Kotone Ousaka from the Art of Tony Taka (NSFW)

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Those in this hobby know that if you sleep on a figure, you can miss out. I had already preordered Kotone Ousaka from a domestic retailer, but with no assurance that they’d be able to fulfill my purchase and encouraged by the spate of reviews popping up on Japanese websites, I went ahead and picked her up off of eBay. Reactionary? Certainly. Worth it? Oh hell yeah.

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

This 1/7 scale figure comes from Native, but the actual sculpting appears to be done by Max Factory. It is of course based off an illustration done by noted artist Tony Taka and is the second ecchi-type item I own from his works, the first being his dakimakura from Comiket 75.

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Sculpting and painting are excellent, as is the norm for Max Factory. The eyes are particularly nice and are instantly recognizable as Tony Taka’s style.

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native’s website suggests that the company name is a portmanteau of “naked” and “creative,” and in keeping with their previous figures, Kotone’s bikini top and bottom are removable. Her top simply balances on her chest and as such is easily detached and replaced, but her bottom is a different story. Her bikini waistband separates on the right side, and I couldn’t figure out how to reattach it; it appears that you slide one end into a very small hole in the other end, but after a half hour of struggling, I said screw it and gave up.

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

In a bit of thinly-disguised innuendo, she comes with a banana accessory. Indeed, the box has a picture of a banana peel and banana cutouts. The banana doesn’t seem to firmly attach into her hand so care should be taken not to lose it.

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

She also comes with a school desk on which she reclines. It has two pegs – one for her left wrist and one for her right foot – that secure her to its surface. It also comes with a curious buttock-shaped depression on which she is meant to settle. Presumably this is because her behind is of a fuller form than most anime characters. Definitely outstanding work by the sculptor on that note, by the way.

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

She cost a pretty penny but it was money well-spent. Kotone is absolutely stunning. Glorious, even. As the pictures attest. Ecchi figure fans won’t be disappointed by her.

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

The next Native figure appears to be Shoujo M. I went ahead and preordered her through Tokyo Hunter’s service, from whom I also bought Kotone.

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Native Kotone Ousaka from Taka Tony Review

Up to the tizzop

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30 Responses to Kotone Ousaka from the Art of Tony Taka (NSFW)

  1. Wolfheinrich says:

    Ahhh so you already picked her up huh, she is definitely a beauty, I am still waiting for Toylet’s preorder though.

  2. Tier says:

    She is! I’ve only had a retailer cancel a preorder on me once (and that happened years ago), but I’ve got the feeling that this is a likely candidate to be the next.

  3. meronpan says:

    ooo gorgeous! i’d say she definitely does the original illustration justice ^^ now then, how did this gal ever get into a situation where she was wearing a bikini under a school uniform and, mid-change, decided to eat a banana? 😛

  4. Leonia says:

    Kotone is really sexy (too maybe for my collection). But the sculptur is great and your picture nice ! Congratulation for this purchase and thanks for this presentation ^^

  5. TITS! No I’m not that immature.

    …or am I? :B

  6. Tier says:

    >> meronpan
    Indeed! It makes no sense but when she looks this good, I am more than happy to overlook the absurdity of the whole setup XD

    >> Leonia
    Thanks! Yeah, I get the feeling that Max Factory is using the Native brand because they know that ero-figures aren’t going to be for everybody.

    >> Observer Extraordinaire
    Absolutely not! Who doesn’t like tits? I see no reason why they shouldn’t be liked.

  7. marcucho says:

    Hi! this figure is very beauty, the face, hair, clothes,tits!! are awesome!!… but there is something about her that dont convince me, the body is a little extrange i refer the rips and hips area to the thighs….its looks like the sculpt was forced.. it doesnt like natural.. well, i will buy other version of her ..

    take care byes!

  8. Tier says:

    It might be because of the source artwork; I didn’t include a picture of it, although it’s not hard to find.

  9. Blowfish says:

    Ahhh….Shes one of those figures id love to own but couldnt order due to money restraints.Im grateful for sharing the pictures!
    Awesome figure with and awesome pose ^^

  10. Tier says:

    That’s too bad, she’s probably one of the best ecchi figures I own. Actually, you know, looking at my shelves, most of the blatantly pornographic figures I have are high quality, other than the one Giga Pulse figure.

  11. Pingback: Saturday Afternoon With Native Girl Kotone Ousaka (NSFW)

  12. dryden says:


    i finaly got her too, my 3rd native figure after collete and shoujo m. and like the both before, shes rly awesome. i only have 2 issues with her:

    1. that bikini bottom (i tried a bit longer than you, but the result was the same, SCREW it xd)

    2. the peg on the desk for her wrist doesnt rly fit in the hole (did you had the same problem?)

  13. Tier says:

    I wish they’d used a peg or something for her bikini rather than that side-facing notch. I don’t think it’s a very good design decision but then again, I wasn’t going to use it anyway, so I guess it’s all good.

    Yeah, it doesn’t fit that well … it fits okay enough that she’s stable, but you can see a little bit of the peg sticking out under her wrist, though you have to be looking at a pretty low angle to notice.

  14. Steve Chen says:

    Same problem with the frickin’ biki/panty strap……………screw it! It just won’t fit.

  15. Tier says:

    Yeah, I haven’t even tried since I took these pictures. I do have a backup Kotone in a box someplace, so if I ever do need a dressed-up Kotone, I guess I can take that one out.

  16. Steve Chen says:

    You have two?! “I am not worthy…………..” Just got mine a 2 weeks ago from a nice lady you know, man is she beautiful or what?!(Except the d@mn strap hehehe) I usually like to cast off all my “femme fatales” but this lady is erotic enough with just her partial nudity.

  17. Tier says:

    She is! She fits pretty well with Metatron so I have them posed together now.

    The funny thing is, I got my first Kotone (the one depicted here) off of eBay from Tokyohunter (his last one, I think), and I see that someone on OtaKai was negotiating to buy it just before I bought out the auction. That wasn’t you, was it?

  18. Steve Chen says:

    Nope, not me. I technically purchased mine last May 2010, and I received her give or take two weeks ago.I think it was another U.S.A. based member( I’m Asian based) who also owns a Native Mko (lucky guy).

    Without deviating, I’m kind of leaning to getting either the Metatron fig or Volk’s Fate T.H.too (I blame you for that hehehe), nice @ss on the former and a nice pose on the later.

  19. Tier says:

    I remember seeing Mko for sale at a couple of places. I really should’ve bought it; I wasn’t sure if I liked her face too much but man, I’m kicking myself at passing over a high-quality 1/5 scale tentacle figures. It’s not like there’s a lot of them to choose from.

    I’m happy to take the blame! Metatron’s one of my favorite figures; she’s my favorite Alter figure hands-down. She gets the place of honor on my desk, right next to Kotone.

  20. Steve Chen says:

    Another sel imposed kick in my butt…….grrrrrrr….. Mko…….

  21. Cantan says:

    Curious but where (and how) do Native list their figures? Haven’t seen hide nor hair of any on the usual Japanese sellers websites and putting in “Native Figures” in google just returns lots of little Injuns. Do they list under Max Factory?

    • Tier says:

      Err, dang, didn’t mean to ignore this comment. Anyway, Native has their own webpage and their figures are listed under their goods section. Most of the major hobby websites also cover Native’s release announcements, and they always show off their stuff at the major hobby conventions.

      • Cantan says:

        Ah don’t worry about it – found it on my own eventually… Having looked at their offerings think this is probably the one I’d like most from them – hopefully they’ll re-release at some time. The original Collet is also pretty cute but the blond version just looks wrong.

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, she’s really nice, I think either her or Collet are my favorite figures from Native … I like Kotone’s design a bit more but Collet’s 1/6 scale and well, she’s got a pretty special pose. Yeah, I don’t dig that blonde version much … I’d get it if I couldn’t get the original version but the original version looks a lot nicer, I think.

  22. Steve Chen says:

    FINALLY! Got the bikini straps together. ’nuff said.

    • Tier says:

      Congrats! Man, I’m not even gonna try doing that again. I’m not even sure where I put it; I probably should’ve put it back in the box but I think I tossed it into a Ziploc bag, along with a bunch of other castoff parts from other figures.

  23. Steve Chen says:

    So your’s is panty less? Anyway when I got it it was pre owned so not quite sure if the first owner removed it. Yours was MISB I assume from TH, so was it also in that state of detachment? Anyway nice hauls again.

  24. Harry Kim says:

    Aaaack. I broke my stupid bikini strap trying to put it together. It came shipped unhooked and I’ve had it for about a year and decided I didn’t like looking at the strap undone. I pulled it and it frakk’n broke.

    I need a backup Kotone as well. Or Max Factory should send me a new bikini bottom dammit!! Argh.

    • Tier says:

      Erp; yeah, there’s always that risk, it’s one of the things I hate about handling figures. Sometimes it drives me nuts just taking them out of the box, since it’s not always obvious how to disassemble them to remove the protective plastic and I’m terrified of damaging them.

      Maybe you could fix it with some super glue and putty? I’ve had to resort to that technique a few times with other figures; it’s not perfect but it can look acceptable.

  25. Rene says:

    yes she is very nice cast off one of the better ones me and my brother have on are gaming shelf next to the 3DS games XD

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