying to read, but the photos keep distracting me. I’m trying to figure out whether I should read or take a look at the photos. Good thing there’s no time limit… I really, really applaud you for getting this epic item! The first time I’ve finally seen it, my jaw just dropped at its greatness!

    And I was curious about the greasiness of it as well, good thing you brought it up in the post. I had my Inju Ouji figure for 1/8 scale figures and yuck, that thing’s greasy! And I used it on my Saber Lily figma… Stupid me I didn’t think about it and the paint transferred onto Lily’s white dress… I’m regretting using that on Lily, but I don’t regret getting it!

    I hope to see more of this tentacle stand in use? 😀

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! I had a good time taking these pictures though I wish I’d taken more … there were a few poses that I thought of later on that I think would’ve made for some good demonstrations.

      Yeah, I remember that little tentacle prince was really oily, too. I always wondered what was up with that; that grease didn’t come off after washing, either. It’s weird how these tentacle toys seem to secrete oils all by themselves.

      I don’t have specific plans for the tentacle stand yet but I’m thinking it is way too awesome not to use it often. And, uhh, expensive too.

      • I think this stand and the vmf50 have more weight than Figma and Oily Tentacle Prince, so it must’ve been easier to pose with it. I didn’t even attempt to wash the prince, though I tried to wipe it with toilet paper… Wonderful idea, especially when the pieces got stuck to the tentacles… It’s almost so natural of them to secrete those oil by themselves XD

        I’ve actually heard from Blowfish how much this tentacle stand cost ^^; We were even considering about visiting you to see this epic item! So you gotta use it more often! ^_^

        • Tier says:

          Haha, indeed XD It does help establish the mood when you’re sitting there trying to pose the tentacles and your fingers get all slick.

          I do! I need to go through my figure preorders and figure out which ones this stand will work for … I’m thinking pretty much all of them.

          I ought to turn my room into a museum exhibit and set up a special display with this stand and my big-ass dolls, it’s that epic.

  4. Fabienne says:

    OMG! You never fail to surprise me XD
    congratulations for getting this *cough* interesting item, I know that you always wanted something like this =)
    As you can probably guess Im too innocent for buying something like this, but Im not disgusted at all, it looks like a funny thing and at least Risa looks still happy especially in picture “tentacle-stand-12.jpg” =D
    For 1/8 scaled figures it appears a bit too big, for these figures a “tree skin” for the tentacles would be cool. I also could imagine that there are many other funny and creative possibillities for this tentacle base aside from ero purposes.
    I’d like to know how much weight one tentacle could lift before going all the way down?

    • Tier says:

      I try to keep this site unique! Indeed, this is the item of my dreams XD Simone’s happy smile is a bit incongruous with what’s happening to her but I guess she knows a good time when she feels one.

      I wrapped one tentacle around an 8 oz. tube of paint and it wasn’t able to hold it up, but two tentacles could hold it up just fine.

  5. Chag says:

    LOL. I’m glad to see you having fun, Tier. That’s a lot of tentacles in this stand, but you put every single appendage to good use in these photos. Your passion for tentacles is shining like a burning star!

    Oily substance, eh? For a tentacle display base, a flaw like that almost seems natural. Intercourse with tentacle monsters tend to end on the messy side, after all! =P

    “Let me tell you something, stroking a spongy, silicone tentacle with soapy hands is a transformational experience. Never once did I imagine that I’d one day be sitting in the shower giving a handjob to a two-foot long tentacle.”

    These words made me smile uncontrollably. I think I’ll remember them for as long as I live.

    • Tier says:

      I need to evangelize tentacles more often. I check the search queries I show up on in Google’s Webmaster Tools and “tentacle hentai” is there … not as high up as I would have expected but it’s still there, and I need to provide more of it. Plus some people seem to be scared or grossed-out or something by tentacles. Maybe repeated exposure on this site will help them overcome their disability. Never let it be said that I don’t have the welfare of the public in mind when I do what I do.

      I intended to use that can of condensed milk with this thing but then I chickened out, not because it was gross but because I realized it would be a complete pain in the ass to clean solidified milk out of Simone’s joints. I gotta think of something else I can do with this can now.

  6. HamsterCorp says:

    I think that stand is one of the greatest things I have ever seen. If I ever get a doll, I know what one of the first accessories I’ll be getting will be.

    It’s making me kinda disappointed in my little Inju Hanshoku-tai, it’s difficult to get that thing to wrap around most of my collection.

    • Tier says:

      Indeed! It’s a crowning achievement of humanity. It’s about as Japanese an item as one will ever find.

      Yeah, I have the same problem with the little Inju Oujo … it would’ve been nice if the tentacles had a bit more stiffness to them to keep them posed and if it had some ballast in its bottom so that the poor dude doesn’t keep faceplanting.

  7. Ashlotte says:

    Ah things like this remind me just how far removed we all are from “normal” people…fun times!

    Really is the perfect prop though eh! Your posing and lighting are slowly getting better! If you can get it as good as the PVC stuff you’ll have some truly godly doll porn going on eh. :p

    Speaking of tentacles its sad at how few truly good tentacle hentai come out anymore…All of the best stuff I have in my collections is from the 90’s and early 2000…*despair*

    • Tier says:

      I was reading through a thread on the AnimeOnDVD forum earlier today. It was about incest in anime, which doesn’t offend me in the least though I think it’s kinda silly, and some guy was getting all huffy about how it’s such a bad and evil thing. I can’t say I agreed with his argument. In fact, I didn’t even understand the basis of his argument.

      I need to figure out some better backgrounds for my big-ass dolls. They’re way too big for my collection of props and even my foamboard, which is what I usually use. I’ve got maybe one idea for Super Sonico and I hope it works out reasonably well.

      Yeah, it’s really sad, tentacle hentai used to be common enough to be the stereotype for anime in general, but nowadays I see a whole lot of normal stuff or NTR stuff or blackmail. It’s all good to me but I like tentacles the best. I did enjoy Inyouchuu Etsu recently (mainly cuz of the maggot birthing scene, which was hot) and I’m looking forward to the second episode of Shoujo Senki Soul Eater (uhh, no relation to the better known anime called Soul Eater, I think). Mahou Shoujo Isuka was cool, too. I really wish some of these titles would make it to R1 but it seems like nobody is localizing new titles anymore, which is an unbelievable tragedy.

      • Ashlotte says:

        Yea I can imagine its a pain in the ass to shoot something so big inside…I’d tell you to go outdoors, but even for someone like me whose shot nude figures outside taking a giant doll in bondage gear out and about might be pushing it… :p

        Haha see thats the difference between us…You like the Maggot stuff while I’m more into softer core stuff. I like tentacles when its something akin to living bondage ropes…Not so much the whole expansion and birthing thing. :p

        Probably the hardest tentacle stuff that I actually still enjoyed without it turning me off was the first Mahou Shoujo Ai series…I’d say that’s about my tolerance thresh hold.

        • Tier says:

          Perhaps just a little. I wonder if I could really get arrested for taking a nude doll outside?

          To be frank I don’t really like stomach expansion much. Or pregnancy. They’re pretty high on my list of turn-offs, actually. There are always exceptions to everything, though, and I don’t have any hard rules on what I like and what I dislike. I really don’t like scat but I still enjoyed playing Lightning Warrior Raidy II, despite it having a ton of scat. I like maggot birthing but I found it really difficult to watch Inyouchuu Shoku because of all the CG maggots (conversely, I enjoyed Inyouchuu Etsu and its maggot birthing scene). I don’t like futanari but I did enjoy a recent doujinshi I bought where Teana and Subaru grow penises and bang Nanoha silly. That reminds me that I ought to do a doujinshi post soon.

          • Ashlotte says:

            Haha I don’t really think so…I had someone actually talk to me once shooting a nude outdoors and I just said something the lines about it being art or something…actually turned into a decent conversation. Naked figures the best conversation starter?

            Funny you mention Raidy I didn’t touch the second one just because of what you mentioned…I did look at it briefly, but the audio was so god awfully low quality I couldn’t stand it for that alone.

            Futa is…Yea hit or miss for me too. I’m not really a fan of when they go insane with it and draw girls with huge massive veiny ones thats just…ick…if they can keep the size somewhat down though it can be fairly hot. :p

          • Tier says:

            It is not something you see every day XD Well, most people don’t, I guess, but I certainly do.

            They really screwed up the audio on Raidy II. It’s too bad JAST couldn’t fix it up since it was noticeably worse than the sound on the first Raidy game. All the typos in the translation were kinda bothersome too. And the scat was … well, it really is not one of my things and it’s really high up in the list of things that I do not like in my porn, but I didn’t mind it too much in Raidy II. I think I would’ve preferred it if they just drawn it as clear water instead, though.

  8. JessyP says:

    I saw the new post briefly this morning, but wanted to save it till the end of the day as a reward after a long day of work and a nice way to kick off the weekend. I’m glad I waited. Whatever you paid for this stand and the full complement of tentacles was worth it. It is legendary.

    Despite my caucasian sounding handle, I’m Japanese as well so I take double pride that 1) this tentacle stand came from our people and 2) this site that brings me much joy is made by a fellow countrymen who also lives in the US. I think you should eventually take a trip to Japan. So many great shopping ops, but also wonderful for photography. Your 7D will get tons of use there.

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed it. It still cracks me up that this thing actually got made; I seriously can’t think of any other place on the planet where such a thing would be possible.

      Yeah, I guess I would like to take a trip there, particularly to see the historical stuff and also just to say that I’ve been there. It’s not something I’m actively saving up for or planning on doing but it’d be nice to do it someday. I grew up in Seoul and haven’t spent much time in a city since my family moved back to the States when I was a kid; it’d be nice to spend some time in an Asian city again.

      Ah, I wouldn’t have guessed that you are Japanese XD Curiously, I have met very, very few English-speaking people of Japanese descent while running this site; I’ve met many Singaporeans, Filipinos, and Chinese, but very few Japanese people. I don’t think I’ve met any Koreans, either, which seems a bit strange.

  9. DaSaru says:


    Seriously even on its own it freaking rock. The poseability possibility is mind boggling.
    Would it be prying too much to ask how much did this cost you, as I am kinda interested to get this as well.

    • Tier says:

      Uhh, gee, the stand cost 28,800 yen and 7,800 for each of the three additional tentacles. And then there were the proxy fees and international shipping expenses. It was pretty expensive. I’m not sure if it’s available still; the note on the item page seemed to say they were made to order, but perhaps they will take more orders in the future, since such a thing is too cool not to continue production.

  10. BioToxic says:

    That is one crazy stand! I’m chuckling away here as I read through your quest to acquire such a treasure. I don’t think there’s any chance of me ever getting such an item (god imagine having people over and seeing a tentacle stand, extra lulz if there’s a bondage doll trapped inside) but it’s ‘interesting’ to know someone out there has the balls to own one.

    • Tier says:

      I gotta imagine it’d be an interesting thing to see, to say the least XD Maybe I could display it sans doll but with a Japanese flag curled in one tentacle’s grasp … I’d just tell people that it’s a way for me to reconnect with my ancestry.

  11. Devil Dan says:

    That thing is epic. An greasy texture is something that one would expect from pink fleshy tentacles I imagine, but I don’t think it to be a quality that is necessary to replicate. I really wonder it it’s by design or some weird side effect of the material. The comments here seem to suggest that other tentacle toys are similar.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I wonder the same thing; I’m also wondering if the instruction sheet that came with the stand can shed any light on its oiliness. Oh well, it’s not too big a deal since it’s not hard to clean off the dolls unless they’re clothed, and who would want to keep a doll clothed with something like this?

  12. Nobo says:

    Ah, about the oiliness, that happens with silicone dolls too. A light dusting of baby powder or talcum powder with a brush should help with that. And be sure to store the tentacles away in a bag when they aren’t in use. 😀

    • Tier says:

      Ah, cool, thank you for the suggestion, I will try that out. And storing them away sounds like a good idea; I think one experience in the bathtub with them was enough.

  13. Wolfheinrich says:

    Arghhhhh I can’t believe I didn’t catch your review of this wonderful stand sooner, though I have been extremely busy with the blog domain moving and stuff…. I knew you had gotten it since we talked about it last year. I unfortunately had to bail from the program because of the expense related to acquiring DD Saber Lily >.<;
    Anyway, wonderful review and these tentacles, you nailed some tentacles scene right on! This could have been perfect props for my photo shoot but alas I don't have the stand and hope they will reissue it someday.
    I was in fact worried about the greasy surface you are talking about, silicone is known to be oily on the surface anyway, think it even has some self lubrication properties? Perhaps if you can't wash it off… may be you can spray it with some topcoat and see if you can block the oil surface instead?

    • Tier says:

      Ah, that’s unfortunate >.< Saber Lily curled up for some greasy tentacle love would be very hot. Saber doesn't get to have a good time with tentacles nearly enough. Since Fate/stay night is kinda old, they should do a tentacle version of the game, like how To Heart 2 got raunchier when they they released X-Rated. Hmm, that might be a good idea. I'll try the talcum powder first and if that doesn't work, I might look for some sort of chemical that can seal it in without inflicting damage or affecting the flexibility of the tentacles.

  14. jewelweed says:

    Sooo today I stumbled upon these – [nsfw] http://daimaoh.co.jp/item2125.html. Flexibility +100! Among other things lolol. While they’re made for volks/obitsu 60, it might be possible to mod it to fit the obitsu 50 frame.. it’d be a pretty cool pervy sidekick to the amazing tentacle stand xD Unboxing/review here, with the further bonus of HD and a cute soundtrack >> http://onahodouga.com/archives/53686998.html

    • Tier says:

      I thought about getting a Tokyodoll body to stick a vmf50 head on, as they make 50-cm bodies now. They’re ridiculously expensive though … okay, maybe “ridiculous” is hyperbole given that they’re only about 25% more expensive than a tentacle stand. I’m also not sure which skin color best matches a vmf50 or Obitsu doll; they offer a whole bunch of skin tones but I don’t know what the differences are among them.

  15. TomTheCat says:

    Just found this on MFC: http://myfigurecollection.net/picture/530096
    If you had any Nendoroids, this would be a must-have. Otherwise probably a bit small.

  16. michelle says:

    wo gibt es diesen tentakel ich will denn auch

  17. Joh88 says:

    Do you know where I can get one now or something similar for a 1/6 figure

    • Tier says:

      I do not. I know that Real Art Project occasionally sells tentacles and stands, though the newer ones have eyeballs at the tips, which I don’t care for. I don’t think they’ve sold them for a while, though. I’ve never seen anyone offer anything like this in 1/6 scale though honestly, I don’t think it would be difficult to DIY with a mold, silicon, and metal wire.

  18. 745.m41 says:

    oh man, that’s so cool
    I wish I could find one too ><

  19. bostonbrandon says:

    Real Art Project will be offering two new sets of tentacles this June. They both come with a new more appropriately themed base and have six tentacles a piece. Set A has two with eyeballs for an additional 2,000 yen or something, while set B has two standard tentacles similar to yours. The other four tentacles in both sets are a bit skinnier and have what almost looks like toothbrush bristles at their end.

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