The Dark Magician was the first pre-painted, pre-built figure I bought from E2046. They say she is in 1/6 scale, although she is really closer to 1/7. She is based on the PC MMORPG Lineage 2, albeit with a Caucasian skin tone rather than the inky blue complexion featured by the game’s dark elves.
The dark magician – who has no name as far as I know – comes with a cool mirrored base and a pair of staves, one silver and one somewhat akin to copper in hue. Her proportions are rather atypical; she is presented with very long legs and an impossibly curved back. She comes with a sort of train or tail for her outfit that covers up her backside, but I’ve elected not to put it on her.
I didn’t know much about E2046 or their ORI lineup when I bought her. I don’t even remember how I came across that site but when I saw this figure, I knew I needed to buy it. I love the outfit, the sculpt, and the character. Of all the figures I own, this one is my favorite.
Very nice looking figure and a good shoot – think the plain white background is actually very good for catching the contrasts and details. Have never played Lineage or any other normal MMO; I just object to the monthly payments (have played Guild Wars quite extensively for that reason).
Just ran a search in Ebay for lineage 2 figures to see what else there was out there and encountered a US retailer selling an elf ranger… seriously you have a very nice figure there… but this one… talk about pudgy and butt-ugly. Anyway – made me laugh.
Just realised why it looks so crap – the guy appears to specialise in selling nasty Chinese knock offs of other models – just seen a Miko Kanu that is just so wrong…
Thanks, I’ve been thinking about re-shooting this figure since it’s one of my favorites, but if I do, I think I’ll keep the bright background for most of the shots.
Yeah, I didn’t like the subscription model much when I first started playing MMOs, but I did save quite a bit of money playing Warcraft, since I basically shut down all my other hobbies. I pretty much shut down the rest of my life during that time, too, so I don’t think it was a very good trade.
Haha, yeah, the Lineage figures have all been bootlegged like crazy. Particularly the Good Smile Company one; that one is famous for its fakes.
Tier, I’m a first time poster here. I just discovered your site about 3 days ago. Because of you, I saw this post, and hence this statue for the very first time. I was already familiar with and wanting to get Good Smile’s Dark Elf Female from Lineage 2’s statue, it’s all over ebay. But it’s pretty pricey there, so I’ve been holding off.
But this Dark Magician is new to me. And I just had to have it!!!! And I’m a brand new collector trying to figure out where to start, but when you said “of all the figures I own, this is my favorite.”, you sold me. I played Lineage II for 2 years, almost always a dark elf Shillien Elder or Blade Dancer, so I’m quite familiar with their very sexy gear :).
Alas, this Dark Magician figure isn’t on ebay except for an obvious fake seller who paints his own resin kits and tries to sell them as a knock off as Cantan says.
But I got lucky. E2046 is selling a combo set right now with BOTH the Dark Elf Female AND the Dark Magician. The pictures suggest that I’ll be getting the same paint scheme as you have posted here, so hopefully I’ll get both in one BANG. I just placed my order. Though I’m out $311 now and will have to wait before I get anything else for a while, I think it should be well worth it, especially looking how hard it is to get one of these, let alone BOTH.
This is my first purchase with them, I hope it goes well. I’ll post again here when I get it, letting you all know what I think of it.
I have you to thank, Tier!!
Have a better one!
Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad I was able to help out and I hope you have fun with this hobby XD (In the interest of full disclosure, the dark magician is now my third favorite figure, right behind giant Kenshin and Senhime, but she still looks no less amazing to me than when I first got her).
Nice pictures, I also looked at E2046’s pre-painted resin products, but I was skeptical of the quality of the paint job. I just might pick something up from them now.
They do a pretty good job. I suppose one complaint I’d have is that their skin tones often have a shiny look which isn’t all that realistic, but it’s not uncommon with hand-painted model kits. However, for the price, I think their quality is excellent.
Man that is an excellent figure she has. Nice.
Does she still rank as one of your favorites now that a few years have passed? I’ve been looking at this one at e2046, but, that one has the grey skin, and more of a dress flowing from her. It looks removable.
I’ve really like the non anime look some of these Ori lineup’s have. I’ve ordered Ming Yue, and own Jian Xue. I also order the Wizard and Mona (with Halberd)..
So much for food.
Yeah, this is still one of my favorite figures, though not my #1 favorite anymore. Probably not #2 or #3, either – right now, I’d probably rank Volks’s Uesugi Kenshin, Alter’s Dizzy, and Volks’s Senhime above her – but she could be #4. Well, actually, maybe Isoroku Yamamoto would be #4. Yeah, Dark Magician is #5, I think. Maybe. Man, you know, I’ve been collecting figures for all these years and I haven’t really ever thought much about ranking them.
This one had a dress too, though it was removable so I kept it in the box. I think it’s still in there.
Yeah, I really like the more realistic faces and body physiques that a lot of the ORI figures have. Though I do have their ORI Saber figure, which looks so ridiculous that it’s awesome. I wonder if I ought to review it.
Food can be cheap! There’s ramen noodles, and soup, and beans and rice. And tuna and rice with shoyu, I ate that quite a bit when I was in school.
… God, what an awful set of photos these are. It makes me wince just looking at them.
Do the saber review. You keep thinking about it. Last couple weeks I’ve kinda gone crazy with figures. I think I have about 4 of them in the mail. Or soon to be released. This month
Been eyeing the shunya demon girl as well.
This is a different Saber! E2046 made this funky Saber (called the Lovely Maiden version) where they spliced Saber’s basic design with one of the villains from the 360 RPG Magna Carta II. Man it’s a wacky-looking figure. Wackier than gangsta lean Saber, even, who’s a pretty strange figure herself. I don’t want to suggest that maybe there’s some interesting chemicals in the break room over at E2046’s office but I really have to wonder what sort of thought processes lead one to think, “Hey, let’s mash together Saber’s design with a Hyung Tae Kim character and make a figure out of it!”
The Demon Girl is pretty cool, too. I kinda hope they keep doing figures like that and the ones based on MMOs, too, particularly with TERA having come out recently. A nice-looking Castanic figure would be pretty awesome.
Forget ranking your figures. All that talk about the most beautiful figure/girl/car you’ve ever seen or the best song you ever heard is BS. The instant you hear another song on the radio, you think “Oh, that’s quite good too.” A great figure is a great figure. And if you manage to acquire another great figure, then you have two great figures, not one #1 and one #2.
BTW, I like the photos very much. If you should do another shooting with her, it would be nice not to substitute the present photos but just adding the new ones.
Ha, yeah; I’d have a pretty tough time deciding which are my favorites, though every now and then I entertain the idea of doing Top 10 rankings of various features and themes found in my collection (Top 10 action girls, Top 10 best swimsuit figures, Top 10 best asses, etc.). I might still do such a list but it’d be mostly for fun; I really do like most of the figures in my collection, which is actually becoming something of a problem for me, because I keep saying that I want to sell off some figures but I am having a very difficult time letting some of them go.
I guess I probably won’t re-shoot this figure, since I’ve got too many figures in the queue to want to re-shoot an older figure, but I would definitely use this shoot as a cautionary tale against using a lightbox. Hmm, that’s an idea for a future post.
I recently bought one of these from e2046 and I agree it looks great. One thing that bugs me, however, is the difficulty of taking her robe-piece on and off the back. It’s a very tight fit and I’m afraid that I’m going to break something. I also have to deal with bits of paint transfer. Any tips for removing/attaching it any easier?