Now this is a figure that I never thought I would own. The dark elf female was originally produced back in 2007 and sold in limited quantities in Japan. Those on this side of the pond had to contrive alternate means to acquire her, which usually entails exorbitant expenses. As my means were quite limited back then, I had to pass on her, much to my chagrin. My regret was compounded by the reality that in this hobby, if you miss out, you seldom get a second chance.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that she would be sold this summer not by Japanese retailers like Hobby Search or HLJ, but by Entertainment Earth and Big Bad Toy Store, each an American toy retailer that principally offers American products. I got my preorder in with the quickness and the dark elf arrived last week. There are lots of reviews of her already – this figure being two years old – but here are my thoughts.
Sculpted in 1/8 scale, she looks superb. Outstanding. Magnificent. Words are superfluous; just look at the pictures.
She comes with a few detachable parts – her sword and the mantle that drapes around her waist. I generally prefer to display her with the mantle removed.
I really like how her face is sculpted, with her neutral expression conveying possibly relentless focus or perhaps condescending dismissiveness. Her steely gaze is enhanced by the colorlessness of her eyes. Good stuff all around here.
Unlike the human mage, her base is a plain black disc adorned with the Lineage II logo. I considered incorporating the mage in this photo set but I guess her foliage-based base would seem out of place.
As this figure is rather old, there are a few other reviews on the web. Foo-bar-baz has one, of course, as does Meronpan.
I’m still rather surprised that I was able to buy this figure. Perhaps that heralds her reintroduction? Who knows; I do know that this is one of my favorite figures already, one that I am very glad to own.
In a cheeky challenge comprising callipygian contestants, who shall be the champion?
Catching up on the blogroll again, been so busy with the Miss Dollfie pageant contest ~.~; I thought there is a dark elf like in E2046 as well?
There’s a couple, both in their ORI lineup; the dark magician figure (which is a great figure) as well as a 1/5.5 scale figure which is very similar but has a different pose (and is of course much larger). I don’t have that latter one, but I’m kinda thinking about putting in a preorder for it.
HI!!! woow this figure is awesome ! yea!!. definetly i ll buy it! jajaja
dificcult-… after a minucious review the champion is ….. Metratron!!-2-elf-3-chichinoe jajaja (im talking about asses! jakjaja) do you agree?
saludos byes!
Whoa, that’s simply amazing. If this is the limited/exclusive Good Smile Co. Dark Elf, then I’m thoroughly impressed that it was even offered up for preorder at those websites. I know there was a second run for her and she sold like hotcakes during that period, too.
She really is gorgeous and I have, yet, to open mine.
>> Marcucho
I think that my ranking is the same. I should’ve lined up more figures … maybe I’ll do that when I’m low on post ideas.
>> Jem
Yeah, I was really surprised. I figured that if GSC were going to re-release her that she’d be sold on Amiami or something. I’m really glad that they sold her in the US and I’m especially glad that I kept an eye on the BBTS new products listing.
Of course Tier , we are agree jajaja.
dont worry.. eating chocolate is get energy..get energy == Post ideas!! jajaja ok?
Take care
Beautiful picture ! Congratulation for this presentation of Dark Elf !
Im not a fan of elves and their ears so ill stay quiet ^^
On a completley different matter.Your backdrop is great.How did you make it?
Haha, I guess that’s kinda like me and animal ears. I really don’t like animal ears on anime girls.
The columns are wood dowels wrapped in plaster cloth, and the floor is just more plaster. When I was painting up the ground, I was going for an old, ruined look, and I didn’t think that I’d done enough to achieve that. Then I took the pictures and I was like, “Wow, the floor is a real mess, maybe I went too far.”
My floor is a real mess now, too… lol
Yeah, I’ve been oddly attracted to that figure for a long time now and even up to this day my wanting for that figure still stands strong. Good Smiles Company simply has some of the most talented designer I have ever seen.
Too bad the sale for that figure is over =[ Does anyone know if there is another place where I can still acquire that figure? (Either GMC ver or prepaint by a pro)
Unfortunately I do not
Well, other than eBay, anyway. Looking through the listings, it looks like there’s a bunch of counterfeit figures listed there; this figure is notorious for being bootlegged. I’m guessing the more expensive listings are authentic, though.
They just announced the regular elf, which is stunning. Came here to look at the quality of the line.
But I see it’s from a different company. Well, that figure is still amazing, and I might get it, and it’ll make it to this week’s Figure Friday Five Hot
Yeah, I just saw the painted sample of that figure (I remember seeing some photos of an unpainted sample at one of the summer figure shows in Japan). That’s going on the preorder list too. I like Orchid Seed a lot; I’d put them right below Alter, MF, and GSC right now, but if they can deliver on Seena and this elf girl, they’ll be right up there with the best in my view.
nice shots and cool background props! luv how you presented this figure. too bad I missed out on this when it was on sale. T_T
Thanks! Yeah, this figure’s had the strangest release history … first a Japan-exclusive, then it gets a limited US release years later. Hopefully Orchid Seed’s upcoming L2 dark elf will look as good as GSC’s.
Hi Tier, I’m in love of this figure and looked desperately but I started to collect figures recently so I came up late. Now I’ve found a place that have it in stock and it only cost 81USD. I bought them the Joker Dx01 and it’s the original one but I still have my doubts, specially when I’ve read in Myfigure… that there is a falsification.
Ok my question it’s if you had seen photos of this fake figure. I mean I’m kinda afraid on falling on that one.
Sorry for bother you.
I don’t think I’ve seen photos of the specific version you’re referencing, but at $81, I’d guess that’s a fake. This figure is notorious for being one of the most bootlegged out there and since I haven’t heard of GSC doing a reissue after I bought it, I have to think there’s no way any place would be selling this for that price.
Thanks a lot Tier. I really had my doubts on this one.
No problem, I am happy to help.