Canal from the Art of Shunya Yamashita

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

We have here a figure of the unfortunately-named Canal, or Kanaru in some places. The box says Canal so that’s what we’re going with. She’s the latest in a long series of Shunya Yamashita drawings to make the jump from paper to plastic, and she comes to us in a solid 1/7 scale from Art Storm.

I’ve been looking forward to this figure for a while, and it’s not hard to see why. Canal’s outfit is a cross between hooker dress and industrial HVAC equipment, a curious hybrid that probably wouldn’t work outside of anime styling. It looks great here, though. She’s rather more fully proportioned than the archetypical anime girl, and I would guess that her thickness will deter some potential purchasers.

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

She’s certainly not flawless. Her paint job has a major issue in that parts of her are over-darkened, like when someone goes nuts with the burn tool. This problem is particularly evident around her breasts and on her face, which is noticeably ruddier than her backside. It looks a bit like Asian person flush; if you haven’t ever seen an Asian person drink, they turn red as hell with the quickness. I had friends back in school who thought I was smashed after one drink because of that. Then again, Canal looks like a healthy white girl so I suppose that can’t be it. Maybe she got sunburned. I remember getting sunburnt like a mofo after graduation. It was a beautiful seventy degree May day, the students were beaming and radiant and the sun even more so. Unfortunately the commencement speaker was neither Kurt Vonnegut nor Mary Schmich and even if it were, it would have been too late. By the end of the day my nose had blackened and dead skin was sloughing off my face. The agony was exquisite. Truly a memorable couple of weeks.

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

What were we talking about? Oh, right, plastic pervy anime figures. So yeah, the paint work isn’t really the greatest. Does it bother me? Nah. Plus she was cheap at under sixty bucks. The pose is cool, the outfit is tight, and the price is right, how can you not like a figure like this?

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

Art Storm Canal from Shunya Yamashita Review

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5 Responses to Canal from the Art of Shunya Yamashita

  1. Mike says:

    Shes HOT!! I like her, especially the ass and legs. Nice and thick without being like one of them fat assed King Magazine chicks. If she was real, id sell my kidney and a nut to be able to hit that for a week O_O..

  2. George says:

    She is hot Mike, but I don’t think I’d give up a nut because I’d wanna hear them slapping against that awesome ass for sure!

  3. Dark Putra says:

    amazing ass

  4. Tim says:

    I think this is my favorite figure. I love the pose, the costume and the colors. I have been trying to do digital illustrations of these figures. I’m going for Hyper-realism, but with an illustrative aspect as well. Come check out the first three drawings I did from photgraphs. I really like you site, because your photography is awesome and I couldn’t even begin to afford buying these figures and taking my own photos, so Thanks!

    • Tier says:

      Thanks for the kind words. I also like this figure a lot, though I still wish that they hadn’t been so heavy-handed with the reddish tint on her face. Aside from that, she’s fantastic. It’s a bit of a shame that there aren’t too many figures made these days of Shunya Yamashita’s original works.

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