Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad (Gym Shed Version)

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

Kyou Fujibayashi is one of the best-known alpha females of anime: she is confident, athletic, violent, and also domestically talented. She is similar in many ways to Tamaki Kousaka but for some reason, she doesn’t get nearly the same level of merchandising love. And what love she receives doesn’t feature anything close to the variety that Tamaki gets. Tamaki’s figures depict her in her underpants, swimwear, as a samurai in her underpants, blue jeans, and a maid uniform, among other costumes. Kyou, in contrast, generally gets stuck in a gym suit. Not that I have a problem with that, since I have this thing for girls in tight athletic wear. Similarly, I have this thing for figures of anime girls with vulnerable expressions. It really simplifies photographing them.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

Kyou is one of the main characters of the well-known visual novel and anime Clannad. This figure is manufactured by Kotobukiya in 1/6 scale. She’s about 11.5 centimeters tall and 15 centimeters long, and since she is on her hands and knees, her shelf footprint is very compact. She comes with a couple of accessories: a soft white cushion and a plastic vaulting apparatus.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

Kyou is a feisty girl but that is obviously not in evidence here. This figure is inspired by an illustration of Kyou as she appeared when she was locked in a gym storage shed with Clannad protagonist Tomoya Okazaki. In the scene, Kyou appears nervous but one gets the impression that she could kick Tomoya’s ass if she wanted to, and also that she’s not entirely unwilling to make the most of this unlooked-for opportunity. The figure looks nervous as well, and perhaps a bit more. Hobby Search’s item page describes her as “wearing defenseless gym uniform, staring right at you with teary eyes, this is sure to strike your heart.” What do you think of when you hear “defenseless?” Some people might think of a young girl finally opening her heart to romance. Some might think of a child on the verge of growing up. Some might think of France. Me, I think of chains and restraints and a good time – hence the photographic angle.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

I really like the fearful expression on her face, with her wide-open eyes and flushed cheeks. Her eyes have a glossy finish to add that teary look. Yeah, I guess it looks like she could be deciding whether to open her heart to romance but me, I like to imagine her transfixed in terror. Or maybe anticipation.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

I also really like her pose. It facilitates so many things and really emphasizes her vulnerable state.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

And I like her outfit. You see this sort of gym uniform all the time in anime but I haven’t seen it on that many figures. I’ve only got two other figures that are wearing a gym suit, but I have a bunch of figures of girls wearing school uniforms or school swimsuits. I’d really like a figure of an anime girl in a track and field outfit or a gymnastics leotard or a racing swimsuit; we need more athletic girl figures.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

Kyou’s sculpt looks great. She’s got a nice-looking backside and a cute expression, and there are also some nice details like the lace ribbon tying her hair and her visible bra strap. One knock are the very visible and not very attractive seams running up her thighs. Similarly, paintwork is pretty good. Her socks and her shorts are shaded quite nicely, and her skin tone is flesh-like and appealing rather than the pale and cadaverous complexion she sported in her promo photos.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

The biggest problem with this figure isn’t technical, it’s that she’s not particularly exciting or memorable. She was released at the end of 2010 without much fanfare, and I haven’t seen much love for her these last couple of months. Kyou doesn’t have a lot of figures but as a lot of them put her in a gym outfit, this one isn’t anything that hasn’t been seen before.

However, I still like Kyou a lot. When I ordered this figure, I wasn’t thinking just of how she looked, I was also imagining the possibilities for taking her picture. Even though this figure isn’t visually distinctive, she does have a distinct personality and her pose and expression make photographing her a lot of fun. How much fun? I’ll let the pictures at the end answer that.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review

Here she is with Wave’s figure.

Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
Kotobukiya Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad Figure Review
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52 Responses to Kyou Fujibayashi from Clannad (Gym Shed Version)

  1. Shashin says:

    I wanted this figure, but for some reason I want to say the preorder for it on Hobby Search closed before I could pick it up. Clannad was a particularly good visual novel, and the anime started off a bit slow but picked up with time (though I’m not the biggest slice of life fan.) Kyou was definitely one of my favorite characters in it, and what better way to pay respect than getting a beautiful figure?

    I have to agree with you on the expression, and I appreciate your dirty mind taking the liberty of exposing her to Obama and tentacles. I think the fact that Obama is wearing a trench coat while he molest Kyou is best.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, she’s actually sold out at both HS and Amiami; that’s kinda surprising since she doesn’t look like a figure that would sell out upon release. I guess maybe Kotobukiya didn’t produce many units of her; they probably wanted to devote more resources to their Bakemonogatari and Marvel Bishoujo lines.

      I haven’t watched much of Clannad; I watched the first episode of After Story since I saw that it had girls in gym uniforms playing baseball. I enjoyed it but I didn’t watch any more of it, in large part since I’m not too familiar with the characters. I wonder if the DVDs are worth picking up anyway?

      The president is a stylin’ man XD He knows how to treat a girl right, too.

      • Shashin says:

        I could see it; I don’t know how popular Clannad was in Japan, but I know Key has a fairly large following outside of Japan at least. And Kyou is probably one of my favorite characters in the Clannad line up. The production thing is certainly a possibility, too.

        I’d say yes, if you can pick up both the first season and second (After Story) for a reasonable price. It’s certainly a tricky anime, and may not be your thing, though. Short of some very minor fantasy within the visual novel/anime, Clannad has a pretty straightforward school setting. The anime actually works through each of the routes in a pretty cool way; unfortunately the obvious main heroine is the character I like least (except for maybe Ryou… who is basically a non-outgoing Kyou with short hair… but her hair is still purple, so I’d probably give her the advantage.) That’s probably my biggest beef with the series, but the entire first season is basically them working their way through each of the girl’s stories, minus Tomoya forming a real relationship with them. Each girl gets a few episodes, and then the remaining chunk is devoted to the main chick and her dreams. I don’t know how to categorize it as anything but slice of life, but unlike K-On, I enjoyed every minute of it.

        The other big downfall is season one is basically just a lead up to After Story; once you get past the routes for the other girls it stays focused on the main girl. Then After Story is basically more focus on her and Tomoya getting their new life together. So since it’s all basically one continuation, the end of season one could be considered a bit weak. So basically, if you intend to watch past the initial routes of Clannad you better plan on watching After Story, too.

        However, I’d say it’s all worth it in the end. Despite me personally not liking the heroine too much, it’s still a very emotional ride; I know I’ve read various discussions on the matter where fans have said they’ve cried at some point in After Story. And I can vouch that it can be pretty tear jerking. If your favorite girl also got snubbed, they’ve also done two OVA episodes that follow the route of a different girl. Unfortunately it isn’t as fleshed out and only two/three other routes are covered depending on how you look at it (Remember how I mentioned Ryou? Yeah, as far as I know she doesn’t have a real route in the game… it’s basically starting with her and Tomoya realizes he likes Kyou more.) But it probably covers two of the most popular characters in Kyou and Tomoyo (who later received a sequel devoted to her with H-scenes.)

        It’s a shame they didn’t create one for every girl, but they were just keeping true to the visual novel, I guess. I never did finish the damn thing, but the anime didn’t just choose a main heroine for the sake of the anime format; Nagisa is the definite focus even in the visual novel. The other girls have routes, but they don’t last nearly as long, and after you finish up Nagisa’s route you move into After Story as well. Since it was so similar to the anime, I never finished it. I probably should have checked the routes they didn’t do an OVA on. I mentioned before that Kyou was one of my favorite characters, but so was Tomoyo, and Kotomi. I also really like Yukine even though she was a supporting character, and even Fuko had her moments. Basically, I liked any character but Nagisa. >_>

        That he is, and that he does.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, when I watched After Story, it kinda felt like I was intruding in on a bunch of friends that I didn’t know, since the characters were already well-established. I did get the sense I’d like Kyou and Tomoyo, who seem to be the faces of the franchise even though neither is the lead girl.

          I’m not opposed to watching a slice-of-life show, I guess. I don’t think I’ve actually seen many shows that fall into that genre; I’ve seen part of Minami-ke (it was okay, I guess; it didn’t make a large impression on me), all of Beck (loved it till the midpoint, when it ran screaming straight off of a cliff), and part of Futakoi Alternative (liked it but wished it had the sort of craziness displayed in the OP). I think my main issue with most modern school romance shows are that the male lead is often a spineless, clueless retard and the female leads are often bitchy as hell. I have no clue what Tomoya is like and I’ve heard Kyou described as a tsundere type, so I’m not sure how well I’d receive the show. I might just watch After Story, since I have some slight familiarity with the Clannad storyline from just hearing about it over the years.

          • Shashin says:

            Yeah, it can certainly be hard to watch After Story without some of the character background. Kyou and Tomoyo definitely get the most attention. My very first doujinshi was Ishikei’s OKAZ because I liked the Clannad characters so much.

            I can’t really think of any off the top of my head that I’ve watched. I actually really liked Tomoya in the anime. Don’t recall him as being spineless or clueless, though he certainly is lazy. At the very least, I’d watch the first 15 episodes or how many there are to get through all the different routes. There is a good dose of humor in some of the story lines and it will help familiarize you with all the characters.

          • Tier says:

            Lazy is good, I’ve got no problem with lazy. That sounds promising then; I can watch a show as long as I don’t think the male lead is a complete idiot.

      • Ashlotte says:

        Clannad is very much worth watching and I’d give it my whole hearted recommendation! Shash did a good job of covering the good and the bad, but yea it really is something that I think anyone regardless of taste could find something to like about the series!

        • Tier says:

          That sounds like an enthusiastic endorsement! I will research it further. It does seem to be more mature and introspective than other school romances like, say, Infinite Stratos. Or that Freezing show; I’ve only seen the first episode of it but I can tell where it’s going, and I have never seen romance done so badly in an anime, nor have I ever seen a male lead be so pathetic that he completely annihilates the goodwill given by the tits and violence.

  2. Devastator001 says:

    For a 1/6 she’s kinda small when compared to Obama @_@

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, Obama is quite a bit larger than her. The size disparity is a bit jarring but on the other hand, it does give him a slightly more imposing presence that I think works pretty well with Kyou’s worried look.

  3. Ashlotte says:

    What the hell is that black dog thing at the end…no wait I don’t wanna know…

    Well she certainly is colored far better then the wave one…Funny because I didn’t have any issue with that figure when you reviewed it but seeing her compared directly the lack of shading in the hair is one big eyesore…

    Shame Koto couldn’t have made her in casual clothes attempting to kick you or hurl a book at your head! That I would have ordered in a second…

    • Tier says:

      It is Obitsu The Dog! Yeah, I dunno what it is, either.

      Yeah, and I also don’t like Wave’s figure’s face as much now. I didn’t actually like Kotobukiya Kyou’s face all that much when I first saw the figure because I thought it looked like a K-On! face but I think it’s really cute now; on the other hand, I think Wave Kyou’s face looks all scrunched up, like her eyes, nose, and mouth are all trying to move into the same horizontal plane. Admittedly, that’s what Key’s designs often look like but it looks really weird.

      A dictionary prop would have definitely been cool. And it would add a little spice to the figure shoot, too.

  4. Tian says:

    The figure doesn’t really interest me but your collection of miniature sex toys is quite amusing. I also like how you put Obama in a pervert trench coat.

    Where did you get that American flag, BTW? My Obama figure has an assault rifle in one hand, and it would be 100x better if it was waving a flag with the other.

    • Tier says:

      I don’t really remember; I think it’s just one of those little miniature flags that you see people waving at political rallies. It’s pretty stiff which makes it less useful here than it would otherwise be. I remember DID’s Obama doll also came with a flag but I’m not sure where I put it; I seem to remember that it was looser and better for posing with dolls.

  5. BioToxic says:

    The actual release model of Kyou looks so much better than the promo pictures. Her promo pictures are so dull and unflattering, which is a shame since she looks fantastic with all the shading and colouring. Kotobukiya completely blows Waves Kyou out the water in terms of quality when compared side by side. Her uniform t-shirt is suggestively unbuttoned which I like.

    Poor Kyou though. Obama in that trenchcoat reminded me of Scott Shelby (Heavy Rain – PS3). That last picture – her eyes are screaming out for help.

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I wasn’t too impressed with the initial promo photos either. I was happy to see Hobby Search’s photos since her skin tone wasn’t nearly as pale; that’s one of the few times HS’s pictures look better than the publicity shots.

      Haha, I had to look up Scott Shelby and while I don’t know who he is, he and Obama got that kinda dispassionate, clinical look on their faces, like it’s always all business with whatever they’re doing. Kyou, on the other hand, has a really expressive face. It’s great how she normally just looks a little bit nervous in normal room lighting but you can make her look completely terrified with a little light control.

  6. Chag says:

    That’s one hell of a gym storage room she stumbled into XD. Where did you get the robotic hell-hound from? I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you got the dog just for the sake of violating Kyou =P.

    The scantness of KEY heroine figures has always been a source of frustration, but given the awful original art of their older games, it really is no surprise why Tamaki walks all over Kyou. I’m not a big bloomer man. I appreciate asses wrapped in tight clothing, but I’ve always found the overall appearance of gym clothes to be too plain. I guess bloomers are the closest thing to visual fanservice Clannad has. Still, Kotobukiya really went all-out here to avoid the “plain” label. Visible bra strap? I’m impressed.

    • Tier says:

      It’s Obitsu The Dog! Obitsu made this bizarre 1/6 scale skeletal dog. I actually picked it up a while back so I could be completely immature with one of my CyGirl dolls. If you want one too you can pick it up at the link above.

      Yeah, I’d agree with that, and that’s also kinda my problem with the stereotypical school swimsuit; the designs are kinda boring, most of the time. I’m more of a fan of the gym suit than the school swimsuit, though; I’m not a big on how the swimsuit usually is cut low on the leg.

  7. JessyP says:

    Wow the lighting on this one is incredible. It really feels like a forbidden gym at night. The use of props and other figures is hitting a new creative level. Bravo!

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! I was really trying to make Kyou look scared; Kyou always looks like a no-nonsense, take-charge sort of girl so I thought it’d be funny to put her in such an unfamiliar situation. And I’ve been trying to bring Obama back for a while, it’s been way too long since I’ve had the commander-in-chief in a review.

  8. drakanity says:

    Lol, nice review. It looks nicer than I would have thought. Good use of her pose. There’s also some interesting accessories you have there…

    • Tier says:

      Thanks XD I had hoped to include the St. Andrew’s cross but I couldn’t find it. It’s sized for 1/6 scale dolls so I guess it would’ve been too large anyway. Curiously, one of the props is not anything sexual in nature, it’s Sheryl Nome’s microphone.

  9. Wolfheinrich says:

    I like Clannad but I couldn’t bring myself to watch the after story because Clannad itself was already so much of a tear jerker, perhaps even too dramatic in a sense that was almost over done for the purpose of being a pure tear jerker not that the story was bad but just feel overly dramatic. Now, all that aside, I like all the clannad girls except nagisa (cue the overdone circumstances) . Now back to this figure, this is probably one of the most interesting Kyou figure I have seen and I have to say the pose is rather provocative and the addition of obama is just perfect! On the subject of fanfare, like I said before, I never understood the popularity of Tamaki, I meant I hate her! Why is she getting all these attention! Make absolutely no sense to me.

    • Tier says:

      That’s what I’ve heard of Clannad, here and elsewhere. I’m thinking I’d be okay with it then since I’m a sentimental sap and I prefer sentimentality over the typical exploitative silliness you see in a lot of contemporary anime romance. I still kinda have this idea to do a review of stuff like Infinite Stratos and that little sister incest show.

      Yeah, I gotta admit, I’m not entirely certain why Tamaki is so popular, and particularly why she’s so popular among figure makers this year. Okay, I can see a couple reasons why and they’re both on her chest but even so, there are a lot of physically attractive anime girls out there. I do like her character design a lot but from what I know of her, I don’t think I’m gonna take any time to learn more about her background or personality.

  10. Fabienne says:

    Ah I remember being interested in her a while ago 😉
    This scene between Tomoya and Kyou was so funny my stomach hurt after I watched it for the first time. Well, I would have preferred the pose from the anime where she lied on her back after she stumbled, but your version here looks good as well. Her face expression is interesting and her gym outfit looks great with the wrinkles and shading effects, her sculpting looks also very nice. Also this gymnastic apparatuslooks looks very good with the wooden texture.

    judging from the pictures It seems like Kyou pushed your creativity a lot *cough* =D
    I like your lightsetting it looks very good, pic kyou-fujibayashi-21.jpg is my fav but robodog is a little bit distracting there XD

    • Ashlotte says:

      Looking at your shots Fab shortly after this one I feel like I’m looking at the dark and light side haha…

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, that was a good scene, Kyou was really cute and the lead guy was a manly man, not one of those simps like the Samurai Girls guy who’d probably be paralyzed at the simple thought of being locked in a room with a female.

      I must admit that I hatched this idea as soon as I saw her up for preorder XD I needed the president for this shoot though so it was delayed quite a bit while I got him dressed.

  11. super rats says:

    There are no words for it whenever you break out the Obama, other than thanks man!

    Kyou is my fav of the Clannad girls.

    • Tier says:

      The president definitely needs more time in the spotlight here. I’m thinking he’ll be a pretty big part of my Nanoha actsta review, whenever I think up some decent poses for the two. I’m really bad at coming up with poses for action figures that aren’t blatantly lewd.

  12. duqs says:

    XD you obviously had copious amounts of fun with the figure, especially with the addition of the chains. Very great job of making an already interesting figure even more interesting to look at !

    • Tier says:

      Thanks! This was a lot of fun to shoot, and I always get a kick out of using the president in a figure review. I’ve got to use him more often.

  13. Kyzel says:

    Wow that was a pretty great shoot. I’ve only just stumbled upon your site and lo and behold~ A kyou review! I loled when I saw Obama dominating Kyou XD I think it’s been said quite a number of times but, Clannad and After Story is reaaaally great! Kyou was my #1 2Dcon dream-girl for a long while. Though she’s been dethroned by Charlotte from Infinite Stratos. Infinite Stratos’ plot is slightly weak but Charlotte pulls it through for me. I’ve been trying to look up Charlotte Dakimakuras to no avail… Oh well, I bookmarked your site and would be checking now and again! (I’m amazed and envious of your ever-growing collection btw).

    • Tier says:

      Thanks XD Yeah, everyone says Clannad is a good show so I think I’ll pick it up, since I frequently see it in Rightstuf’s discount section. I know there’s one Charlotte dakimakura cover up for sale now, and I’m sure there will be more, since she seems to be a popular character, and Infinite Stratos seems to be popular in general. I kinda lost interest in it since all the initial girls are tsundere types and I’m not too fond of that, but everyone seems to like Charlotte so maybe I’ll just skip ahead a couple of episodes to see what she’s like.

      • Kyzel says:

        Thou should! Kana Hanazawa just nailed the perfect balance for Charlotte. That link is awesome. But I can’t have that, I’d rather it be not explicit, if you are going to forward through IS, start from ep 5 (for the true intro) and 6 for where she started stealing everyone’s hearts. That tentacle stand is just so awesome, btw…

        • Tier says:

          Ah, okay; when people say they want a dakimakura cover, I usually assume they mean they want a porno one XD I did see another artist working on this one, which seems to not be a finished illustration yet. I don’t know who the dude on the reverse side is, though. I see that Freezing and the zombie show are getting dakimakura covers already, so I wouldn’t be surprised if mass-market IS pillowcases get unveiled at some point.

          I am really fond of that doll accessory XD Even by itself it looks very impressive.

          • Kyzel says:

            Thanks for the heads-up, I’d prefer that if it ever gets sold stateside. I meant to reply to this earlier but I procrastinated a bit too much… I think I’ve seen a finished pic of that on a picture board too though.

          • Tier says:

            Here’s the finished art, if you haven’t seen it already. I guess the other girl is, uhh, Laura, I think? I dig the golden eye.

  14. Kyzel says:

    Yep, that’s Laura /nod, I did see it thanks for the heads up though :3. Didja actually get to watching it?

    • Tier says:

      I haven’t yet, I haven’t actually watched much anime recently, unless you count hentai anime I suppose. There’ve been some really good hentai shows that’ve come out recently. I’m not seeing a whole lot in the upcoming spring season that gets me excited so I’m thinking I’ll catch up on stuff then.

  15. Kyzel says:

    LOL. XD May I ask ‘which good H’ are? I’ve only recently seen like Princess Catue 2 and Inyouchoo E, I’ve mostly just failed to appreciate H anime recently, and focused more on Doujins more or less haha.

    • Tier says:

      I really enjoyed Wana – Hakudaku Mamire no Houkago, it’s a show with an interesting plot but the plot doesn’t get in the way of the action. I really like the character designs as well, particularly Maiko Mamiya. Toriko-hime is pretty good too though I just skipped to the action parts. Himeno is really cute and she gets her turn in the second episode, so I’m looking forward to that. Kyuuketsuki doesn’t seem to have much of a plot but I still enjoyed it a lot, particularly since the voice actress for the main character put some effort into her role. A lot of times the voice actresses for h-shows don’t put a lot of emotion into their characters but in this case, the actress did a great job conveying the distress her character was in.

      • Shashin says:

        I’ll have to check out those two you mentioned. I’ll admit, I end up watching very few full hentai episodes. Mostly due to lack of (good) story; I’ll sit down with the best intentions, get about 10 minutes and give up… out of boredom or other reasons…

        I was bored last night, so I was randomly opening up files in my download folder (to clear up space/find any gems I had glanced over.) I ended up watching a two part hentai with a typical revenge rape story, but I was surprisingly able to get through both episodes. Don’t think I’d consider it good, but the animation wasn’t bad. Forget the name of it now, but it was set in a school (of course), members of the Student Council held down a student, and the President got him off with her foot. Needless to say, he went and raped the three girls involved, and the teacher who got him suspended.

        The real gem though was Koe de Oshigoto! It came out a few months back, but I never got around to watching it. Luckily the second OVA was supposed to release a few days ago, so the delay will hopefully soften the time I have to wait for it to be subbed. More ecchi than hentai, but it centers on a school girl eroge voice actress. Rather, her sister convincing her to do it. It was fairly funny, had a good amount of ecchi/borderline hentai, and was a very quick half hour. If you haven’t watched it yet, I’d give it a try.

        And finally, after months of being oblivious to apparently good anime series (since I was putting more focus on fan service than story driven shows) I decided to give the Index series a try. Had absolutely no exposure to it before, other than scrolling pasts posts talking about it in anime thread and knowing that it has some delicious lolis. Watched the first three episodes last night and wasn’t disappointed; so far there has been a good spread of action, story, humor, and even some fan service.

        • Tier says:

          I remember hearing about that OVA but I never got around to watching it. I might give it a watch sometime.

          I never really got into any of the Index series. I watched a couple episodes of Railgun and it was okay, I guess. I dunno, they just didn’t really interest me much. I did like Mii Konori’s character design, though. My anti-mainstream tendencies might be kicking in there, maybe.

          • Shashin says:

            It was certainly an enjoyable 30 minutes, and I hope the second does as well.

            I just remember reading a thread when Railgun was going on, and apparently there’s a lot of filler without story, and it was disappointing in areas. When I decided to give the series a try, I had to research where to start; Railgun stuck in my mind over Index, so I downloaded that first, and then I was like “Oh, that’s a spin off.”

            As for anti-mainstream tendencies, anime communities are too mainstream for me, so I have no idea what’s mainstream because I don’t have the information coming in to know what’s popular. 😀

  16. nagisa says:

    Looks like you’re enjoying her photoshoot, hehehe. Excellent use of props and effects as usual, as if you’ve put her to “dere” side.

    • Tier says:

      I was a bit disappointed that Kotobukiya’s Tomoyo has sort of a normal pose and a schoolgirl outfit. I had a lot of fun shooting Kyou but I wouldn’t have many ideas for Tomoyo.

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