Itsuki Kannagi Dakimakura from Sora Kake Girl

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

With two dakimakura in my possession but only one body pillow, I don’t really need any more pillowcases. When I saw that Itsuki was going to be the star of her very own dakimakura though, I had to have it. Itsuki is my favorite character of my favorite anime series in the past few years (not saying much, as I haven’t watched much anime in the past few years). I have this thing for duty-minded, socially inept characters (I wonder if there’s a Japanese phrase for this archetype?). Itsuki’s dakimakura came a few days ago. How did it turn out?

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

Pretty much like Yoko, which I suppose is no surprise, as they’re both made by Cospa. One side depicts Itsuki in her field uniform (technically her piloting uniform but she often ends up in it for obvious reasons), her face displaying ambivalent consternation.

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

The reverse side has her dressed up as her alter ego Mutsumi Shimoyama, the covert operations alias she assumes when infiltrating a high school. Curiously, she is wearing a garden-grade brassiere here, whereas she wore a sarashi in one of the series’ early episodes. She also evinces grave indignity here. Itsuki is a rather reserved girl, perhaps she feels more free to express herself when she is not herself.

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

I would’ve preferred a front-and-back view of Itsuki in her Q-tector suit like the Yoko pillowcase, but this ain’t bad.

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

The pillowcase is made of 100% polyester. The images are clear, sharp and bright. The texture is smooth, although it’s noticeably rougher than my Taka Tony dakimakura. I’m trying to think of something to compare it to; I suppose it feels a bit like the red tablecloth I’ve used as a backdrop in some of my figure pictures (not surprising, as looking at that tablecloth’s label, I learn that it is 43% polyester).

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

Anyway, Itsuki looks great and this is a great, great item. Made greater by Itsuki’s presence, of course. Good Smile Company needs to roll out her figure already.

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

The camera just sort of points itself at these sorts of things sometimes, and there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

These things too.

Itsuki Kannagi from Sora Kake Girl Dakimakura Review

Maybe I ought to get some more pillow bodies so I can display my dakimakura in all their glory. Yoko’s looking a bit flaccid here.

Up to the tizzop

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5 Responses to Itsuki Kannagi Dakimakura from Sora Kake Girl

  1. Nagashiko says:

    Those are awesome pillows. And your anime figures are cool as well.

    My favorite pillow would be the meganekko one. =)

  2. It’ll be a long time before I can get one of these ^^;

  3. Tier says:

    >> Nagashiko
    Thanks! Curiously Itsuki shows up in her schoolgirl disguise early in the series, but she doesn’t use it often for the rest of the show. It’s sort of a shame since her social clumsiness is hilarious to watch.

    >> Observer Extraordinaire
    I’d been wanting one for a long time before I got one. In this hobby, there’s almost nothing better to raise eyebrows. (I guess a pornographic anime bedsheet might; even I won’t go that far. Probably, anyway.)

  4. Blowfish says:

    I still need a proper Body for my Dakimakuras but dont feel like shelling out that much vash for one.
    Shops over here dont have them in Dakimakura Sizes

  5. Tier says:

    That’s a shame, importing the pillow from Japan is probably crazy expensive. Before I got mine, I tried stuffing the pillowcase with two ordinary-sized pillows, but that didn’t work out too well.

    The pillows are only around $20 here, maybe I should get a couple more so I can proudly show off Yoko and the Taka Tony one.

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