Ameri Kawai from Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity (NSFW)

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Feels like I’ve been doing nothing but ecchi stuff for the last month. And looking back at my past entries, it seems that’s exactly the case. Oh well, I surely didn’t start this site to be all-ages friendly. Next figure review should be tamer, but let’s take a look now at Ameri, a little girl who presumably is much older than she looks.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Ameri Kawai hails from the curiously-named h-game and anime Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity. Like ChaoS;HEAd, Tayutama received an all-audiences port to the Xbox 360, the lonely man’s console of choice. I’m completely unfamiliar with both the game and anime, apart from watching a low-quality Spanish-subtitled Youtube clip featuring Ameri crashing a motorcycle into a sacred religious artifact. Apparently this is the incident that kick-starts the plot, but as I know nothing more of what happens, I suppose there is no point in discussing it further.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Ameri Kawai is sculpted in 1/8 scale, and since Orchid Seed does not employ anyone who knows how to use a calculator, she’s actually more like 1/9 or maybe even 1/10 scale. She is a pint-sized 10 centimeters tall to the top of her head, with her hair ribbons bringing her total height to about 11.5 centimeters. My best guess is that she’d be about 14 or 15 centimeters tall if she were standing up, which is tiny as hell for 1/8 scale.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

This figure is based off of this piece of artwork, which I am shamelessly borrowing from Danbooru. Numerous deviations from the source art are apparent: both her head and gun are straight rather than cocked sideways, the point of her tail is pointing outwards rather than inwards, and the PVC version is admirably displaying proper trigger discipline. Also, PVC Ameri is leaning towards her right, adding a pinch of spice to her body language, and she has a toothy fang that the artwork omits. Overall, the figure version of Ameri has a sassy sauciness that I prefer over the more demure 2D version.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

In my experience, Orchid Seed’s quality is inconsistent, and Ameri conforms to expectation. There are examples of nice detailing – such as the aforementioned fang that conveys a sense of naughtiness, the paint of her shirt which gives just a hint of transparency around her nipples, and the wild tendrils of hair sprouting from her head that give her a lively look. Then there are some things that aren’t done very well. Her panties, in particular; they’re supposed to wrap around her legs, but instead of circling her thighs, they just merge into her legs. It’s not that evident from the front, but from the sides and rear, it’s quite obvious and does not look good at all.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

For some reason, I like to look at the fingers and toes of figures. I can’t help thinking that Ameri’s thumb looks a bit strange. Like it looks like a stubby, fat sausage link or something. Maybe it’s just me, I dunno. Reminds me of my freshman year in college, I worked on a project with this other student who introduced himself by making a comment on the size of the professor’s fingers. Weird. Pretty sure that guy was gay. I wonder what grade we got on that project. Those were good times, first year was probably the most fun I’ve had in my life.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Paintwork is a bit flat, though she’s so small I don’t know if it’s all that obvious. Most of the shading seems to be in her hair, which features a two-tone gradient towards the tips. That’s another alteration from the artwork. Her colors look rather pastel in tone. It’s okay, I guess. It’s not anything that’s going to excite you but it does the job.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

I’m not inclined to like small figures but I do like pervy figures, and unlike LeBron James, Ameri knows where she comes from and stays true to her roots by dressing up in an open shirt with no pants. It’s a great look and she manages to stay ostensibly work-safe by covering herself up with her hand. Note that while her bottom is bare, she doesn’t have a realistically-sculpted anus. Oh well. Her crotch is covered up by part of her shirt tail, and it doesn’t appear that you can remove it without breaking it off. Her shirt isn’t all that elastic either, so I don’t think you can expose her chest.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

While we’re talking about perversity, I figured I’d toss in this picture from the game. I’m guessing that this scene did not show up in the anime.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Anyway, this is an okay figure. I like the idea, though the execution is a bit off, and the size is way off. Someone really needs to hand the Orchid Seed people a multiplication table, because this scale conversion stuff isn’t that difficult. I like the themes that they often feature, though; they don’t need to change that. And they’ve done a pretty nice job of giving this figure a frisky, spirited look that shows some personality, and that’s something I always look for in a figure. So I’ll say size aside, this ain’t too bad. Don’t expect top-notch workmanship, but do expect to get a cute, fun-looking little figure.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review
This is hard math. Multiplying height by a scaling factor is not.

You just read ambivalent. Want negative? Aka has you covered. Want positive? James has you covered. There’s a little something for everyone out there.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

With her blue twintails, red eyes, and shirt tails, Ameri reminds me of Dizzy from Guilty Gear X. She almost looks like she could be her little sister.

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

Ameri Kawai from Tayutama Kiss on my Deity Figure Review

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42 Responses to Ameri Kawai from Tayutama: Kiss on my Deity (NSFW)

  1. Aka says:

    So I was reading away, wondering what the hell this LeBron James thing was about and broke out laughing when you mentioned she doesn’t have a realistically sculpted anus. Which is very true and something I still lack in my collection.

    That CG you picked out of Ameri makes me like her a lot more. I never got the Tayutama CG set but I might if Ameri’s such a kinky girl like that.

    I think the artwork Orchid’s Ameri is based on seems much more playful than the figure. It’s all in the face for me.

    Oh yeah, and her thumb does look a bit off now that you point it out. I tend not to pay attention to figures, but I do pay attention to feet. One of my peeves is that Volks sculpted Horo’s toes in a fashion that doesn’t appeal to me.

  2. Chag says:

    Argh, what is that funky light you used for the background? I swear I’ve seen it before somewhere, but I can’t remember it for my life. I wonder if it’s associated with a traumatic memory… Maybe my dad beat me with it as when I was a child?

    Well, light-abuse or not, it looks fantastic, dude! Your use of funky props never ceases to amaze me — may I expect the Mothra larvae to show up next week?

  3. Pingback: Kawai Ameri 1/8 (Orchid Seed) review | Exelica Meteor

  4. keyChAin says:

    Nice review and as always, great pics. lol at the LeBron reference. Really considered getting this one; personally still leery over Orchid Seed’s offerings but gotta admit they did a pretty good job on the surface with this one. Very “erokawaii”. But yeah, you’re a lot better off for having not watched the anime…

  5. Tier says:

    >> Aka
    LeBron James is a basketball player! The most interesting man in the world. He also has a good chance to solidify his legacy as a champion even as he’s destroyed his legacy as a great player. Curious how life works like that.

    I looked through the CG set and Ameri seems to be the only one with kinky sex. The scenes look pretty cool, you should give them a look.

    >> Chag
    It’s a, uhh, fiber optic lamp or something like that. I got it real cheap, I think it was like six bucks or something. It’s pretty lightweight so if your dad beat you silly with this, you must have had a low-ass pain tolerance as a kid. (I remember when I was a little kid, just the threat of being spanked was enough to make me burst into tears. I think I’m still traumatized by memories of my mom wielding a fly swatter.)

    You might! Mebbe. I’ve got the feeling that the Mothra larva might cause some disgust so I’m not sure how I want to debut it. However, considering the content I have on this site, it seems sorta odd for me to withhold picture ideas based on potential disgust. I might just put them up on Twitter, I dunno.

    >> keyChAin
    LeBron is a gift to writers everywhere. Need to compare someone to ultimate evil and don’t want to invoke Godwin’s Law? Use LeBron! Yeah, I’d be leery of Orchid Seed’s stuff too … some of their stuff is really nice (mainly the more H stuff) and some of it is pretty shoddy. I’ve got this theory that their larger figures tend to be higher quality.

    That does not sound promising. It’s too bad that I like so many character designs that are stuck in mediocre (or worse) shows. Oh well, I guess I don’t really have time to watch all the anime I want, anyway; I’ve still got to make some time to watch through Seikon no Qwaser (the greatest anime of all time).

  6. Aka says:

    I thought this man was the most interesting man in the world.

    I’d have kinky sex with all of them. I’d like to know how the blue haired chick cloned herself so that I could clone the others.

    I hate how CG sets are all so low res and overly censored. And that they aren’t animated these days, I mean, surely they could do some 3D rendering like Illusion does with all their raplay games etc…

  7. Fabienne says:

    haha this Ameri figure seems to be quite popular these days XD
    I like her belly part it looks very well sculpted.
    the tail in her … looks a bit strange.
    from the back she reminds me of Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan =D

    to me her face has a crazy/Yandere expression
    well, that would fit to her character from the anime.

    I really like your funky pictures of her the background looks awesome.

  8. Ashlotte says:

    Damn and here I was hoping you of all people would use my Water and Bubbles idea I wanted to use for her to recreate the original art slightly before I canceled this one (Well and everything else I had on order too…) So very disappointed… T_T

    Ahhh well still nice shoot…Crying shame you can’t strip her shirt off though eh…Or atleast part it slightly in the middle…She’s from an Eroge for cripes sakes not like modesty is an issue!

  9. phossil says:

    Nice review and great pictures!!
    Im having pervert thoughts ^^ Lol

  10. In the defence of the scale, Ameri was shown to be rather short compared to the other characters in the anime so it may not be as off as one may think!

    I have to say tho, Ameri was probably my least fave girl out of the Tayutama lot…

    And is the LeBron thing really such a big deal? Being a brit, I don’t follow NBA or other big american sports so I don’t know the full details but you guys seem have it easy compared to the crap we see with our football (nee: soccer) players if this kind of thing gets such a response! Some football players will go anywhere if you flash enough money at them.

  11. meronpan says:

    good ‘ol scale shenanigans. so if we go with your 15cm standing estimate, if she was truly 1/8, that means 120cm full scale or < 4 feet tall eh? ^^;;;

    i think this figure falls into my "if i loved her character i'd love the figure" category. looks pretty decent and from what i remember of the anime gives a good ameri vibe.

  12. Tier says:

    >> Aka
    Maybe they are bred in big vats of yellow liquid. Hopefully that liquid can double as a lubricant too.

    Yeah, I wish more H-games used high-res pictures … I dunno why so many of them still use 800×600 images. I got Lightning Warrior Raidy II the other week and the game screen is tiny. Admittedly, it’s kinda old but people were using screen resolutions much larger than 800×600 even back then.

    LBJ ought to watch that video every time he thinks he is important. He’ll never be as great a role model as that man no matter how many canned announcement interviews he does.

    >> Fabienne
    I had hoped to review Saya Tokido first but I couldn’t quite get the right background for her, so I went with Ameri instead. Yeah, that tail does look a bit strange … I guess it’s mainly there to cover her up so that Orchid Seed doesn’t get in trouble. I should’ve taken some pictures of her with Seira Orgel since Seira’s got that huge pink club that looks a lot like a happy, cheerful version of Excaliborg.

    >> Ashlotte
    You didn’t tell me of this idea! I would’ve done it if I had known. Mebbe. Probably not, actually, since it’s such a pain to set up. And messy as hell too. I do have some ideas for more water drop pictures but the figure I’ve this idea for won’t ship for months and months.

    I didn’t think Orchid Seed would have a problem with nudity since they’ve already done a bunch of figures with full frontal.

    >> phossil
    Thanks! That is completely understandable XD

    >> gundamjehutykai
    I don’t know anything about the Tayutama girls, although I’ve got this thing against animal ears so that’s one point against Mashiro. I like how the blonde girl looks, though I wish she were a bit more busty. Like that one nun girl in the motorbike suit that Volks is doing a garage kit of.

    It’s a big deal in the basketball world, although basketball’s probably a distant third in the US sports world (behind professional and college football). I mainly find it amusing for the manner in which he announced it (which tore the heart out of a city that’s badly in decline) and also because it gives the Miami Heat a very powerful roster. A lot of NBA fans have a favorite team, but I’m sort of unusual in that I don’t cheer for a particular team, I cheer against a particular team. I really, really hate the LA Lakers; they’re probably the sports team I hate the most, and while I’m not a big LBJ fan, I am going to hijack the Heat bandwagon and drive that bad boy straight downtown every time Miami plays LA.

    The other funny thing is that pretty much every athlete in the US (or heck, anyone who has any sort of job) will go where the most money is, James would’ve actually much less money in Miami than he would have in Cleveland. Thanks to certain peculiarities in NBA regulations as well as Florida’s tax code, he’s probably not losing much potential income, but it’s still hilarious how he is being vilified despite sacrificing his own wealth for a better chance at winning a championship.

    >> meronpan
    Yep! Can’t understand why it’s so difficult to do math … you can even punch in “15 * 8” into Google and it will do the math for you. Well, I guess I can’t criticize their math abilities too much since I flunked calc so many times.

    I’ve got the feeling that Ameri isn’t the most beloved character from the show XD That reminds me, with Vivio shipping out soon, I need to scan through those StrikerS episodes to figure out who she is and why the figure is an adult when she’s a midget in the show.

  13. Ashlotte says:

    Aw comeon how hard is it to use Bubbles ya lazy bum…Well haven’t tried it myself, but it can’t be that hard! :p


    Just skip to the final few episodes if you want to see her in action Tier otherwise your just gonna get Loli version…

    Ugh and Lebron…Have no interest in Basketball but living down near Miami this is all I hear about all the damn time lately…Driving me nuts… >_>

  14. Shashin says:

    Been awhile since I commented on a review, despite seeing several that I like. :O

    I also got this figure in the mail with my most recent order, and it’s the only one I’ve opened so far, because I still haven’t moved to a bigger area but plan to do so soon. When I opened the Hobby Search box, I was really quite surprised to see just how tiny the figure was.

    Still, I’m very fond of it, small or not. I’m sure I’ve probably mentioned this at least 3-4 times on your site, but I have a bit of a purple hair fetish, and I was instantly taken by the charm this figure has. My untrained eye hasn’t noticed any major defect, and I absolutely love the pose. I’ll admit that I tried to pop her head off to see if her shirt could be removed, but didn’t have any luck there. On the plus side, the shirt isn’t painted on, so you can move it a bit to see that they at least gave her some nipples and painted them unlike some other figures I’ve seen.

    Since it has been awhile, on some unrelated notes, I finally received my Shoujo M figure from the American retailer, only about a month behind you. Now I just have to hope that the other retailer I went with is able to get my Shoujo S by August as they estimate.

    I just went on a mini shopping spree on YHJ, and managed to pick up some Illust Guerrilla covers I hadn’t seen listed before. Though I really hate the gamble it can be sometimes. I placed two bids last night on an SK Tessa Testarossa and Tricot Sheryl Nome. Check this morning and there’s a Tricot Tessa for 1k yen more buy it now and Tricot Sheryl for 3k less than my bid. I was tempted to snag the tricot Tessa as she’s easily one of my favorite characters and I prefer the tricot, but it sold before I could snag it. The Sheryl cover is still up if you’re looking to pick it up at a decent price.

  15. Tier says:

    >> Ashlotte
    I’m sure it isn’t … maybe some other time, assuming I’ve got a cutesy-type figure that it would work for. Lessee what I’ve got preordered … Compact Hog, okay, cute, but the wrong kind of cute … Momohime, cute, but probably would look funny with her sword … that motorbike rider girl with her tits all hanging out, yeah, probably not. I guess Sasami is cute but I’m thinking I’m going to break out the tentacles for her again. Hmm … maybe Kureha, I’ve got no ideas for her so maybe Kureha will work.

    It’s LeBron mania everywhere! His arrival in South Beach heralds the doom of the LA Lakers … I’m gonna get some confetti and a vuvuzela ready to celebrate the Heat’s impending Finals victories.

    I will do that in regards to StrikerS … does StrikerS really suck compared to the first and second seasons? I’ve heard it’s not as good but while I like the idea of loli girls battling each other, I think I like teenaged or young adult girls battling each other even more.

    >> Shashin
    Purple hair is <3 That's a big reason I preordered that Sasami figure. It's a big reason why I want that Neptune game that's coming out on PS3. It's a big reason why I have such a huge video game crush on Senhime (which reminds me that I still need to get back at Ashlotte for his vicious, vile slander, and now that I have the Mothra larva, I think I have some ideas for doing that).

    Technical considerations aside, I probably ought to like this figure a lot more; little girl with an open shirt with a big grin, a toy gun, and her underwear down around her legs, what's not to like? If this were closer to a true 1/8 scale, I think I'd be much happier with it.

    Man that Sheryl dakimakura is tempting. The price ain't bad. Relatively, I mean ... ask anyone "Hey, you think $150 plus a bunch of extra charges is reasonable for a pillowcase?" and they'd probably wonder what the hell is wrong with you. I went a Yahoo JP buying binge myself recently, though, so the spending fund is kinda depleted ... especially since I'm kinda thinking about looking for Alter's grown-up Fate figure and that's gonna be spendy, too. Shipping is going to be insane on this thing I bought the other month (and as M-World apparently hasn't received it yet, I can't deny that I'm not concerned about that).

  16. Shashin says:

    Yeah, it’s the same for me on most counts, with the added crush on Ayane from DOA.

    I’m quite happy I haven’t become a figure buff quite yet, as I can be in a state of bliss if the figure caters to my fetishes, despite any minor flaws. I do wish the figure were a bit bigger, but it’s not like I have the space to display it as it is… and there’s less of that terrible smell I haven’t grown accustomed to yet.

    Heh, you make quite a good point. 20000yen appears to be my upper limit as far as dakimakura go. I’ve managed to buy 2-3 cases above that price, and jump on anything I really want below it. I’m sure the majority of the population would consider me terrible with my finances, but hey, it makes me happy. SMJ does special orders a bit differently than I thought they would. I’m still waiting on the invoice for the order I placed a few months ago. Three items were preorders, with the latest coming next month, I think. I’m sure they’ve received most of the other goods by now, and I guess it makes sense to bill all at once, but I’m surprised they’ve allowed me to go so long without paying a quite hefty bill.

  17. drakanity says:

    Lol, I just stumbled upon your site, and after reading that Lebron reference, I just had to comment.

    Loving all of the reviews and especially the humor. Great job!

  18. Ashlotte says:

    Ah ya know don’t get me started haha…I’m just gonna say they had some great ideas for Strikers, but got a little too ambitious…Storyline woulda worked well if the thing had been 52 episodes long, but…yea…

    Anyway if you wanna see more then just the last few for Vivio start at episode 17. Thats pretty much when things actually start getting interesting…might feel slightly lost missing a chunk of back story for the new characters/villians, but shouldn’t be that bad.

  19. VF says:

    Great job with the background, the fibre optic lamp really came in handy! I wish I still had one floating around – maybe I’ll go get one for some figure photos too since these things are fairly cheap. I really like how the photos turned out – quite creative, which is something I definitely lack. lol

    I really need to get back in to the groove, after my vacation I don’t feel like doing anything!

  20. BioToxic says:

    Ameri looks really nice. Open shirt always looks sexy. Too bad they didn’t capture the full transparency as seen in the CG. Also not being unable to open her shirt a little more is a missed opportunity.

    OT: Hard maths, that looks like some sort of semiconductor crap. Possibly some sort of silicon processing, capacitor jibber-ish? Man I hate trying to follow equations printed in books.

  21. Tier says:

    >> Shashin
    Speaking of terrible smells, I’ve found that it’s really not a good idea to open up a can of wood staining liquid in an enclosed space.

    Yeah, I’m a horrible with finances, too. (I haven’t even checked my 401k account since, well, since I started working, because I don’t know my password.) It’s all good though. Things that make me happy are what I am all about.

    I guess SMJ puts a lot of trust in you if you’ve bought from them before (or if you’ve put down a big deposit or authorized them to charge your credit card). Incidentally, I’ve found that it is really not a good idea to use them to buy doujinshi off of Toranoana.

    >> drakanity
    Thanks! As much as I support LeBron in his quest to destroy the Lakers, I cannot resist taking shots at him when the opportunity presents itself XD

    >> Ashlotte
    Ah well, that’s unfortunate. Maybe I’ll just watch the episodes that are prime numbers to get an idea of what the plot is about. And I’ll watch the shows were Ginga gets beat up and kidnapped, since I like Ginga’s design.

    >> VF
    You should get one, they look pretty good for how cheap they are. Man, I don’t feel like doing much of anything right now XD I need to take some days off but I don’t get a ton of vacation time here.

    >> BioToxic
    Yeah, I would’ve liked it if the shirt had more of a see-through look. Open shirt is definitely sexy but a wet open shirt is even better.

    That is close, it’s from a bioelectricity course I took. The crappy thing about that course was the professor made us buy this expensive-ass book, and we wound up using it for only one or two homework assignments. I never read any of the chapters because the professor taught off his own handouts and lecture notes.

  22. Shashin says:

    Hmm, why’s that? Is it something other than the charges associated with ordering from them, or did they screw it up somehow?

  23. Tier says:

    Nah, they were great as usual, but it’s expensive as hell. It’s like ten bucks just to place a web order and then all the usual charges, which rolls up to like $25 total for a doujinshi that costs 500 or so yen. It’s fine if you’re buying a single expensive item but those charges add up real fast if you’re buying lots of inexpensive things.

  24. Shashin says:

    Oh yeah. I had hesitated when I ordered some doujinshi from D-Stage, but since I ordered quite a few with some other items, the commission ended up being reasonable. If you’re ordering only a few items, it’s going to be expensive, but $2 for each additional item isn’t so bad once you get a decent number going. Granted you still have to pay the commission on the total price, and thus it should only really be used if you can’t find the stuff on YHJ, or it’s listed with a ton of different sellers (shipping/wire fees.)

  25. Tier says:

    Ah, okay, I wasn’t sure if the commission price was per individual item or for the total order. One time I bought some manga from Amazon JP through them and the final price tag was something nuts; I think each manga was like 700 yen each but the total tab was around $70 or $80. (Admittedly, even if Amazon JP were willing to ship those items overseas, the price tag wouldn’t have been much different since they calculate shipping charges per item.)

    Incidentally, I came across a pretty nice dakimakura reference site here. The nice thing is that they link to sellers, if the item’s being sold online. I came across a pretty nice Nanoha pillowcase that I think I want, but sadly I found out it ain’t shipping till October.

  26. Shashin says:

    I’m pretty sure it’s the standard commission price plus $5 for the first item and $2 per item after that. So if you only order a few items it could be pretty expensive, but it gets a lot more reasonable when you have more items.

    Yeah, that looks like a good site; I have a site with a similar layout bookmarked, though they haven’t updated in a few days.

    The site I use is here:

  27. Tier says:

    Ah, okay, I guess I’ll have to keep that in mind if I see a bunch of doujinshi on Toranoana that I want. There’s a few that I went that are too new for Mandarake to stock, but I guess I’d need to buy in bulk if I use SMJ.

    Thanks for the link, I’ll keep that bookmarked too. I saw a pillowcase featuring the Nanoha girls and I thought it looked pretty cool, so I looked it up on Yahoo JP. And there was one up for sale … from that fwisy guy. The feeling I felt is kinda like when you get paid, except you know your entire paycheck is going to go towards paying off bills.

  28. Shashin says:

    Well, I guess you could always pay out the ass for it with M-World. Not that M-World is a bad service, but for what you get (the fact that he only ships out once a month), the price is a bit high. I just think it’s funny that I ordered through him from the get go, buying dakimakura from fwisy, and then I can’t do it. I’m not one to come up with conspiracy theories, but maybe they have something set up to charge us foreigners out the ass, by not allowing other deputy services to bid on his items.

  29. Tier says:

    That’s probably not an option since I think his commission fee applies per item (I could be wrong on that, though). I really wish there was a decent cheap option for bulk-buying lots of cheap items like manga and doujinshi from Japanese retailers, but I’m not aware of one. Yeah, shipping once a month is pretty sucky, though I have no complaints about the level of service (apart from the one time he forgot to bid on an auction, which is funny now but wasn’t quite so amusing back then).

    Did you buy stuff from fwisy through M-World? I wonder how this fwisy dude distinguishes among deputy services; as far as I know, they all operate in basically the same manner.

  30. Shashin says:

    I could be really off base, but my best guess would be that when signing up for an account, they have to state if it’s automated in any fashion. Which most appear to be, while it’s highly possible that M-World bids on every auction he’s commissioned to by hand. And yeah, the two Tony dakimakura I bought way back when were from fwisy.

  31. Tier says:

    Ah, okay, that would make sense. Yeah, I’m pretty sure the M-World guy bids on everything manually; he once forgot to bid on a thing I asked him to because Yahoo didn’t send him a reminder notice that the auction was ending soon. Fortunately nobody bid on it and nobody else bid on it during the next cycle so I still won the item.

  32. twina.loba says:

    I’ve got Ameri too. You’re right about the pantsu… doesn’t look real. Ameri is very kawai, so I don’t really care about the pantsu. I keep her in her box, anyway.
    I love Orchid Seed’s Kyoko Kaneda… she’s my type of girl.

  33. Tier says:

    She is indeed … plus the open shirt is still really cool. Yeah, Kyoko looks fantastic, I’m definitely going to get her too. Only thing I wish they did different would be to give her racier underwear … a sexy office lady like that should be wearing some fancy panties.

  34. twina.loba says:

    yep! She needs something more tempting, like a thong!
    Her face is very beautiful.

    The new rider of sweet body, the pink version is pretty cool … mmm there’s a Happoubi Jin’s illustration I like much: a woman with a green kimono that carries an umbrella… I would love to see a pvc figure of her.

    By the way, Freeing’s Mizuho-sensei is very sexy! I love red lips … I think they’re red XD

  35. Tier says:

    I agree! She’d look right that way.

    Yeah, I love the pink version, I like pink and purple together. I think I know which picture you are talking about; I think that’d be a fantastic figure. Speaking of artists, I think I saw that someone (other than Native) was going to be adapting some of Nishieda’s artwork as PVC figures, but I can’t remember which company it was.

    I’m wondering where the sample photos are for Mizuho, I really want to see what she looks like in castoff mode. It’s odd that nobody seems to have gotten one yet.

  36. Tommy says:

    Reading your review definitely answered my question. So I won’t be getting her after all since her shirt is not cast-off. But she is definitely a cutie. I thought that end of her ribbon was a devi-tail for the longest time. I love how she looks though.

  37. Tier says:

    Yeah, unfortunately it’s not. Definitely cute and definitely my kind of figure as far as the raunchiness goes. I thought her tail was an actual tail as well, since I saw her sprout bat wings in the intro to the anime. At least, I think that’s what I saw; I could swear I saw some of that in the CGs to the game, too.

  38. Cantan says:

    This figure doesn’t appear to be selling very well – shame really. She’s the only decent looking figure in Hobby Search’s bargain bin at the moment – 50% off (and that’s not the clothes).

    Quite cute but I think I’ll pass – don’t know where I’d put her if I did get her!

    • Tier says:

      I kinda wish I’d waited for that sale – she’s cute but probably not worth the full price, particularly not now, with a bunch of highly-anticipated figures scheduled to drop this month and next. I really wish she were larger, she looks very out of place on my shelf, even amongst other 1/8 scale figures.

  39. loveanime says:

    Thanks again for this excellent review. I realize that when you are reading a review and view your fantastic images on a 30 inch monitor the smallest details become huge issues but then when you see the actual figure those details matter much less. So the panty and thumb issues are (fortunately) much less of an issue for me with the real (and indeed small!) figure compared to the giant images on my monitor. So I am glad I got her despite the negatives which made me sitting on the fence for a while before getting her. What finally made me buy her anyway was that sexy side glance in the aka review (9th row of pictures in his review) you referred to, that shows she really has lovely shaped breasts despite not being cast off. Knowing your detailed review style I was surprised you did not cover this interesting detail 😉 By the way the link to James review no longer works.

    • Tier says:

      Oh dear God what was I doing with these photographs. Yeah, Exelica Meteor seems to have gone into oblivion; I guess I should go through the site one day and remove the dead links. I should probably prune the links list, too, since about half of those sites are dead now.

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