Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

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Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

We have here a figure of one Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo, hereafter referred to as Lala. She apparently was the cover girl of a Japanese drawn-pr0n magazine named Comic Aun, and she enters the third dimension in a solid 1/7 scale from the manufacturer Orchid Seed.

One very obvious characteristic of Lala is going to determine who takes her home and who does not. While she comes dressed in a skimpy green two piece swimsuit, one does not acquire a figure like this to leave her in that sort of thing. After a quick decapitation and dismembering of her arms, off went her clothes. Pictures of her attire can be viewed at Hobby Search or any other retailer carrying this figure.

I’m not sure why she is strapped, nor am I much of a gun nut so I’m not sure what she’s carrying. (A Sig P226 maybe? I dunno.) Paint application is generally clean, and I don’t notice any major flaws. Oh wait, there’s one. There’s a big scratch on her left thigh, but I don’t know if that’s Orchid Seed’s fault; when I got the package, a corner of the box was smashed in, as if the Postal Service went all Chris Brown on it. It didn’t help that Kid Nemo didn’t really bother with padding the box, which is sort of disconcerting as it took them like two weeks to ship this figure. You’d think that’d be enough time for them to buy some bubble wrap or newspapers.

I buy some figures because they exude personality, like Gwendolyn and Mishiro Akatsuki. Their faces project emotion, their poses evince movement and dynamism. Other figures I buy simply because they are slutty as hell. This is definitely one of those other figures; there’s nothing really all that distinctive about Lala’s pose or character design, although I do like the futuristic headset and the red scarf. Based on that criteria, this is a pretty cool figure, one that I’m very happy with.

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

Orchid Seed Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun Review

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17 Responses to Lala Poplip Pipiruno Pipiru Paparemmo from Comic Aun

  1. Marcucho says:

    HI!! esta figura es una de mis favoritas y ya la compre, pronto llegara a mi casa y sere feliz!!! Woow! que sexy! y buenota esta!! jakjakjak


    take care.

  2. Matt says:

    Hey there!

    Quick question. Through your review, I went ahead and bought this figure too. I love it but I can’t figure out how to safely remove the bottom piece. Its a one piece set up and I can’t get it off…I removed head part and arm parts but can’t get it past her huge boobs. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!!

  3. Tier says:

    Let’s see, it’s been a while since I’ve done this. I’m assuming you’re talking about her bra top; you pop off her arms and head as you mention, and then you pull off the little bow tie on the back of the bra strap. After that, you can just unclasp the back of the bra (it’s a flimsy clasp). Then you can just pull it right up over her neck stump and then reassemble her head and arms.

  4. Matt says:

    Hello Tier,

    I’m sorry for not being specific. I was not talking about the bra top but the underwear. It does not separate like the bra top strap. So I figure you just bring it up from the waist over her neck stump. However, her chest gets in the way and I can’t get it past those boobs. I appreciate your help with this!!!


  5. Tier says:

    Ah, my bad. I looked around for the bikini bottom and I can’t seem to find it here. Most distressing. If I remember correctly, one side of the waistband has a little clasp that separates, and then you can pull it right off. Hopefully it’ll turn up somewhere around here and I’ll be able to confirm that.

  6. Sharushan says:

    Hey, i have a question, i recently purchased her, but when i was taking her head off i accidentally got paint from her gun onto her head and i was wondering how i would be able to remove it.

  7. Tier says:

    You might be able to get it off with a Q-tip or tissue moistened with rubbing alcohol. If that doesn’t work I guess you could try something a bit more aggressive (maybe Goo Gone?), but I’d be careful about that; I’ve never tried using a paint thinner or acetone on a figure but I’m pretty sure that using either is a good way to destroy your figure (particularly acetone).

  8. Sharushan says:

    thanx a bunch i’ll try the rubbing alcohol method first, lol however, if that takes off the paint on her hair as well, do you know where i could buy paint to touch it up.

    (She has pink hair btw)

  9. Tier says:

    You might be able to get some cheap acrylic paint at Michael’s or another arts and crafts store. You might be able to find paint online, too; you can google for “Tamiya paint” and see if you can find someone selling it. I think you’ll be safe using rubbing alcohol, though.

  10. Sharushan says:

    Again thanx a bunch you saved me some tremendous grief

  11. Marcucho says:

    hi!! i have this figure is really cool and sexy.. i have the same problem… i ll follow your advice jejeje


  12. Pedro says:

    This is also one of my favorite figures.Well finished and honestly nude.I love her .

    • Tier says:

      Yeah, I love this figure. Her quality is kinda rare for an Orchid Seed figure, and I’m a little bit surprised that I haven’t seen more love for her on the web.

  13. TomTheCat says:

    With the open-top slide, the gun looks like a Beretta to me. If it is a 92 or any other model I might be able to discern if I ever get my hands on this lovely Lala. But in connection with this figure, I guess the weapon’s the least thing anybody’s interested in…

    • Tier says:

      True indeed, though I imagine there are some people out there who would ogle the gun first. Man, I need to re-do these pictures one of these days, Lala is still a great figure and deserves some better shots.

      • TomTheCat says:

        Now I finally got her, yippee! And yes, the gun is a Beretta. Judging by the shape of the trigger guard, a 92 FS model. I’m actually surprised at how detailed the gun is, bearing in mind that it’s just an accessory to a figure that aims (No pun intended) at an entirely different market. While it’s no match to Dragon’s range of 1/6 weapons, all the switches are depicted with reasonable accuracy. It even has a hollow muzzle and a grooved rear sight!

        Regarding her bikini: The top comes off as described, but the bottom is indeed a one-piece thingy and can not be unclasped. With (quite) some caaaaaaareful, but still determined, tugging it can be stretched just enough to slip past her ample assets. (Well, the main obstacle is actually her arm stump, but that doesn’t sound nearly as good.) And while this stretched thing might be put on again at some point in the future, there is no way it will ever again fit her “just right”, so you could just cut it up right away…

        • Tier says:

          Yeah, I pretty much gave up hope of getting it back on her, and I don’t think I know where it is now, anyway. Being that she’s anatomically correct, I’m quite happy to display her the way she is … it feels like it woulda kinda be a waste to hide that away.

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