Tamaki Kousaka from To Heart 2 (Kaitendoh Black Lingerie Version) (NSFW)

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

This post has boobs. And nakedness. And other stuff. Turn back now before the lily-white purity of your everlasting soul is forever tainted. By the breastageses.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Tamaki Kousaka is one of the superstars of the anime world, and like Kanu Uncho and Rei Ayanami, is a popular source of inspiration for figure manufacturers. Curiously, I don’t own any of them prior to this one, and I waffled on this figure for a long time. A combination of unknown manufacturer, unfamiliarity with the To Heart franchise, and an astronomical price tag almost deterred me, but her size – an impressive 1/6 scale – and the awesome publicity pictures militated against my concerns and now she’s here.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

As her name indicates, she comes dressed in black underwear. There’s also a version where she is attired in white, but I like black better.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

However, her clothing is almost meant to be cast off. Her brassiere sort of lies on top of her chest and the straps don’t actually attach to her; they just sort of slide under her arms. You can see how the questionable fit of her bra exposes underboob here.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

How does her hair stay up like that? An internal structural frame? Profligate use of hairspray?

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

The advertising copy doesn’t hesitate to note that her clothes come off. So let’s take them off. Oh, the shame.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Wait, what’s that?

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Oh my. Well, you know Tamaki is still in control of the situation.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Or is she?

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

What’s that supposed to be for?

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Oh, right. Tamaki’s sculpt is superb, as is clearly evident.

Who could the mysterious john who has Tamaki at his beck and call be?

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Oh my God, it’s the president of the United States! What will Michelle say, Mr. President?!

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Her stockings are made of a fishnet cloth material, which is a nice touch. Her other undergarments are of flimsy plastic, however. They’re translucent which is pretty sexy, but the straps seem a bit fragile.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

I really like the way that Kaitendoh did her face; from some angles she looks seductive and naughty, and from other viewpoints she appears merely serene.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

One thing about her that isn’t readily apparent in the photos is that she comes apart rather easily. Her head and legs detach from her torso to facilitate the removal of her underwear. However, Kaitendoh did a pretty good job of masking where the plastic pieces detach.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

This figure is marketed as being built out of “candy resin,” which is purported to be stronger than ordinary figure plastic. I’m not sure about that, as I’m not about to go dropping Tamaki on the floor to test out this assertion, but the material does look different. I don’t think my pictures convey the difference very well, but it’s apparent on the pictures for Manaka on Hobby Search. Speaking of which, this is the first figure I bought from Hobby Search, after using Hobby Link Japan for most of my import needs. They shipped fast and Tamaki got from Tokyo to Dulles within a couple of days, so I’ve definitely got no complaints about them.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

I’d be remiss in my duties as a figure reviewer if I didn’t note that despite her cast-off nature, Tamaki is not particularly detailed as far as anatomy goes. At the risk of sounding crude, she just has a barely-discernible slit between her legs. God, that sounds awful. Then again, given the nature of this review, I suppose crude terminology isn’t all that inappropriate.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

This is a fantastic figure, one which both Tamaki fans and perverts in general will absolutely adore. She’s very pricy, but if you have the means, I highly recommend picking her up.

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

Kaitendoh Tamaki Kousaka Review

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13 Responses to Tamaki Kousaka from To Heart 2 (Kaitendoh Black Lingerie Version) (NSFW)

  1. Leonia says:

    Nice presentation but so hot and sexy as the figure ^^

  2. woooh~! That’s an amazing model!

    LMFAO @ Barack! He knows where it’s at. XD

  3. Blowfish says:

    I think you delved ino a whole new territory: Comedic Reviews!

    So tell me where the hell did you get those Anal Beads from?

    The whole Setup is just right! Boy this is awesome XD

  4. Tier says:

    >> Leonia
    Thanks! She looks amazing.

    >> Observer Extraordinaire
    The perks of power aren’t bad at all. God I hope the Secret Service or something doesn’t ever see this page.

    >> Blowfish
    Thanks! I got the beads from an arts and crafts store, I think little kids buy them to make bracelets. I felt sort of weird standing in the aisle looking for the right type of beads, but it was totally worth it XD

    I’m pretty sure that we haven’t seen the last of Barack Obama on this site.

  5. Wolfheinrich says:

    I agree with Blowfish, your comedic review is most awesome, I always have fun reading through them. And you got Barack LOL.

    All other jokes aside, Tamaki neesan does look very sexy, I might have to think of a way to get my hands on her now.

  6. Tier says:

    Tamaki turned out a lot better than I expected. Admittedly, I wasn’t expecting very much, even with the cringe-inducing price tag, but she looks superb.

    I need to get more props ready for the president, I sort of threw this photo session together at the last minute and there were some ideas I had that I couldn’t quite get done in time.

  7. Pingback: 向坂環 ‐挑発‐ Kousaka Tamaki -Seduction- « WAWAWA 忘れ物

  8. meronpan says:

    also saw this on display in akiba… made me wish i had ordered her too ^^;; on the other hand perhaps her translucent garments are a bit over the top for my collection still ^^;

    great review! tama-nee ftw!

  9. Tier says:

    Over the top? How so? XD

    It seems like a lot of Tamaki figures have come out recently, or are coming out. I’m kinda thinking that this Tamaki won’t be my last.

  10. Meimi132 says:

    Brilliant! Those pics of the Obama doll with Tama-nee are priceless!!!

  11. Tier says:

    Thanks! I need to work President Obama into more of these shoots; he’s great fun to use.

  12. cantan says:

    Very nice shoot, though the beads… not sure I could even contemplate doing that. Wouldn’t look at the figure the same… mind you I have a very provocatively black armoured Echidona who… NO! (she doesn’t have the same anatomical detail anyway)

    Looks like this figure might be re-released soon (http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10085121) – emphasis on “might” as without a date, who knows. I like the figure, but $140 plus carriage and duty… I’ll just wait for Buddy instead!

  13. Tier says:

    Haha, I’ve got to use those more often. I probably should’ve used them for Shoujo M, now that I think about it.

    In retrospect, I like this figure and all but 11,730 yen is way too expensive given all the other Tamaki figures that are out there. MF’s Tamaki is one of my favorite figures of this year (I really need to get her review done) and Kaitendoh’s done a bunch more Tamakis that look just as good and are around two-thirds the price.

    Waiting for Buddy is a good plan, I’m definitely looking forward to that figure. There are a ton of good figures scheduled for October but I think Buddy’s the one I’m anticipating the most.

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