Risty from Queen’s Blade (NSFW)

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

With snow armageddon spreading across the entire east coast, I had some time to shoot some photos, so here’s a look at a figure that was released a few weeks ago. Risty is one of the original Queen’s Blade characters and is thus one of the franchise’s more prominent representatives, but this version is a bit atypical compared to its counterparts.

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

In the anime, Risty is a wandering bandit and helps send flagship character Leina on her journey towards destiny. Her original design was done by Eiwa, but this figure instead comes courtesy of Jun Tsukasa. Tsukasa’s earlier art sometimes bears a strong resemblance to Range Murata’s style, which is how I first came across his work. However, while Murata often draws younger-looking characters, Tsukasa’s art usually features fully-formed, muscular women. His rendering of Risty is surely no exception.

Jun Tsukasa Risty artwork

MegaHouse’s decision to go with Tsukasa’s Risty rather than the source character design is a bold one. Anime is dominated by cute, gooey-eyed girls; scarred, bulging with muscle, and toting a huge morning star, there is absolutely nothing cute about this version of Risty. Many of the Queen’s Blade girls pander to the usual litany of anime character fetishes – Airi’s twintails, Melona’s bunny ears, Menace’s striped underwear, Tomoe’s miko attire, and so on – but it’d be difficult to ascribe any such thing to Tsukasa’s Risty, unless one has a fancy for musclebound barbarian women.

Actually, being that half-naked barbarian women are an integral part of such series as Red Sonja, Xena, and Sega’s Golden Axe video games, perhaps that should be counted after all. One has to wonder whether any of those inspired Risty’s design.

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

Risty is sculpted in 1/8 scale and is about 21.5 centimeters tall at the top of her head. Like MegaHouse’s other Queen’s Blade figures, her clothes can be removed, but it’s a much easier process here than on most of the other members of the lineup. To get her top off, you just yank off her head, detach the clasp on the back of her bustier, and slip it off over her neck post. To get her belt off, you just undo one clasp. Much more straightforward than, say, Mirim. Similarly, her equipment is easy to attach; just pop the endcaps off the shaft of her morning star and her buckler handle and slide them into her hands.

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

The sculpt is mostly spot-on with respect to the source artwork and constitutes one of the more impressive figures I’ve seen. Her musculature is appropriately defined here, with her massive thighs and washboard abs being quite evident. Her fiery hair is also remarkably detailed; no hemispherical helmet hair here, her tresses comprise a cascade of individual tendrils coursing down her back. One deviation is that her scarring is less visible on the figure than in the art, where it’s one of the most prominent aspects of the work.

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

The paintwork is excellent although admittedly, being that she’s not wearing much, there aren’t a lot of details to paint. There is a bit of a discrepancy with the original character design in that Risty’s hair is supposed to be entirely red, whereas the figure has two-tone hair. In Tsukasa’s picture, the ends of her hair are cast in shadow, giving them a grayish color; I’m not sure if this was a mistake by MegaHouse or an artistic decision.

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

I really like how MegaHouse did her face; she looks perhaps a bit younger than in the artwork, but the principal highlights – the pursed lips, the icy glare, and the heavy lashes – are all there. It gives her a strong look, like she’s not someone to be trifled with.

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

If one were unfamiliar with the Queen’s Blade franchise, one might not even recognize this Risty as being an anime character. I have to give MegaHouse props for putting out this figure; it’s certainly distinctive, even from their other Queen’s Blade figures, and they’ve done an awesome job in bringing Jun Tsukasa’s drawing to three dimensions.

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

As mentioned, Risty is castoff-able, and half-naked photos follow a bit further down.

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

MegaHouse Risty from Queen's Blade Review

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32 Responses to Risty from Queen’s Blade (NSFW)

  1. Jungian Professor says:

    is it wrong to say that i find this…. a turn on?

  2. softz says:

    I don’t know what to say about this muscular woman. Her muscles are the only reason holding me back from getting this figure…

    But, you did a great job with the background 🙂 Very nice!

  3. Tier says:

    >> Jungian Professor
    Absolutely not! The entire point of this site is the admiration of anime figures in such a manner.

    >> softz
    Thanks! I’m not normally a fan of woman bodybuilder physiques, but I like Risty because she’s so exceptional. To be honest though, I’d rather that she remain the exception, as far as other figures go.

  4. Lenneth says:

    Very nice review. Shes not the usual sort of figure I buy either but I got her anyway for the painstaking detail put into her. Gawsd MH did a magnificent job on her.

  5. Lylibellule says:

    Kya!!!!!! You received your Risty!
    What to say… she’s gorgeous. It’s precisely her women barbarian style i like. So it’s normal that she’s muscular.
    You did make a great diorama once again. Congratulation!

  6. Tier says:

    >> Lenneth
    They certainly did; I’m really hoping that one day they’ll make an Irma figure of similar quality. Actually, at this point, I’d pretty much settle for any figure of Irma, high quality or no.

    >> Lylibellule
    Indeed! She’s a really welcome change from all the moe girls you see in this hobby.

  7. Leonia says:

    You made an amazing work for this figure ! She is really great ! I’am always impressive by your reviews. If you want participate again at Shadonia, don’t hesitate ^^

  8. Tier says:

    Thanks for the kind words XD I’ve sent you a zip file with the files.

  9. Amano07 says:

    How did you get the strap for the shield on to her forearm? does it come off, i dont really want to rip it and break so if anyone can assist me that would be awesome !

  10. Tier says:

    Oops, I forgot to mention that. Yeah, the strap comes off; you pop the cap off the end of the handle to slide it into her hand and position the shield over her forearm, and then plug the strap back in.

  11. Tommy says:

    LOL, I wouldn’t have noticed the difference between this and the anime counterpart if you didn’t mention it. She’s a feisty one alright, but a little too manly for me…if it was more in-line with the anime, I might’ve bought her. But I have to say it’s weird looking at her in cast-off.

    I love MegaHouse figures because of their willingness to stray away from mainstream/original designs and make something bold, even if people don’t like it. So props to MegaHouse for giving us this Risty. 😀

  12. Tier says:

    It’s definitely unusual to see a massive six-pack directly under a pair of naked boobs on an anime figure. If they ever make an Irma figure, though, I hope they’ll stick to the source art. Wait, I don’t have to worry about that; nobody draws fanart of Irma. She doesn’t even have a figure of her own yet while Reina has like a billion. She barely shows up in the first season of the show!

    Who does all the poseable Queen’s Blade figures, Kaiyodo? I wonder if they’ll ever make Irma and Risty Revoltechs so I can re-enact their battle and give it a drastically different ending.

  13. Blowfish says:

    Ahh…this makes the waiting for mine sooo sadistic.I preordered mine with a eurpean retailer and can only guess when she arrives on my doorstep.

    While most people are rather turned off by this I love her raw muscular,scarred look and her face is simply priceless.

    Thanks so much for making me want to own her even more ^^

  14. Tier says:

    No problem! XD Her face is awesome, it’s one of the best facial sculpts I’ve seen on a figure. Hope you get yours soon! And I hope that Megahouse finally gets off their butts and makes me an Irma figure <.<

  15. Pingback: Reviews | Risty – Megahouse (Tier) | Shadonia

  16. jm says:

    This is by far my favorite QB figure that I own and just my favorite figure period. I’m a huge fan of Tsukasa Jun and don’t mind a muscular women so this was a no-brainer purchase for me. I hope this figure has strong sales because after seeing Tsukasa Jun’s rendition of Claudette, I’m begging Megahouse to make her based on his art also.

  17. Tier says:

    I’ve only got a couple of Queen’s Blade figures but I think this is the one I like the most out of all the ones I’ve seen, which is sort of funny since my favorite character is Irma and Risty didn’t exactly treat her delicately.

    I didn’t know Tsukasa did a picture of Claudette, but I agree, that’d be awesome. Yamato’s also shown off a couple of figures based off of his art that I’m really looking forward to.

  18. jm says:

    Yeah, he’s done some art for the card game. Here’s a link to his blog where you can see some examples. His Irma and Aldora are really nice too.

  19. Tier says:

    I want a poster-sized blowup of that picture of Echidna and Irma. Right now. You’re right, his Claudette illustration would make for an awesome figure (Griffon’s version looks okay, but something like this would blow it away for sure).

  20. Alex says:

    First of all great work on the diorama, and review.
    I don’t like at all girls with muscles, and don’t know the character or series, but i’m definitively thinking on buying this one.
    And I liked a lot my pink Cammy from Yamato, so I trust on your good taste mate.

  21. Xavier says:

    Actually. I hated her design until I saw your review on it. I’m tempted to get her, because to me, she looks like an excellently executed figure. She’s all woman, and I like that. And her face, I thought she looked too manly in other shots, but you make her look very feminine despite the muscles.

  22. Tier says:

    >> Alex
    Thanks! I’m not particularly a big fan of musclebound girls either but Risty was way too cool for me to pass up.

    >> Xavier
    I’m glad my pictures were helpful XD She’s definitely jacked up as far as muscles go, but she’s still got a very slender waist and wide hips which I like a lot.

  23. NegativeZero says:

    A friend and I were debating Risty, I see her as a no brainer, while he has chosen to pass on her.

    I haven’t read you review in full since I am work but the pictures are excellent. My Risty is in the mail and I anticipate her arrival soon.

    Dare I say she’s one of the few “perfect” Queens Blade figures? at least IMO.

    Risty is definitely a keeper. I’ve passed through your site a couple times before but Risty finally brought out the typer in me, I’ll be back. Thank you for your review.

  24. Tier says:

    Thanks for stopping by! I really like Risty, but I can understand why some people might not be too enchanted by her, since she’s quite a bit different from a standard garden-grade anime figure. For me, this figure is how I like to see Risty; the original softer-bodied, big-eyed, anime-style representation doesn’t seem quite as right as Tsukasa’s version.

  25. meow says:

    All I have to saw is…RRRROUUUUUU!

  26. Pingback: Chivalrous Wasteland Bandit Risty | Flying Pussyfoot

  27. Cantan says:

    Could never buy this model. The mouth makes me think too much of a cheap inflatable sex doll.

    Think the face looks a bit too smooth and obviously plastic for my liking which is a shame as the rest of the body looks like it has been sculpted very well.

  28. Tier says:

    Haha, yeah, I can see the resemblance. I like it, though, mainly because it’s different from a lot of other figures. Probably because she has lips; lips are pretty important for expressing emotion but so few anime figures have them.

  29. Pol says:

    Quick question. How do you attach the shield? Can see where the end of the handle detaches but the loop doesn’t fit over her hand. Assume part of her left forearm comes off but can’t tell where.


    • Tier says:

      It’s been months since I handled this figure but if I remember right, the loop detaches from the shield; you position her arm and then reattach the loop over her forearm. I might not be remembering this right, though.

  30. Fox Lee says:

    Do her shoes/arm fur things come off too? I think Risty’s gorgeous, and I love love LOVE seeing a buff anime woman figure… but her clothes are so hilariously pointless XD She’s better off without them.

    I have quite the mind to save up for this figure.

  31. Pingback: Review: MegaHouse 1/8 Risty *NSFW* | Figyura (フィギュラ)

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