Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 (NSFW)

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

My last figure review covered a figure that evoked mixed feelings, so I thought that for my next writeup, I’d look at a figure that everyone can agree is the very epitome of class, a figure that is, without a doubt, fun and appropriate for people of all ages.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

Norse mythology is a curious staple of Japanese anime culture. In particular, valkyries are very popular, featuring prominently in games such as Valkyrie Profile and Odin Sphere. These warrior women are also common subjects for a certain peculiar genre of anime and video games – namely, pr0n.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

The anime Ikusa Otome Valkyrie showcases many of the usual tropes – a hapless valkyrie protagonist is sold out by her superior (the goddess Freya, in this case) and undergoes deflowering and depredation and humiliation and eventually submits in body and will to her captors. Good stuff all around and it never gets old. Ikusa Otome Valkyrie was localized as the hilariously-titled Ride of the Valkyrie (well, I think it’s hilarious), but as far as I know, none of its successors have made their way to the United States. These titles include Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Shinsou, Ikusa Otome Valkyrie Suvia (Suvia really deserves a figure of her own, by the way), and the sequel to the original, Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2.

Suvia from Ikusa Otome Suvia
This is Suvia during happier times.

Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 stars one Aaliyah, a valkyrie girl who is predictably captured, blackmailed, and tormented. And chained up. There is something of a plot there, where an evil duke is trying to impregnate his valkyrie prisoners. Not quite my thing, but the show has tentacles and nice animation and is still a great series to watch.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

This particular figure comes from Giga Pulse, who’ve established themselves as makers of some of the most raunchy figures around. They don’t shy away from tentacles, bondage, or bestiality; in fact, their famous figure with the dog seems to have been the most-accessed review on AkibaHobby last year, beating out the likes of Miku Hatsune and Tamaki Kousaka.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

To be frank, one doesn’t buy a Giga Pulse figure to get a high-quality sculpture. My other Giga Pulse figures aren’t that great, and I wasn’t expecting Aaliyah to turn out much better. And while she isn’t that great technically, she’s got some unexpectedly complex elements, such as magnetic attachment points for her helmet, bra cups, and the trailing part of her loincloth. Admittedly, the magnets aren’t very strong and it’s fairly easy to knock the parts off of Aaliyah, but they are still a nice touch.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

Aaliyah’s got a ton of parts. First off, there’s her base, which slides together as simply as Legos. She is castoff-able, but instead of making her dress removable, they opted to include a second torso for the perverts who want to display this figure in the nude. Her bracers also detach from her body so that they can be swapped around, and the dildo can be pulled apart so that it can, uhh, be inserted so that it looks like it is at a realistic, erm, depth. She comes with some chains which have little clasps on the end for attaching to the diorama; she doesn’t attach to the ground in any way, although there’s a little depression in the base where her foot can be placed to keep her a bit steady.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

The sculpt is not that fantastic, as is probably evident. Her breasts are quite peculiar-looking and her neck is rather long and thin. To my disappointment, she doesn’t have a realistically-sculpted anus.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

Paintwork is serviceable. I’m pretty sure her eyes are decals given the way they reflect light. Her armor is similarly shiny, with shading more or less nonexistent.

Gigapulse Aaliyah from Battle Maiden Valkyrie 2 Review

Here she is without her headgear. I like her better with her helmet on, but I suppose anyone who captures her and takes away her clothes probably wouldn’t let her keep her hat.

Gigapulse Aaliyah from Battle Maiden Valkyrie 2 Review

But as I said, nobody who buys this figure is buying it because it is a shining example of craftsmanship. As far as perversity goes, this figure doesn’t go quite as far as some of Giga Pulse’s other figures but it’s still quite explicit. Aaliyah is probably only going to appeal to a certain type of collector, so for those people who like valkyries, this is the figure for you.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

Giga Pulse アリーヤ from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

While I’m posting porn, I think I’ll put up a few more pictures of Suvia, since she’s really cute.

Suvia from Ikusa Otome Suvia
Don’t ask what this pig-man is doing. Actually, at this moment in this scene, he’s not doing anything other than holding Suvia down. Don’t ask what the out-of-frame bull-man is doing, though.

Suvia from Ikusa Otome Suvia
She’s just mad because Loki is making her walk around topless. And bottomless.

Suvia from Ikusa Otome Suvia
Captain Planet, he’s our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero.


Crap, wait …

Suvia from Ikusa Otome Suvia
That’s béchamel sauce on her face, I promise.

Giga Pulse Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 Review

The plan is to review Miku next but I might do a different figure instead. I wonder if this is the only site in the world where you’ll see these figures together.

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27 Responses to Aaliyah from Ikusa Otome Valkyrie 2 (NSFW)

  1. Ashlotte says:

    Aye Giga Pulses sculpts always looked horrid to me, but like you say they certainly have balls of steel and will make practically anything as long as its Hentai related it seems. :p

    I kinda liked the first IOV series more, but the second one that aaliyah comes from does have its moments. ~_^

  2. softz says:


    Are you sure it’s fun and appropriate for all ages? *LOL*

    Anyway, I like your style, always unique. There aren’t many blogs that would put on such figure for review. It’s an eye-opener to me. Great post!

    I saw this figure on play-asia some time back then. But photo of her is fully clothed. They stated something hentai which ip from my country are prohibited. I didn’t know it’s so hardcore. It’s a good thing that we have reviewers like you.

    2 thumbs up!

  3. Tier says:

    >> Ashlotte
    I think Aaliyah is one of their best sculpts, and it’s still pretty bad. I sorta wanted that dog one just because of the WTF factor but even that couldn’t get me to look past how awful it looked (in a technical sense, not from a content perspective).

    The funny thing is, there’s this other company called Okayama Figure Engineering that does even more raunchy figures that look even worse, sculpt-wise. I took a look at a few of them over on HLJ and I was really disgusted by what they make. Scat just really isn’t something I like to look at.

    Yeah, I like the original show the best XD Although they’re all good (I haven’t seen IOV Shinsou, though). Suvia would’ve been better if they’d just kept her as the main protagonist/victim instead of splitting time between her and Sigurd. I forget, did the main valkyrie in the first show have a name? I remember the little loli valkyrie was Skuld and Freya sold her out, but I don’t recall the blonde valkyrie ever getting a name.

    >> softz
    Thanks! I aim to please. And yes, I am quite sure this figure is good for everyone XD Much more playability with this figure than most, too.

    I wonder what the condensed milk guy would do if he got his hands on a figure like this.

  4. Katsura-chan says:

    Idea is nice but in practice i’m not attracted with her.
    What bother me the most are her breasts who look like a bit odd to me.
    Not a fan of huge breasts at first so i guess that don’t help lol

    As i hate to leave parts in the box, i would probably never expose her naked and it’s mostly the main reason i wouldn’t buy her.

    Photos are nice and i enjoyed to read this post.

    You’re the first blog i see who post such exposed figures and it’s very appreciable. Thanks ^^

  5. Tier says:

    Yeah, they don’t look all that attractive. I kinda wonder if they made them so round so that they could house the magnets.

    My ultimate goal for this site is to make it the second-best porno figure review site on the planet. (First-best is the condensed milk guy’s blog, who goes way above and beyond what I do.)

  6. softz says:

    *LOL* You seem to have something against/with the condensed milk guy huh. I didn’t catch up with his blog after that. How did he clear the milk after that I wonder (plain water rinse?).

    -> Katsura-san, the girls in hentai and, I think what they call, hentai doujin have ridiculously large breasts. I don’t understand why but those frequent reader seems to like that very much. Don’t you think so, Tier?

  7. Tier says:

    I’d guess that’s what he does, since the milk should be water-soluble; I know I wouldn’t want to try to use funky chemicals to clean off figures. When I was reading up on model kit building, I found that some people strip paint off their kits using Pine Sol; I thought it was a more or less harmless cleaning liquid.

    I love what the condensed milk guy does XD It’s something that I might’ve done if he wasn’t already doing it. The only problem I have with his page is that he often puts so many pictures on one page that my browser stops loading them. (Actually, now that I load his page up, it looks like he cleans off his figures by dunking them in a bucket filled with soapy water.)

    Yeah, boob sizes run from flat chest to ridiculously big, even in hentai. I like a nice, happy medium myself, as far as the animated breastages go. Or maybe a bit bigger than medium.

  8. DaSaru says:

    No realistically-sculpted anus. Do not want. LOL.

  9. Ashlotte says:

    They are big in the Hentai, but atleast unlike the figure their well shaped. These are like porn star breasts just fake looking sphererical beach balls. :p

    As for the blonde girls name was….uhhh…shoot I can’t remember either. I watched it a long time ago when it first came out…I should probably watch it again as I’ve seen some pictures where its uncensored and as I remember the original had somewhat unnecessarily large mosaics. >_<

  10. Ami says:

    I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve seen this hentai. I just came across it when I was looking for stuff on Valkyries. T_T And your right Norse Mythology does seem to be popular in Japan. I don’t really know what to say about this figure though. I’m kind of speechless. xD But this doesn’t disturb as much as that dog one.

    I’m not into hentai figures but I don’t think I would mind one of Suvia. I like her character design. She’s cute! She kind of reminds me of Alleyne from Queen’s Blade.

  11. Lylibellule says:

    Well, i think you’re the very first site i follow regularly who dare doing this kind of review. I approve because it let us discover other style of figures.

    I don’t mind this kind of figure at all. But here, i don’t like her disproportionate body. Her breasts are strange along with her neck. On the contrary dressed up, she got a certain standing. For Giga Pulse, its good work.
    Funny to see how many parts for a single figure.

    Suvia is really cute. A figure looking like her wouldn’t displease me 🙂

    Good work on photos.

  12. Katsura-chan says:

    If you plan to do a lot of adult figure i’ll surely be an accustomed reader ^^
    I bought my first adult PVC a week ago myself 🙂

  13. Tier says:

    >> DaSaru
    That’s a deal-breaker and a heart-breaker right there XD That’s the standard by which I judge all ero figures from now on, too.

    >> Ashlotte
    Yeah, I think I’m gonna stick with Native (and Orchid Seed and Daiki Kougyou) for my h-figure needs. I’ve got three Giga Pulse figures now and that’s more than sufficient to render a judgment on their quality.

    I need to designate a day to be Hentai Day and spend it watching h-flicks. Maybe President’s Day next month would be a good day for that.

    >> Ami
    That’s nothing to be embarrassed about! Now if one watched something like, say, Princess Lover … now that’s pretty embarrassing.

    <.> Lylibellule
    Thanks! Yeah, if I had a chance to re-think this purchase, I probably wouldn’t have bought it. It’s an interesting novelty but it’s not worth the money I paid for it.

    >> Katsura-chan
    Congrats on your new acquistion! XD The world needs more pr0n figures and more fans of pr0n figures. It would make for a happier place all around.

  14. lee says:

    nice! I wonder how many people own this kind figure(personally I’d like to get that dog)..and whats miku doing in the last pic, is she gonna do something to valkyrie?

  15. Tier says:

    I’d guess maybe a half dozen XD Or not that many, anyway. I’ve been looking for a decent-looking 1/8 scale dog to, uhh, accessorize my photo shoots but I haven’t had much luck. Miku’s going to do what she does best, which is sing! And dance, and look cute. And then she’ll take Aaliyah and put her on a wooden horse and flog her.

  16. RWB4 says:

    “Captain Planet, he’s our hero, gonna take pollution down to zero.”

    Somehow you managed to take an innocent world-friendly show like Captain Planet and turn it into something dirty.


  17. Tier says:

    Corrupting childhood memories is always a fun activity! Admittedly, it also shows my age and I was wondering if anyone here remembered that show XD

  18. lee says:

    I knew it, mikus actually the bondage queen.

    and no way dude, I thought your way older than that!
    I still remember captain planet and I’m still not at the legal drinking age yet(not yet anyways) lol

  19. Tier says:

    It’s always the ones you’d never suspect. Like who’d have thought that Tiger Woods could be a hentai hero?

    And yeah, I am old (I turn 30 this year), probably too old to play with half-naked little plastic anime dollies … ahh, who am I kidding, I’m never going to grow up.

  20. Wolfheinrich says:

    I see that I have been falling behind and missing out some good review~ I too have been a secret admirer of Suvia, I think she is super hot! I have a giga figure in my collection somewhere, but eh, not in a hurry to get another one.

  21. Tier says:

    I’m thinking three Giga Pulse figures is enough for me too. Unless they happen to do another one with tentacles. Tentacle figures are hard to come by for reason -_-

  22. Tommy says:

    Nice figure. You definitely don’t buy Giga Pulse figures for their quality, but I think they still beat some of the mediocre companies like Taki Corp and Altelier Sai.

    I’m surprised that she actually came with two bodies, which is a pretty good idea for cast-off figures since they can make a more realistic naked body sculpt.

  23. Steve Chen says:

    I just got the A version. I got an extra hair strand part, where does this fit in? No instruction manual btw………….

  24. Tier says:

    >> Tommy
    Err, dang, missed this comment. I’ve never seen an Atelier Sai figure up close but yeah, I’m thinking that everyone beats Taki, Giga Pulse included. I really wouldn’t mind if Alter decided to get into this niche though … they’re doing figures of dudes, so they should broaden their horizons even more.

    >> Steve Chen
    Hmm, gee, I don’t remember any extra hair … looking at the figure, I don’t see any place where hair could attach, although there’s a curious outline on the right side of her hair. I’ll have to find the box and see if I overlooked the part.

  25. Steve Chen says:

    Yeah,that outline on her right side that looks out of place. I’ll take a pic of the lock of hair and link it here.


  26. dryden says:

    you can attach that hair in that outline, but only if you display her with the naked torso, otherwise it wont fir 😉

  27. Tier says:

    Whoops, completely forgot about this. I did actually find the lock of hair here and as I’m displaying this figure sans armor and clothes, I’ll have to see where it fits in.

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