Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart 2 (School Swimsuit Version)

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

I liked Griffon’s first Sasara so much that I picked up their second. This particular offering retains the school swimsuit motif, albeit in a more conventional manner by dolling Sasara up in a standard-issue blue swimwear under her school uniform.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

When it comes to figures, Alter, Max Factory, and Good Smile Company are often regarded as the best of the best, consistently synthesizing flawless sculpts, outstanding paintwork, and dynamic poses into quality products [citation needed]. Griffon is considered by most [who?] to occupy a lower rung on the manufacturer ladder, and I wouldn’t disagree with the common view. I have a couple of their Kanu figures, one of which is alright and the other is the worst figure I own, as well as a Ryofu which has its share of issues. The first Sasara, though, I do like.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

Happily, Sasara #2 is more akin to Sasara #1 rather than Griffon’s Ikkitousen figures. For starters, she’s big; she’s listed as 1/7 scale and she’s a solid 24.5 centimeters from the bottom of her shoes to the top of her head, and she’s surprisingly heavy for her size.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

Oftentimes anime characters are given stylized, slender body builds. Sasara veritably scoffs at such presumptions of anorexia; she is strongly built, with noticeably thicker thighs than is the norm. I like this very much. I also like her facial expression; unlike the pouty Sasara #1, Sasara #2 offers up a coy smile and a saucy cock of the head. It’s my favorite part of this figure.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

The paintwork is good, with her swimsuit given a glossier finish than the rest of her clothing. Her hair is a bit dull, I suppose, and I didn’t take a lot of pictures from the rear because of how her hair dominates that view.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

Her skirt isn’t attached to her, like Yamato’s old Kanu Unchou. Unlike Kanu, the skirt can be removed completely, which I didn’t notice until just now, so I have no pictures of her sans mini.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

I have to admit, her pose really isn’t all that exciting. I like how she tilts her head, but she isn’t going to earn any plaudits for dynamism in figure sculpt.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

I also have to admit, her boobs do look strange. Not saying that’s a bad thing – I admire a nice rack and she is definitely sporting a superb example of such – but I don’t think that even a garment as tight as a swimsuit wraps around breasts like that. Not that I would know myself, lacking breasts. On the other hand, I suppose realism isn’t really something to expect regarding anime figures.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

I really do like Sasara, boring pose and all. My opinion is mixed regarding their Ikkitousen lineup, but I’ve got no problem at all buying their To Heart figures; perhaps the remainder of their product line will someday be as good as them.

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

Griffon Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart Review

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6 Responses to Sasara Kusugawa from To Heart 2 (School Swimsuit Version)

  1. Leonia says:

    Nice review ! Congrat’

  2. Wolfheinrich says:

    I am still debating whether I wanted to pick up that Sasara that got canned on me from another source, quite strangely I still haven’t gotten started on ToHeart 2 so I have little motivation to get her.

  3. Tier says:

    >> Leonia

    >> Wolfheinrich
    I’m not sure which of Griffon’s Sasaras I like best, but they’re both pretty nice. This one’s not all that exciting, admittedly.

    Then again, I see Volks has just announced a Sasara Dollfie. Hmm …

  4. I know of to heart, I have not played or desire to play to heart. I also have no interest in watching the anime adaptation, all I do know is I really really like Sasara, so much so that I almost buckled when Danny Choo showed off the Sasara dollfie dream!!

    Almost, but not quite. Nanoha and Fate hit harder too, but my defences still stand!!!

  5. Tier says:

    My will is sorely tempted too. I really wanted Rin, and if she’d been sold on their website my restraint might’ve broken. I’m not sure how Volks is selling Sasara, and I don’t think I want to find out, since I might not be able to resist picking her up if I do.

  6. Blowfish says:

    MY first Griffon figure is on its way to me and it is DA-DA-DUM and Ikki Tousen Figure!
    It looked good in the prototype shots though and I am hoping for the best!

    I totally agree that theres too much Love for the Big Three and that the other Manufacturers get the other end of the stick.Sure most of the time the big three deliver great stuff but you should still acknowledge great wuality even if its from one of the lower ranks

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